Romans 10:17, John 16:24, Isaiah 6:8
Mike Davies on being prepared to hear and listen to what God is saying to us.
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If God can speak to you today and you are in a position to hear then it is impossible for God to speak to you and for your spirit not to be changed.
As Christians we are in a wonderful position to speak to God and then to wait and to listen to Him.
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.(John 16:24 NIV)
When your pain is intense and nobody seems to care. You can cry out to God and He will never ignore you. He will not be distracted. You will have His full attention.
24/7 you can cry out to Jesus. He doesn't look into your past, He looks to your present and to your future.
Speech is powerful and there is nothing more powerful in changing a life than a conversation between you and God. In that you can build you faith and anything linked to our faith is linked to His heart.
In Isaiah, we read: Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8).
When you have a crisis moment God will speak to you with something that may seem illogical but not impossible for you to use your faith to obey.
What God has done for thousands of others He can do for you.
In praying and then writing this article I am aware that some may be hurt because they find their voice has not been heard. This can be in conversation with a person, people, or even with God. If you find you need breakthrough then I would love to stand with you in prayer.
Be blessed and know that your voice is important.