Proverbs 3:5-6, Job 42:2, Romans 5:2-5

Paul Critchley
Paul Critchley

Trust is not something that is easily done. Sometimes it means letting go of what you believe and what you feel is rational and putting it in someone else's control. It means letting things leave your control and having hope that the person (or thing) you are trusting in comes through.

Of course, there are easier times to have trust. It seems a lot easier to trust God after receiving a financial inheritance or pay rise, or getting a new job, or having something good happen to you. It seems so much harder to trust Him when things aren't going right.

In my own personal walk with God I have faced many challenges. I particularly remember leaving the security of my 'day job' to pursue a call to lead worship. I remember driving to an appointment just after I had handed in my notice and shouting out loud in my car, "This is scary, but it's exciting!" There was something about the reality of letting go of what had been my physical security (my pay cheque, my every day routine), to trust and follow God, not knowing where He might ultimately take me.

What an amazing beginning it was, experiencing God's favour and opportunity to serve. Life seemed so good and I was utterly convinced in His purpose for me and His ability to more than sustain me. Funny then how a few years in, crisis shook my foundation. I thought I was absolutely solid in my walk with Jesus. I had held on to my favourite Bible verse, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and never rely on what you think you know, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path' (Proverbs 3:5-6), but the truth was I was in financial difficulty. I had told my family that I wasn't sure how we were going to pay our bills or provide food for the next month.

The reality hit me and I began to question my decision to pack in my job. I searched my heart to see if I had offended God. I even wondered if He was listening to me!

Right in the middle of this I had a call from a friend inviting me to lunch and to chat. He didn't know my situation, but I was looking forward to sharing my difficulty with Him. This event unfolded and it's something I've spoken about but never recorded until now.

My friend and I met at a local restaurant for coffee and sandwiches. As we sat down, we had just begun our conversation when I noticed a lady enter the room and walk up to the bar. She caught my attention because I noticed that she walked to the end of the bar and turned back around without placing an order. Now she was heading for me! She sat down on the sofa next to me and said hello to my friend who she said she knew was a Christian leader in the city. Her next words were directed to me and they went like this, "Are you a Christian? Do you need some money?" Well, apart from being shocked at her knowledge of my situation, if not my name, what could I do? I had to say, "Yes, I do". Then the most amazing thing happened. She reached into her bag, pulled out her cheque book and pen and said, "What's your name?" As I told her, she wrote out a cheque for a £100 and placed it into my hand, got up and left the bar. I remember vividly the picture on my friends face! He said, "Did that really happen?" It was an amazing moment and very timely for me.

So, why did she come in? How did she know I was in need? I guess I'll never know. Was the amount of cash going to cover my needs? No, but what I strongly felt God impress on me was this, 'Trust Me. I know what I'm doing!'

He had, out of His kindness caused me to get close to Him. To cry out to Him, even to question Him and with a token offering had caused me to reconnect my trust to and in Him.

No matter how difficult things appear to be or how much we are struggling, the ultimate truth is that God is right there with us. While we may not always be able to depend on our jobs, our banks, or even our Government, we can always depend on God. Nothing can stop God from keeping His word.

The reality of this verse settled into me, 'I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted' (Job 42:2).

So, today, what struggles do you face? What challenges are in your life? And most importantly, where are you putting your hope? Who are you putting your trust in?

Maybe this assurance will encourage you today. Allow God to speak it into your situation and to feed your faith.

'We have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.' (Romans 5:2-5) CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.