Genesis 6: 5-22
For me there is no one in the whole of the Old Testament quite like Noah. I used to think he was just a guy who built an ark, which all the animals went into, but I found out so much more.
Noah had found favour in the eyes of God. Why? It's quite simple, he walked with God. Abraham was later to walk before God and Moses walked after God, but Noah walked alongside Him. When God told Noah of his plan to destroy mankind with the flood, Noah accepted it as God's will. He believed and trusted in God entirely.
I grew up wanting to be a footballer. I stopped going to church when I was 11 so I could play more football on a Sunday morning. I practiced a lot and was convinced it was what was right for my life. I began playing for Stoke City Football Club Youth Team and was playing at a higher level all the time. But it wasn't right with God. Football was what I wanted and not what He wanted. I became too old for the team and found that I didn't want to pursue a career in the sport. God led me back to church and before I knew it I was singing in church, playing church football, starting a band with a few friends and even preaching! God's way was the right way.
Noah must have been frightened, worried and certainly a laughing stock for the task God had put before Him. It didn't matter. Noah's consistent walk with God was his main aim in life, above anything else he wanted to do. He persisted to trust in God and continue his walk with God on a daily basis, always learning, always willing.
Here's something I wrote myself recently...
I know God is alive because my future is looking bright
I know
God is alive because I spoke with Him last night
I know God is
alive because my life is never boring
I know God is alive because
I spoke with Him this morning
How often do you talk to God? He doesn't offer a good's the
best life.