Galatians 5:25, Romans 7:6

When I was at school I used to really enjoy school sports days. There was the typical sack race, spud and spoon race and many other things that they would never allow in the Olympics for some reason, can you imagine being a gold medal winner at the Olympics for the spud and spoon race? How awesome would that be!
Anyway one of the most bizarre events was the three legged race where you would get tied to another person and race with them. Usually a few things would normally take place during this event:
You would either get your legs cut to bits because the teachers used string which acted like cheesewire cutting through your skin; or laugh and fall over, but then you would get the 2 children that took the race seriously and marched with great gusto off to the finish line with a "we'd better get this right or our dad will have us practising for the rest of the year" attitude.
One of the things about the children that were brilliant at the three legged race is the way that they communicated with each other, usually they would call out 1-2-1-2-1-2 or left-right-left-right-left-right etc. They would be completely focused on walking together and keeping in step with the each other and would come through the race as winners.
There have been many things in my life that have helped me to understand some spiritual truths but one of the most surprising ones has been the three legged race. And here's why!
'Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.' Galatians 5:25
As we walk through this life we can either choose to be the kind of person that thinks they can win the race on their own and either end up falling over and hurting ourselves or we can be the kind of person that will communicate and keep in step with the Spirit. The prayer for my life and my hope for your life is that as we communicate with the Spirit we will begin to depend more on His "promptings".
'But now we are discharged from the Law and have terminated all intercourse with it, having died to what once restrained and held us captive. So now we serve not under [obedience to] the old code of written regulations, but [under obedience to the promptings] of the Spirit in newness [of life].' Romans 7:6
Let's live lives that are in step with what the Spirit has got for us
to do and live lives that are worthy of the one that counted us worthy
to die for.
going to do a family service and wow a three legged idea is what I had. Exactly the same