John 14:12, Romans 12 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

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Conviction or complacency?

There is something about looking forward to greater things that keeps people fresh, motivated, and moving forward. I have a growing conviction that greater things, greater days and greater achievements await those who expect them. If I had listened to the naysayers, the doubters or the "it will never happen here" crowd, I would have never made it this far.

Learning from fleas and elephants.

I have been told that if you place fleas in a box with a lid, they will jump and hit the box lid. However after a time, they will adjust their jump so that they will no longer hit the lid. If you remove the lid the fleas will not jump out of the box because they are conditioned to stay in the box, never to break out of their confinement. In the same way a baby elephant that is tethered to a rope in its infancy will not challenge the rope in adulthood. Even though an adult elephant could effortlessly rip the rope from its stake and be free, it won't try because it has been conditioned to maintain and conform to the lowest level of living.

Don't believe everything people say.

  • 10 years ago people said a quality youth ministry in Bradford was impossible to build. (Watch rocknations documentary on

  • 10 years ago people said Bradford young people would never record a CD. (Listen to an RPM CD.)

  • 10 years ago doctors said Charlotte and I would never have children. (Visit my facebook and see my kids, Hope and Noah.)

Don't believe the naysayers who are constantly depressed, negative and focused on worst-case scenarios.

You and I are not called to be conformers but transformers. Transforming yourself starts in your imagination. Read Romans 12 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Let's focus on the word 'Greater'. What would 'Greater' look like for you?


  • Gets you out of bed in the morning.

  • Gets you through another week of planning, hard work and preparation

  • Gets a former addict through another day of rehab at Teen Challenge

  • Gets you out of your mistakes and weaknesses and into God's power.

The truth is that the greatest youth ministries haven't yet been built. The challenges that we face today are actually our greatest opportunities to show how real God is to this generation.

Don't give up and don't live like a flea. Decide today to jump out of your box. Remove the box lid, and see what you can do for God.

Jesus is ready to help you do greater things. What an awesome promise!


The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.