Proverbs 22:3, Genesis 2:18, Lamentations 3:27-31, 1 Timothy 4:12
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I was appalled to find out that when the lifeboats left the Titanic that there was room to save many more people. Each lifeboat had a capacity of 65 people, yet Titanic lifeboat one only had 12 people on board. Lifeboat seven only had 28 people. Both boats refused to go back to the cries of the people drowning in the water for fear that their boats would become overcrowded.
Church we must not be immature. We must take up the God-given responsibility to be His rescue and restoration lifeboats on the earth today.
Solution: Live a life of maturity not reflecting immaturity, by setting an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Time does not permit me here to speak about the other icebergs I see such as 'insecurity' or 'ignorance', but I would encourage you to take time to think, pray & to discuss other possible icebergs you see.
In closing, I would like to challenge you to adopt the language of 'I See The Berg'. When you see a berg, to say, 'I spot the Berg of Isolation and take actions of integration to solve it. Or to say, 'I see a Berg of Insecurity' here and this is what we are going to do about it.
Lets look for these hidden dangers and by finding them avoid them altogether. You do not have to be one of the statistics of people in ministry that I mentioned earlier, sunk before reaching port. Let's land the dream that God has placed in our hearts safely at the place of destination.
'I see the Berg!'