Romans 5:2, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:20-22

Hello People! It is such a PRIVILEGE to be able to write to you today. There is no other group of people that I value more than youth leaders and those seeking to make a difference to reach this generation. When I use that word PRIVILEGE, I mean it! Especially, because that is what I want to talk about.
Privilege is a word I think we should think and talk about a whole lot
more. Why? Because over the years I have heard so many people say
reaching this generation is a chore not a privilege. Question, how can
serving God be a chore? Answer. When we lose perspective!
I must admit, there have been plenty of times when my work with
young people was made more difficult because of my loss of
perspective. Do you know you don't have to work with this generation,
you get too! It's a special privilege to be working with God to help
Privilege means to have a special right, advantage or immunity granted only to a particular group of people. To have a rare opportunity and bringing particular pleasure.
Living In The Place Of Privilege
'Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.' Romans 5:2
Wow! Jesus has brought us into a place of underserved privilege. Confident, joyful sharers of God's glory. How's that for a job description? This week in your ministry be full of confidence in God, in every task you do and when you share, share in a way that communicates joy!
A home has an address and postcode for a reason. On one of my early trips in the USA, I set off from the house I was staying in and drove across town only to forget my way home. Even though the rental car had a GPS, without knowing the street address and postcode it was useless and I remain lost. At one point I had to stop and ask a stranger on the street, "excuse me but do you know where I live?" It was not a pleasant experience! But when I finally arrived at my temporary home, I apologized and told my friends I had taken the scenic route!
Just as a natural home has an address, so does your spiritual home. Your spiritual home is IN CHRIST. As long as you remember your spiritual address it is impossible to get lost in life. You may take a few detours, but as long as you stay in Christ, you will just be taking the scenic route along the way.
Paul the Apostle writes about this privileged place in Ephesians 1:3, 'He has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.' Paul then goes on to write that God 'raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that an be given not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.' Ephesians 1:20-22
So don't forget your address! When distraction, difficulty and disappointment come remember where you live. You are seated with Christ!
A few years ago I reached a turning point in my life. It was in the middle of a crazy Rocknations conference and I had become worn out with so many things to do, people to see and meetings to prepare for. Suddenly in the worship I remembered this verse in Ephesians and God reminded me that I was seated with him in heavenly places. You see, as an early Christian I memorized the entire chapter of Ephesians 1. But even though I had it memorized, I had forgotten it. I knew the words but had lost the revelation the words meant to convey. That night the Holy Spirit said to me "as long as you stay seated with Christ, the devil will be defeated." I walked out of that worship service feeling ten feet tall. I spoke differently, I lead differently and the conference took off to a new level simply because I remembered my spiritual address. Remember where you live!
Holding On To Perspective
The fact is I don't 'deserve' to be in ministry. I certainly don't 'deserve' to have the awesome wife and family and spiritual family I have. I don't deserve eternal life, but I have it all because of Jesus! I definitely don't 'deserve' to see the miracles we see at Rocknations and my home church Abundant Life, but see them we do!
Just a couple of weeks ago, 39 people were water baptized at my home church in Abundant Life Bradford. More than a dozen youth were baptized on Friday and the rest on Sunday morning. On the Friday evening I was overwhelmed to see such dedication and enthusiasm from these young people being baptized and to see it celebrated by so many family and friends. It was one of the best parties I have ever been to. It was like a funeral in reverse. A party to celebrate life, forgiveness and a fresh start all in one!