Psalm 46:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 1:4, Matthew 5:44, Jude 1:20

Steve Gambill
Steve Gambill

I hope and pray that you are in a storming, fresh and vibrant season.

As young people go back to school, college and university, it is absolutely essential that we as youth pastors and workers demonstrate the love and heart that God has for them. The question is how can we better do that? What plan, what programme; what can we put in place to do that?

With that in mind, I took a long walk earlier today in the beautiful Yorkshire moors praying and asking God for help. There is a beautiful, quiet place up a hillside that overlooks the Airedale valley that is just stunning. After praying for my wife and young family and church family, I felt Gods awesome voice say, "Be still and know that I AM God." (Psalm 46:10)

Hearing that from God brought me such incredible peace. To know the I AM; to know God. What an incredible privilege that is. All my requests and needs are silenced by the presence and power of God. Words fail me to even begin to describe the awesomeness of God. Once again I have literally been silenced by His wonder.

As I left the hillside and walked home, I realized that I had something God wanted to say to you today.

If you want to live a life that's full, you need to be full of prayer.

I know people are busier than ever. I know you probably have a million and one things to do; events to plan, people to contact, things to organise, phone calls that must be made, appointments in the diary, etc. I want to ask you - are you FULL TODAY? Are you full of faith for your future? If you're not full today, what are you playing at? Why are you allowing yourself to live on empty? Why are you excusing your current lifestyle and allowing yourself to be empty?

God has not designed you to run on empty. He has designed you to be full of Him. Are you full of Him of are you just full of it?

Too many young people are full of everything, but God. Recent surveys tell us that the average young person spends nearly as much time on TV, Internet, Facebook and twitter as they spend in school and yet they say they are too busy for God. I think they need a priority re-alignment. Do not allow the culture of the times to rob you of the incredible joy of knowing God so intimately that He silences every fear you have.

Are you full of any fear today? Don't live with any fear in your life, instead live full of faith!

I want to ask you - Are you too busy for God; too busy to pray; too busy to find that moment of stillness where God re-affirms what His calling and purpose for your life is?

I felt the Holy Spirit today reminding me, "Steve be Care-Full to live Prayer-Full". I have decided afresh to visit my little hill very soon, even tomorrow. I have decided to call my hill 'Prayer Mountain'. Fortunately I have a dog, a white Golden Retriever, who needs a daily walk and tomorrow you're gonna find me on my little prayer mountain with my dog, and guess who I am gonna be praying for? Everyone I know!

Have you ever done a topical Bible study on Jesus praying? You will be amazed how many times He went off by Himself somewhere outside to pray. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 1:4, Matthew 5:44, Jude 1:20 just for starters.

Bathe your life, plans, team, finances and close relationships in prayer. Do that for a month and I guarantee you 100% that you will see a massive difference in your personal life and whatever God has called you to do!

Approach your life and work from the position of knowing that it all depends on God. Yes work hard; plan and dream huge; but, if you feel tired, then get your diary out right now and make an appointment for God. Pick the location and plan to turn off the phone, ipad and the laptop. Take off your watch and take time for God.

I think God has some things He wants to talk with you about; some things about your future and maybe about how to live your life; how you approach people or about where you invest your money.

Let God be God in the way that only He can be to you. Let's model that afresh to a generation who desperately need to understand how to live life full! Let's get busy not just FOR God, but WITH God!

And tomorrow yep I'm gonna be praying for you with my dog Jake. So go on live a Prayer-Full Life! CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.