Proverbs 11:24-25, 1 Corinthians 1:4-5, Matthew 25:14-29, Matthew 6:19-21

Steve Gambill inspires us to live generously in all areas of life

Steve Gambill
Steve Gambill

'The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped'. Proverbs 11:24-25

Recently I met a leader who desperately wanted to see growth and increase in his life and leadership. The problem was that no matter what he tried, growth proved elusive and as a result he had begun to withdraw and become frustrated. Unfortunately, those closest to him became the brunt of his frustration and short temper; "I just don't understand it", he complained. "I am praying more then ever, yet nothing seems to be working".

As a result of his complaining, others began to exclude him from their company and even began to call him "Grumpy Gus". This infuriated the leader even more, so he worked longer hours desperately trying to bring increase numerically and spiritually. As a result of his long hours he became short-tempered and began to bark orders to his already stretched but committed team of volunteers. Soon his group began to diminish and the once solid core fragmented. When he asked his previously committed people why they weren't coming, a variety of reasons were given; some said they weren't getting as much out of it as they once did; others said that they felt it was time to move on.

With a growing sense of frustration the leader felt hurt, abandoned and rejected. As a result of these feelings, he withdrew from building close relationships as a way of protecting himself from further disappointment. It wasn't long before his dream of reaching hundreds and living a productive difference making life was put on the shelf. Instead, his dreams were downgraded, expectations lowered and resigned that he must be a failure.

Fortunately, this is a fictitious story. "Grumpy Gus" is both imagined and yet strangely familiar; reminiscent of many conversations that I have had with leaders over the years and if I am honest from my own personal experience, when things didn't seem to immediately turn out how I had hoped.

According to Proverbs 11:24 generosity will grow your world larger and larger. Could growth really be as simple as being generous? If you are generous, your world will increase, if you are stingy your world will decrease. The implications to this truth are immense. You can believe and pray for increase, but if you are stingy the opposite will occur. Stinginess has no part in the life of a Christian who understands by grace the incredible life in Christ that they have received.

'I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way-with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge.' (1 Corinthians 1:4-5) Once you realise His grace, you must remember it, so much so that gratefulness continually floods your soul and permeates every area of life. Out of this deep understanding of grace, generosity finds its fuel. Generosity springs to life and action.

Generosity is an attitude and action

Once generosity springs to life through grace, it must find expression at a practical level. Before we look at practical expressions, it is worth noting that I believe that generosity is a learned trait. If you have never had generosity modelled to you, it may be harder to realise how significant generosity can be in growing increase.

Think for a moment about the generosity of God. God gave his one and only son so that whoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The essence of the gospel is based on Gods incredible giving. We reflect God's nature through the kindness of giving. I don't have time in this short article to do justice to His grace of giving; His grace that saved you completely; His grace that grants you life eternal; His grace that surrounds you every minute of every day with His presence. It's all because of Jesus. Generosity springs from the schoolmaster of God's grace.

In light of that fact, how can we dare withhold any material or spiritual gift from those around us? God gave his very best, Jesus; so what right do we have to hold anything back?

I want to break generosity into three specific areas that any leader can apply at any level; Time Talent and Treasure.

Be generous with your time