Hebrews 13:8, Mark 6:7-8, 1 Peter 5:8, Nehemiah 6:1-4

Steve Gambill
Steve Gambill

Hey Youth Leader!

Thank you for all your investment and hard work in the lives of young people. At times, working with young people may seem a thankless task, but the fact is, it is crucially important to God.

Jesus surrounded himself with young people and devoted much of his time, energy and leadership into a small focused group of 12. In fact you could say Jesus was a youth pastor. Biblical scholars agree that his disciples were thought to be young in age. Never underestimate the importance, or the significance of being a youth pastor. Jesus seemed to think reaching and establishing this generation into ministry was pretty significant.

Hebrews 13:8 states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. So Jesus is just as interested in young people today. The question is where are the youth pastors and youth workers who will take His heart, love and purpose and outwork that in the emerging generation.

There is no greater cause or project I can think of than building His church in a way that reaches the generations. Young people are not the future of the church! They are the church right now. What nonsense it would have been if Jesus said to his disciples, "Wait until you are 40 years old before you pray for the sick". "Wait until you finish your university degree, get married and have your 2.2 children." "Wait until you get that job, wait until you drive, wait until you understand more theology." Jesus didn't tell His young team to wait; he empowered them, prayed for them and put them to work! In Mark 6:7-8, he sent them out two by two to teach from village to village. They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. Jesus was very focused about working and empowering this generation, and so should you be!

Jesus was not babysitting teenagers; he was equipping them for the work of His ministry. Through our work of Rocknations hundreds of young people are working for Jesus and loving it. They are in the band, on the p.a. team, running outreach projects, sharing their faith, praying for the sick and seeing them healed and so much more. Never underestimate what young people and leaders can do when they take their rightful place in the local church.

Nehemiah was one of the greatest builders in the Bible that I am learning so much from. Nehemiah 6:1-4 tells his story of how 3 enemies, Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem tried to stop him from accomplishing God's purpose of rebuilding Jerusalem. They secretly planned to kill him and sent him this message, "Come let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono."

But Nehemiah was spiritually sensitive to God and discerned they were scheming to harm him. Do you know that the devil is scheming to destroy this generation? As long as you plan to reach this generation for Christ, he will scheme to destroy you as well! Don't be discouraged, or unwise about the devil. 1 Peter 5:8 says "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone he may devour." So don't be surprised if you face opposition, challenge and hardship.

Listen to how Nehemiah responded. He said, "I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down." He literally ignored their threats and focused entirely on building the walls of Jerusalem. Five times enemies tried to stop Nehemiah from this 'Great Project' yet he would not stop.

In fact the opposite reaction happened. Nehemiah recognized that his work was vitally important to God and entitled it a "Great Project."

1. Recognize. We must recognize that building the wall of youth/young people's ministry is a great project. Do you consider what you do as a great project? Over the years I have met so many young leaders, who do not understand how vitally important their calling is. Youth ministry is not a stepping-stone to greater things. Recognize what God is calling you to is a great project!

Nehemiah gave up his privileged title of cupbearer to the King, because he recognized how important this work was. This past year, in the midst of many distractions, challenges and transition I have come back to this passage and its core value many times. It has become a rallying cry for our family: "We are carrying on a great project".

Ask yourself this, "What is the great project of your life?"

2. Carry. What do you carry in your heart? I believe God places a desire and compassion in the heart of people for people. Is your heart full of faith and purpose? Is your heart full of hope?