Hebrews 13:8, Mark 6:7-8, 1 Peter 5:8, Nehemiah 6:1-4

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What we carry in our hearts and minds will determine the ultimate success of the project. Nehemiah understood the value of what God had placed in his heart. Do you understand how valuable the project of reaching this generation is to God? There have been times over this past year where I have had to pray and fast and refocus my heart on carrying the right things. Our hearts should carry faith, hope and love. If your heart is carrying any bitterness, resentment or past hurts these must be dealt with.

Can you carry more hope? Can you carry more faith or compassion? Can you believe more for the people that God has entrusted to you? These are big questions that I have learned to ask myself.

3. You cannot go down. Going down means to lower your level of intensity, or to take a weaker or worse position. It is so easy to become discouraged, disaffected, disappointed or disillusioned in ministry, especially in working with young people. Have you ever felt a downward tug? How you deal with those emotions is vitally important.

If you go down emotionally how can this generation be reached? If you are depressed, tired, hurt or burnt out how can you accomplish the great project God has assigned you?

Nehemiah did not allow himself to go down and neither should you! Get up and stay up. In only 52 days Nehemiah was able to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem because he stayed up. Staying focused on God's great project and not going down is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself and those around you. Here are 7 steps to help get you started.

- Focus on what is directly in front of you today. Make today as great as you can.

- Focus on this next youth/church project. Make your next meeting as great as you can.

- Focus on your attitudes. Make your attitudes as great as you can.

- Focus on today not on the disappointments of the past. Make yesterday history, as best as you can.

- Focus on those around you. Make yourself aware of those around you as best you can.

- Focus on this next year ahead. Make yourself distraction free as best you can.

- Focus on what you can do, not on what you can't. Make what you can do as great as you can.

Ask God to help you recognize how great is the project of reaching this generation, to carry it in your heart and to not go down. Jesus is praying for you and ready to help you reach those young people. He believes in you and is ready to work through you. So let's get busy building!