Cross Rhythms Life Files

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Chris MountfordBeing Faithful
Chris Mountford considers whether faithfulness is written in our hearts with permanent marker, or whether it is only faintly etched there. [09.02.18]
Liz DumainWe Have Jesus
Liz Dumain reflects on the 'wolves' in our lives and who Jesus is as we face them. [02.02.18]
Jeff CuttsLiving For The Audience Of One
Jeff Cutts believes that what God thinks of us is more important than what people think. [26.01.18]
Matt SummerfieldLessons From The Life Of Deborah
Matt Summerfield considers the importance of looking to God, rather than relying on your own strength. [19.01.18]
Mark ScholtzBehind The Curtain
Mark Scholtz considers what Jesus did for us on the cross. [12.01.18]
Paul CalvertCitizenship
Paul Calvert reflects on the unity we can live in, when we recognise that our primary citizenship is in heaven. [05.01.18]
James GandonThe Light Of The World
James Gandon reflects on who Jesus is as the light of the world this Christmas time. [22.12.17]
Ibby OkeLiving For Christ
Ibby Oke helps us to examine what we're living for. [15.12.17]
Gideon OpaluwaWhat Do You Live For?
Gideon Opaluwa considers how we can find the answer to the question of why we're here. [08.12.17]
Zara GandonGrowing In Stature Before Man
Zara Gandon reflects on the importance of having a good reputation. [01.12.17]

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