Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

chains of fear and anxiety

Please would someone pray for me that i won't have to live in, and act out of fear anymore- it is crippling. i feel hurt because i have tried to forgive my abuser and dont want him to suffer anymore, but i am still afraid of him, of You, of nearly everybody. i fear people's disapproval, fear their anger, yet at the same time i push the boundaries with people (often unconsciously) until they leave, then i hate myself and want to hurt myself, and the cycle starts again. i realise i am manipulative and needy, but i KNOW the root of it is fear of more abuse and rejection. I'm praying God please help me before its too late and i end up in hospital again, or worse. PLEASE don't turn your back on me, i know i deserve it, but i can't live without you.

Submitted by C on 5 Apr 2009


God intervene in C's life today, help them work through the pain and anxiety. Help them to understand that not everyone is out to hurt them, or leave them. Help them to understand that there are things beyond their control and they need not worry about that, they need not worry that some people come and go, where others stick around. Open their eyes to the work you have done in their life, help them to feel your presence and you're love every day. Heal what is broken, and give them peace. Amen

Submitted by Alison on 6 Apr 2009

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