Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

priest needs prayer

I feel the need to intercede on a client of mine who happens to be priest. About 2 1/2 weeks ago, he contemplated of committing suicide. Thanks God, he was scared of height, in fact he went up on the bastions but fear immobilised him to take another step. Following this incident, he was brought to a short stay ward. Slight improvement was noted however he is still struggling with death wishes. This early afternoon, he was transferred to a psychiatric hospital. He was shocked and scared about the decision taken by the professionals but there was no other way. The archbishop of the place is still insisting that he must resign from priesthood but he cannot accept the decision. He has been in priesthood for the last 20 years. He has problems with sexuality. At the age of 14 years, it is alleged that he was a victim of sexual abuse by a priest. He clearly stated that he does not trust anyone. Please, spare a prayer for him, he needs a lot of support and prayer. It is very tough for him. Dear Lord, i ask you to intervene into this case and have mercy with him. He is only a vulnerable human being who is struggling with daily difficulties. Please have mercy on him and heal his pains. Show him that he is in your hands and that you will never forget him. Thanks Lords!!!!

Submitted by reuben vella on 28 Apr 2009



I pray that God's grace is sufficient for him. God, please strenghten this your child, and hlp him get through this difficult period by you power. Turn his situation around, and let this become a blessing to himself as well as others. Amen.

Submitted by Cyvn on 4 May 2009

hope lives on

Lord, i pray for this man.if it is true that he suffered greatly at the hands of a priest when he was just 14, then Lord i understand his pain. i too was abused by others when i was a child. in adulthood, i too tried to take my own life as the pain inside was unbearable. Lord, you brought me through the abuse and all it's chain reactions, please will you help this man too. he is a man of the cloth, a priest. Lord, he is desperately crying out to you in pain. i pray that others will come into his life who will help him break the chains that bind him so tightly. Lord, thankyou for Reuben's prayer. Bless Reuben Lord and bless too the man at the heart of this prayer. Lord, please cover him with your love and fill him with your Holy Spirit. thankyou Father,Amen

Submitted by nic on 1 May 2009

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