Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer


Please pray for me as I have been accused of something horrible by my close friend and a lady at church. I have also had to deal with a horrible letter concerning with such rubbish accusations about me. All from people I love and trust. I feel heart broken and suicidal at times. Please pray for reconcileation.

Submitted by Fiona on 9 Jun 2009



Lord Jesus, you know what it like to be hurt & betrayed by friends. Please help Fiona to lean on you & trust you in this situation. May she know the Father's love as you did holding her & keeping her strong. Holy spirit fill Fiona with the love from God and bring healing to her broken spirit. May she never give up on you to help her through all life's situations. When we are hurting it is easy to say things we don't mean. Please forgive us Lord Jesus & bring reconciliation in broken relationships. I pray that Fiona will come through this time a stronger person & be able to trust Father God more. Amen

Submitted by Sandra on 27 Jun 2009


Dear Fiona, I was in exactly the same situation last year in our church. I am the prayer coordinator and the leader of our church council accused me of willfully sabotaging the church. It devastated me and I cried a lot. After my initial shock and anger, good friends helped me by standing with me before God. They told me to put the whole situation before Him and to ask Him to show what it might have been that lead to this accusation. I knew it was untrue, but I still asked God to show any wrongdoing on my behalf. It helped a lot also to just dump all the emotion and hurt and anger in God's lap. He showed me that certain words I had used, were misconstrued and lead to the situation. I asked for a meeting with our pastor as a witness and after this man repeated his accusation, I admitted to the words I used and asked forgiveness that I had not considered the possiblity that it could be misconstrued. We then talked about our church and how we felt about it and about each other and were then reconciled. We now have an excellent relationship based on honesty and trust. I praise God that He showed me to react in humility and to follow Jesus's example of unjustly dying for our sins. You will not loose anything by admitting to whatever God shows you about yourself. Don't defend yourself. Leave it to God, but make an effort to talk to the people one on one that are accusing you. Don't go it alone! Ask people you trust to pray with you and for you. Trust God to fight for you. Hold on to Him.

Submitted by Anneke on 26 Jun 2009

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