Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

Lonley, greaving, dieing and Hurting

God I hurt to spend time with you cos it highlights pain. God I hurt because I have lost the love of my life. I hurt cos I feel the trerible isolation. I hurt and long for death sometimes. Lord I just can not keep living this way. Don't stop the prayer cover or I might sink for ever. Lord I took and over dose last week and now it is like nothing ever happened. Will I ever get out of this I need lif and more ubundant life. I sucome to terrible lust just to find a reason to keep leaving and motivate my self to do day to day stuff. I am so discusting. Who wil ever want me after my mental health problems ha anyone ever found the partned to marry after depression. I can live in poverty and isolation and confinement. I had the most horrible dream. How can you ever want me. My love has rejected me. All I have ever wanted was A.m. gONE AND ONLY YOU can validate that no one know the extent of this it is too unbearable. I feel like calling M in the night and day. i SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD THIS .

Submitted by Fiona on 25 Jun 2009


Don't Give Up

Please don't give up,God has heard you! satan would love you to end your life so he has stolen another soul to burn with him. After you have taken your last breath you will then enter eternity.It is entirely up to you if you will spend eternity with our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus Christ, or burn in hell with that ole deceiving devil satan and all who listen to his lies.Don't be deceived he is the father of lies. The Lord is touched by the feeling of our infirmities.Don't ever feel like you are alone because Jesus walks with us He is always there with you don't think negative speak the scripture to your problem.Whenever satan tried to tempt Jesus,Jesus always came back at Him with the word always came back with His Word. Use the Sword of the Spirit The Bible. It will stop those thought and lies satan is throwing at you.God Bless You,I love you,and God loves you.Please read John Chapter 3 in your Bible If He didn't love you He would not have this Chapter. I will remember you in prayer and believe that Gods will be done in your life.

Submitted by Bev on 31 Aug 2009

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