Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer


lOVELY ONE True most high suppernatural King of Kings. All other king are less than dust compaired too you. Oh God even science agrees with that. let you be lauded in the land. open the trap of imprisoned isolation over C, and me and others. Smash distroy and make as never befor the trap of isolation. Come mighty king of kings I love you. I lovely you Lord rescule your people from isolation. Lord of Lord anything ell who called a Lord is less than nothing compaired to you. All elless is dust compairred too you. Jewlish poer of creationg. Who can raise the dead and does stil today. Who can set a person free from self harm and suicidal feeling You oh king. Who can bless a person with abundant provision in fincial metdown. In this time You OH Lord YOU KING DOME DOES NOT LIVE IN RECESSION. You provision is not subject too recession. You are the God who prospersed a pgn King You Oh God prospered Him too the extent that he changed a nation. Sweet loving king. Bless the auntrapnures of this Lord so they can may full time well payed jobs for people who have good incomes that can pay moragaes and can also cause people to have plus work place benafits. Oh loving God. Your love to tangeable and sensational you love is rational and exstatic. Be the God of big results and testermoney. Fat proven testermy that deeply impress legal and interlectual inds. Testermoney that can not be distroyed. Lord like the spokain healing center. Lord let it be proclaimed. Come Lord Jesus.

Submitted by fIONA on 22 Jul 2009


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