Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

Prayer request.

Hello everyone, A long time ago, I turned away from God and the rich relationship I had with Him by deliberately choosing to sin even though I knew the agony Christ went through to save me from sin. I willinngly chose to take it for granted and deliberatly sinned and now I can't forgive myself and I don't believe that God is willing to forgive me either. I think I've used up my forgiveness by sinning the way I have. I knew it was wrong, thought about Jesus but whilst still thinking of Him, pressed on and sinned anyway. I had a great relationship with God, He was so good to me but now its all gone. I ask that people would pray that God would restore me, forgive me and bring me back to Him. I'm also looking for somewhere to live and I will be searching for a good job shortly, please ask God to provide these but I mainly want prayer for my sins. All I can do in return is offer you advice: don't take what God has given you for granted, I wouldn't wish losing what I had with God on anyone. I made this choice and my life for the last year or so has been ruined, I wake up everyday feeling like I'm missing something and not believing God wants me back. Don't make the same mistake, whatever you go through. I've called myself "LP" but God knows who I am. Many thanks LP

Submitted by LP on 28 Aug 2009



Don't forget the bible says about forgiveness 70 times 7. There is no limit to the depth of God's grace.

Submitted by j on 4 Oct 2009

Prayer Request.

Hi LP, I really feel for you and know to a certain extent where you are coming from. Your relationship with God is NOT lost just hidden from you by satan, he won this battle with you but you can lift up your head without shame and know God Loves you. sin wouldn`t be sin if it didn`t look good, your flesh takes over and before you know it you`ve sinned, but thats not the end, thats the beginning, God loved you before you became a Christian and i know he loves you now. Look at Saul (Paul), he turned out to be one of the greatest Prophets in the bible, but he started off killing many Christians. Gods Forgiveness works, i`ve had first hand experience of that. God loves you for who you are, take time to get to know him again, speak to Christian Friends, or find a church because you will find no condemnation there. Dave

Submitted by Dave on 8 Sep 2009

prayer request

Hi LP, Don't beat yourself up about your past. God knew the path you would take, and all you have been through is no suprise to Him. When Jesus died on the cross He did it to take all our sins ( that includes yours) once and for all. His grace extends to all who call on His name. His arms are always wide open to accept all who turn to Him and return to Him. We have all sinned against God and we all continue to do so. There is no perfect Christian. Many have had their doubts whilst on their journey with God. Many have had a time of drifting away (me included and i'm a worship leader). But you know, God loves us all unconditionally. You can never use up your forgiveness with Him. If you have accepted your sin (which it sounds like you have) then start again at the cross and give it over to Jesus and He will forgive you and restore you (that is His promise). I will pray for you for a place to live and a job, and also that you will once again feel the love and peace of Gods presence. God bless.

Submitted by del on 4 Sep 2009

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