Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Original Prayer

Single christian life

How a humbeing who is called to mariage can cope with the no orgasum club of the single Christian life you many years is beyond my comprehension. I know I am called to marrage but no partner yet. I have spent many years living a life of abstance in adult life. Many more that not For the sake of my health I need pleasure blessing and healthy marrage. I find that I simply can not cope with out soem kind os sexual relise in my life. Or my mental and emotional heath suffers badly. I have struggle with depression and suicida thoughts and one suicide attempt. Not to do mearly with a lack of a life partner but fincial lack not being able to go into my job I trained 4 due to health problems. I have suffed mourned waled greaved and live in torment and missery in vearying degrees. Lord I must have you bless me soon with the partner for my life. It must happen soon I can keep living this way. I belive that happyness with help make up for the years of agonie. According to John Paul Jacksons message about abstance I can not repent unless you give me a total mirical. I can do this forgiving and richouseness in my own strength. The church u have put me in a feel bearly feed and find very thin fellowship? Lord how can this be you plan when my need is so great? Lord I am your temple it is true but I live with in my body too. I can not meet with you with out just bracking so much emotionaly that it is unsafe for me. I need peole who are truely safe with me when I ptry too you. As you know the deep pain and anguish that is stired. Lord I LOVE YOU AND WANT O FOLLOW YOU Whole heartly you hear this prayer and provide for me a place of my own wirth a laptop intenet acess a phone and very good an safe cooking aminitys. Please I beg you I can live through poverty

Submitted by J on 30 Sep 2009


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