Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Child Protection

Lord I thank you that the angles who look after children are close to you in heaven and Lord I ask that you will help and encourage all those who care for and protect children. Lord please will you expose exery person who is harming children and bring them to justic. Lord I give you praise in advance.

Submitted by Fiona on 5 Jun 2009

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please pray for all families who become seperated - divided becasue a loved one is in the hospital or has died. they fight over "things/Finances" etc., it becomes so bad that when one is entrusted-legally and trying their best to accomodate the wishes of the ill or deceased they still are not content. Especially if there is only one Christian in the whole family. but with YOU as a child of Gods family and your prayers things can be done accordingly to HIS will. And the child of God will accept the Lords will-being obediant.

Submitted by char on 4 Jun 2009

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If you like it put a ring on it

Lord I give you all the single guys in this nation and I put them n the hands of your Holy spirit. please Lord change the mens culture in sports and music and world ok work. PLEASE CAUSE THE MEN of this land to commite to their girl friends and stop "test driving " Them by useing them for sex. Lord please reach the christian men that are justifying this sort of behaviour. LORD pLEASE BLESS THE MEN OF THIS LAND WE NEED THEM TO RISE UP AND LEAD and be the men you intended.

Submitted by Fiona on 4 Jun 2009

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The lord says 'My people perish for lack of knowledge" and 'the children of the world have more wisdom than the children of light'' please pray that we as gods according to the book of psalms will take our rightful place in the kingdom of God. please pray that all believers will know all that we need to know in God's word so that we will actively function as Jesus did while on earth. To the glory of God and shame of satan.

Submitted by taiwo on 25 May 2009

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dumped friend

please pray for a friend, C, whose boyfriend dumped her just a few days ago. She is preparing for her Final Year Degree Show (in Photography) and feels gutted, as am sure you can imagine. Her and the boyfriend are both Christians and although they are only in early 20s, C, really loved him.

Submitted by C on 22 May 2009

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Prist in trouble

Lord I thank you that you mercy and KIindness IS so great for this man. Please pour your presance on him so he can be at peace and find hope. Lord you give hope to the hopeless please get this man to a place were he can trust again. Lord IF INNER CHILD THERAPY CAN help then bring it Lord please give him suragat Mum and Dad who can bond with him in a theraputic way Lord you do this to bring a person who is profondly crush a way faward. Lord I give you praise for psycotherapy in all its forms. I thank you Lord for this man total recovery and restoration. Lord I thank you for the time when he can work and enjoy life again. Lord you turn things for the good of those in christ Romans 8 28 I give you such praise because this man will eventualy lead many out of darknes. Oh might God rise up such a standard of protection over him by the invinsible power of your blood.

Submitted by Fiona on 22 May 2009

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some friends in need right now

please stand with me in prayer for some of my friends who are in need right now. Z, whose dog is seriously ill and dying, K, who is worried about her finances and future, that her disability payments won't be stopped as she still struggling. C, who has been in and out of Psychiatric hospital in past 3 months with severe anxiety and suicidal tendancies and another K, who is feeling depressed about her life right now. Thanks so much.

Submitted by C on 20 May 2009

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hi, please pray for R, who has epilepsy and wants to be free of it so she can learn to drive. thanks

Submitted by C on 20 May 2009

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Chrches waiting for a leader

Lord In a town near me there are 2 churches who are waiting to get a new leader each. Lord please raise up a strong standard of prayer over these churches to protect the flock at this time .

Submitted by Fiona on 16 May 2009

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too busy for each other

In the last days they will run hither and dither. Lord people are too busy for each other please set you people free from this we must have a change.

Submitted by Fiona on 16 May 2009

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