Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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for her

father plz help her to see what was done was for the best. father show her that we care and never stopped careing father plz plz plz bring her home. show her, her family is still here waiting for her to return. we'll cover her in a robe and but a ring on her finger. cos fathershes lst but she will be found.

Submitted by mi on 16 Apr 2009

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heart murmur

please pray for my friend S, he has just been diagnosed with a heart murmur after he collapsed the other day. The doctors are testing him to see how bad it is. Please pray for S's parents at this time. Thanks

Submitted by C on 15 Apr 2009

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End times

Lord I have heard it said that we r in the end of the age. Now bring true nmight peace on your people nd bring mighty anglesto minister peaoce so we stay in the way of salvation and walk pleasing to you oh God. Most high lover of our souls and King of Kings. Ancient of Day and Lord Shalom. Anthatis the body of Christ so she does not panic and rupture yet is held in you keeping power . I need more of the reverlation of your keeping power now Oh Lord Now. Now move amongst you people bring Joy and true revelation. Fauls phrophits have arisen and faulse miricals have been coming out. So Lord give every Child great decernment and love at this time. Co you will bring the whole number into the store house 144 thousand is a square number which means the whole amount. Every Child who accepts who is truely born again. Oh the Blood of Jesus Oh the Blood of Jesus. We love true Higset Rulker King. Creator of the universe. In the beging was the word Life to you people .

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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Lord the land of your people mornes for generations yet you have a plan. You had a plan In Queen Esters time and you do now. Help every citersent of that place to come to you . Unlock that spiritual atmostph in power because you r might to Reigh. Most High Ancient of days. Pour your mercy on us bring true peace to the land.

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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Lord genercid is on the earth again. Limbs torn fro limbs on one she hear the sound of the word let aloe be killed that way. Force the HanD Oof the UN it invade and bring order. Ethnic clensing should never betolerated on ther earth . Out and end to It of Tendor Warrior King. Rows the nations to fight for her and save her people. O h God day has gome for this poor land. Mord in Power Most High. Swiftly acording to psalm 18

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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Darfur in Sudan

Lord only you know help the poor people of this place might God. Send help from the west because they need it. sTUFF all the excuseces the governments are making about finacial crisis and plase cause ther to be air drops of food and medicens. Army fule food medicer shelted every thing the dear souls could need for. Lord u please do this for them I can stand them st suffer so nor can u. Lord redeam this nation Now. Thank you Most High God Ancient of Days.

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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Lord the Ukraine is on the virge of fincial melt down. Please redeam this and cause its government to do you will. Let YOU plan be established 4 this land. Lord you said in proverds that u hold the rulers heart in your hands please turn this nation 2 uThank you.

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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Teenagers and Porn

Lord Teenage kids r down loading porn from the net and putting it on their mobiles. Please make it totaly ileagal and blok this for every keid. Lord make this way untrendy and uncool umoungst the kids out ther. MOve Oh Lord Jesus Move. the inocent are being teribly corrupted and distroyed. Stop the porn industary and little kids wearing t'shirts with Porn star on LorD. Thank you for the death of porn. Caues sex to be redemed and the true meaning of it be put forthon the earth. Lord it is a mystry and symble of our relationship with you and it is Holy. Thank you Jesus Thank you.

Submitted by Fiona on 13 Apr 2009

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for L

Lord Jesus i pray for L right now, that she will feel worthy of Your love, and that You will heal her heart and bring stability and restoration to her relationships with others as well. I pray that she will have a full revelation of Your love for her. and please do the same for me- i feel unworthy and that i have made You angry. I keep pushing people away or lashing out at them because of the pain inside over things that have been done to me by those close to me. please help me to forgive my abusers completely and be set free from this torment. In Your Precious Name, Jesus, I pray these things for L and me. AMEN

Submitted by C on 6 Apr 2009

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I offer them to you LORD!

Lord of all Earth and of Heaven, Hear my prayer. You know that I pray for C every day and every night and I pray with my heart and soul and mind that he might come to know you from the depths of his faith in an unreal God. I pray that you will touch his heart and allow him to come and talk to me about changing his faith. He needs to hear you O Lord! I also pray for L, P, M, C, E, S, W, L and many many more who need you. Who need your grace and your love. Some say they believe in you but let them seek further and may they question and may they come and may they learn of Your power and Your love. Through the power of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, Salvation, Light, Hope and Strength I pray that they may come to know you and know I am there should they want to talk! In Jesus' name, Amen

Submitted by Dave on 5 Apr 2009

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