Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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chains of fear and anxiety

Please would someone pray for me that i won't have to live in, and act out of fear anymore- it is crippling. i feel hurt because i have tried to forgive my abuser and dont want him to suffer anymore, but i am still afraid of him, of You, of nearly everybody. i fear people's disapproval, fear their anger, yet at the same time i push the boundaries with people (often unconsciously) until they leave, then i hate myself and want to hurt myself, and the cycle starts again. i realise i am manipulative and needy, but i KNOW the root of it is fear of more abuse and rejection. I'm praying God please help me before its too late and i end up in hospital again, or worse. PLEASE don't turn your back on me, i know i deserve it, but i can't live without you.

Submitted by C on 5 Apr 2009

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marriage restauration

Please dear God I'm praying to you asking for my marriage you know that I left my husband you know why you know all these years all the things but I love him and I'm asking you to touch his heart and you Holy Spirit to bring salvation to his life is the only way that he can be the husband and the father who cares and love his family I know that I failed and ask you forgiveness for all the pain I caused him for leaving the house but you know that I pray to you about that and You guide me and open doors and have a place to go..PLEASE DEAR GOD HELP US...bring peace to my heart and faith and please take care of my husband life I pray accroding to your will please show to him your love erase all pain and anger and revenge againist us gave him a tender heart to love you in Jesus name I pray, Thank you my Dear God Father because in faith i received the miracle that you have for my family I love you with al my heart.

Submitted by BLANCA on 1 Apr 2009

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Kids of the City

Father I pray for all the young people in the City. When 12 year old girls are drinking and 'getting wasted' on a Monday night your heart must ache. They then brag about it at school to others. I pray you would be with all of our young people I pray your protection upon them and that you would keep them safe from the works of the one of this world. I pray you would help them see the implications of their actions and what it can lead to - pregnancy, abuse, addiction. I pray you would rise up young people across the city with your moral laws and that these youngsters would bring about a revival n young people to hunger for you. I pray you would help us all be your hands and feet in our towns and cities and that you would do a mighty work through the power of your holy spirit and change the hearts of these people for you. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Submitted by Paul on 30 Mar 2009

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Thank You

I would like to say thank you to every one that saw the prayer I wrote for Robert to get the job of Advisor at the place I work and to all who prayed for him to get the job. As the Lord has been faithful and he starts on 1st April. Thank you Lord Jesus for answering our prayers Father and I hope this shows how faithful and just you are Lord Jesus. Thank You Father.

Submitted by nicola on 28 Mar 2009

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psalm 68

ENOUGH! i HAVE COME TO PUT MY FOOT DOWN. eNOUGH I sCREEM in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Lord you said you put the lonley in familys now Lord do what you say and make your name known. S has no realy family at hand. He gets excluded in church and by so called christian friends. ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH. lORD HEAR THE MOURNING OF YOU PEOPLE. They have been left with out family you said in you word that you would put the lonley and desolate in familys. Now more the eliments of the univese to do this for S, C, C and my self. Lord your children weep and suffer and the hands of the crul word dished out to them in you house. Crul vicious word that are hash and that they have no ablity to recive. They should be give frineship and a hot meal instead. Laughter recreation and acceptance. Lord please rise up over C, C and me and S for the rest of our lives and put us in familys where we truely and consistanly feel and are and percive to be loved in all its true forms. Thank you God all mighty for hear me and answereing. I love you

Submitted by Fiona on 25 Mar 2009

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pray for DD

please pray for DD- he is not well. Don't think its anything serious, but he wasn't on rimmerama last night and we missed him. Thanks.

Submitted by C on 20 Mar 2009

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T's foot

Please pray for T- she sprained her ankle so badly the ligaments were damaged. She has a young baby to look after as well, so she needs healing fast.

Submitted by C on 19 Mar 2009

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Please pray for Robert he has been given the oppertunity of getting a job as an advisor where I work. He has worked hard as a volunteer under me for a while. I pray Lord Jesus that you will ensure he gets the job. I really feel he has a lot to offer the service and his life experience will be so benificial to our clients. PLEASE pray that he gets the break he deserves. I ask that he is the right person for the job and others will be blessed through him. In Jesus name I ask this. AMEN

Submitted by nicola on 18 Mar 2009

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relationship failed

lord i pray for G, things didn't work out with him and his girlfriend. please comfort him and let him know that you are a constant companion in his life and that he can always turn to you. in Your Precious Name i pray. Amen

Submitted by C on 10 Mar 2009

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friend with history of Bipolar Disorder

Lord i pray for C, who has battled against Bipolar Disorder (manic-depression) for so many years. I thank you that she is in process of being healed. Lord you know that she is struggling a bit at the moment. She believes that she is evil and is going to Hell. Lord i pray for her to truly know that she is saved, that You see that she is making a real effort to be the best Christian she can be. She does so much for You, and has such a heart for telling others about You. Please let her know that You are pleased with her and that she is safe in You. In Your Precious Name i pray these things and i stand on Your promises of healing in Your Word for her. Amen.

Submitted by C on 10 Mar 2009

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