Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Brother Healing

My Brother Tom needs a physical as well as spiritual healing he He has a serious type of cancer feel like shaking heaven for him because hes done so much for everyone and does not know how much God and every one loves him. Please pray for him I will be grateful.psalm 55 22 nan

Submitted by Nan Hill on 19 Feb 2009

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healing hands

Lord, i pray for all the little children who are suffering because of abusers. i pray that you will lift them out of the darkness with your warm loving healing hands. Bless them Lord, each and every one of them. let them know that there are people in this world that do care.

Submitted by nic on 18 Feb 2009

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Psalm 20 v1

Lord in my time of trouble please remember me. Please give me the ablity to walk in your healing. Please relise me into wholeness. Lord i need fullness of life. Lord my Mum who is not as far as i know born again sees me without a job or only on a very low income. Lord I need to be able to forfill my true potential. I can sing well, i would love to be in the worshi band but transport can be achalleng and i find relationships a challeng. Lord i have a desire to preach Lord I have the ablity to speake quit well. You gave me these gifts. Please encourage me. I need the support to develop these gifts. I run on Love the same as others and i am not called to isolations I need fellowship. Please give me fellowship. People recive love often through others. I need intemacy. I need You. Please help me.

Submitted by Fiona on 18 Feb 2009

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hurting people

please pray for Carrie and Cindy, they are suffering in their minds and emotions. thanks

Submitted by C on 11 Feb 2009

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D's boyfriend ill with psychosis

please pray for D's boyfriend, he is suffering with psychosis and depression and has urges to harm himself.

Submitted by C on 11 Feb 2009

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bush fires in Australia

Lord i pray for those in Australia whose lives have been blighted by the fires- through losing loved ones or themselves suffering death or injury. Please comfort and help them, Jesus, in Your Precious Name. AMEN

Submitted by C on 8 Feb 2009

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please pray for Fiona, she is hurting so much at the moment.

Submitted by C on 4 Feb 2009

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Christian Union Mission Week 9-13th Feb '09

please pray for our University's Christian Union Mission Week- its from 9th-13th Feb and we are putting on lots of outreach events. Please pray that non-Christians will turn up- so many people on our campus need Jesu sand don't realise it. We have loads of copies of Mark's Gospel that we are giving away to students. Please pray that the students will read them, and that seeds of God' Spirit will be planted in their hearts. the Word of God never returns void, hallelujah!

Submitted by C on 30 Jan 2009

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for 2 friends and their friends

my friend R and another girl, D are going through their own personal issues right now, and their friends are going through various things too, including losing children, infertility, abusive relationships, friendship issues and spiritual brokenness. They need prayer.

Submitted by C on 24 Jan 2009

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friend's grandmother with cancer

please pray for my friend S, her grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer.

Submitted by C on 24 Jan 2009

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