Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Dementia sufferers

Lord Jesus i pray for those who suffer Dementia and their families. Today my mum goes to see her mother (my gran) in her care home and we never know what state of mind Gran will be in from one day to the next. I pray for strength for mum and healing and restoration for Gran. I also pray for Iolanda, who cares for her mother who suffers Dementia, too. I pray for her mother's healing and restoration and strength for Iolanda. In Your Precious Name, Jesus, I pray for the above, and for anyone else who suffers Dementia. AMEN.

Submitted by C on 20 Jan 2009

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heart brake


Submitted by Fiona on 20 Jan 2009

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Lord Jesus, i pray for M, whom i met online today for first time whilst reading a blog he wrote. He had a bit of a meltdown the other day and took a small overdose. it isn't the first time he has hurt himsef. he says his family despise him. Please heal his mind and soul. In Your Precious Name, Jesus, i pray. Amen

Submitted by C on 18 Jan 2009

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unbelieving friend

please pray for N, she doesn't believe and is hostile towards Christianity.

Submitted by C on 18 Jan 2009

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messy life

Dear Lord, I thank you for sending me C as my patient. As You know, last week in a dull moment he attempted his second suicide but your mercy and love is so great that he was saved. ALL Praise belongs to you! During the week, I met him 3 times and was touched by his story. Lord I offer his sufferings, transgressions, depression, anxiety and emotional and psychological pains back to You. Lord, in a similar situation i turn to you because You alone can guide and help us to continue walking this journey. Lord kindly wash him with your holy blood, protect him physically and spiritually,send him your angels to guard his life. His life is a total mess but You can do a miracle and this mess will turn into something beautiful. Lord send forth your Holy Spirit so that he will experience a total transformation in his heart and see you as the center of his life. Amen!!!

Submitted by reuben on 17 Jan 2009

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For all who suffer Cancer

Lord Jesus, i bring before you all those suffering from cancer. I pray specifically for L's friend who starts a treatment this week, and alsofor J who may only have 40% chance of survival. Please heal those who suffer and let them know that You are very close to them in their battle. In Jesus's Precious Name i pray.

Submitted by C on 14 Jan 2009

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My Friend

Please pray for Sue L she really needs healing for knees hips feet neck and back. Her pain has come down due to prayer. Please pray it goes compleatly. She wants to go back to work. She is concerned she could end up disabled. Please pray that her benafit claim will be accepted so she has something to liveing in the mean time. She urgently needs help. Please pray that other Christian will be more kind to her and take an interest and visite her.

Submitted by Fiona on 8 Jan 2009

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Financial Miracle

Willie and Janet needs a financial miracle. Thanks for all of your prayers.

Submitted by Don on 6 Jan 2009

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Accept the suffering

Dear Lord, I bring to your attention two clients of mine Manuel and Theresa who at the moment are finding it very hard to accept the current situation. Manuel is a disable person. Both of them are feeling depressed and tired of the situation. May you have mercy on them. Lord in Jesus's name, i ask you send forth your Holy Spirit to help them in trusting more in you!

Submitted by reuben on 4 Jan 2009

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K's English

lord i pray for K, she enjoys reading life files on here, particularly by Heather Bellamy but she is struggling with English language and would love someone to teach her better English skills. She lives in Saudi Arabia. In Your Precious Name, Jesus i pray that an opportunity will come into K's life to help her learn. AMEN

Submitted by C on 12 Dec 2008

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