Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Why does no one pray for me when I bear my soul on theis web sight. Who cares about people on these pages and their lives.

Submitted by Fiona on 11 Dec 2008

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Please help me pray for my country and the leaders. At this time where there are food shortages, poor health,cholera,unemployment, we are looking up to the Lord. The bible teaches us to pray for our leaders as God put them there and he has seen all that is happening and will not let his people suffer more. For now what we can do instead of criticising Mugabe and his regime , we should actually be praying for them, for guidance from the lord so they see the what is good. thank you

Submitted by yvonne on 10 Dec 2008

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Scared of Spending Christmas Vacation with Abusive

Hi, please pray for me- i am worried about the Christmas vacation (i am a student) because due to financial issues i need to spend most of it with my parents. My father was emotionally and verballly abusive to me and my sister asw well as occasionally lashing out in violence to my mum. my dad is not a bad person, just a hurting one, and God has done much healing in him. But i still find christmas holidays very difficult. i have emotional problems and a histoty of suicide attempts and self-harm. I feel panicky at thought of going home.

Submitted by C on 10 Dec 2008

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Lord I am trapped in sin I have tryed to go your way but things apeared to get worse as I walked you way. I want the high way of holyness but I know it is costly please motivate me to walk on the high way of holyness. I want justice and reconpence so I need to repent.

Submitted by Fiona on 9 Dec 2008

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Lord please restor my faith. I felt deeply abandoned by you in 2005 and 06. It is so hard to see why you did not sow up for me. Now I have no job, no church, challenges with my health and almost no money. Lord please intervean in my life. Please give me enough strength to help my self to make a decision about the pressing matters. I need you to show up for me.

Submitted by Fiona on 7 Dec 2008

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N's salvation

Lord, please help N to become a Christian- there is so much influence in his life from his Christian girlfriend L. Please break down the resistance in his heart towards Church and maybe even towards You. Amen.

Submitted by C on 5 Dec 2008

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Lord i pray for peace, justice, restoration in the Congo. So many lives have been devastated, women are being raped, so much pain and torment. Hear their cries. Have mercy. Amen

Submitted by C on 5 Dec 2008

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children being killed by their parents

so many cases in the news recently about small children being beaten to death. Lord Jesus, in Your Precious Name i pray for justice to be done in these cases. I pray that these little ones are now at peace in Your arms. Lord forgive our nation for turning a blind eye to so many cases like this going on around us. I pray for reform in the social services and that cases like this will be prevented. Lord, i believe You heard the cries of these children as they were being abused; please, please let there be people who are willing to hear the cries of many more children like these and so prevent more tragedy. Amen

Submitted by C on 5 Dec 2008

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Healing & Deliverance for my Son

Father God, You said you will never leave me nor forsake me. You said that you will perfect all that concerns me; I cry out to you today as a Delivering and merciful God. Have mercy upon the son you have given to me. I pray healing my son, healing to every facet of his life, deliver him from all that is evil, every adiction, every habit and yoke of bondage that keeps him locked in depression and opression. Father He needs a touch from you, he needs guidance , he needs wisdom and understanding. Raise up a labourer Lord to minister to him in a way he understands, make his stony heart as flesh, mallable in your hands, in order that he may recieve your truth and be free in Jesus Name. Thankyou Lord for hearing my prayer and for those that will stand in agreement with me concerning healing and deliverance for my son. AMEN

Submitted by deborah on 4 Dec 2008

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Dystonia- please pray for me

please pray for me- i suffer from Dystonia and the muscle spasms mean that not only am i stiff and in pain, but also i get tired easily and its hard for me to sit up and study for long. Thanks.

Submitted by C on 1 Dec 2008

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