Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Rhonda and Kenneth's Wedding on Sat 6th Dec

Please pray for Rhonda and Kennneth- they are getting married on Saturday 6th Dec '08 and Rhonda is concerned that things will run smoothly. Thanks.

Submitted by C on 1 Dec 2008

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bad neck

i been diagnosed with torticolis of the neck that gives me pain and iam unable to turn my head to the left iam a christain and love the lord but have had to deal with this for 18 months the doctors say there is no cure i need a miracle

Submitted by amanda adams on 25 Nov 2008

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a prayer for healing

This is a prayer for a miracle of healing for a colleague who has cancer and has been through a year of treatment. I pray that God will bring healing and wholeness and strengthen and support his wife and family

Submitted by graeme on 20 Nov 2008

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Christmas Time

This Christmas I have to spend with my Mum and sister. I do not know how to face the pot srearing comparisons and piteful comments my Mum make. Or my Dads depressing self centeredness. I want to spent part of my Day with S is a mummy to me. I need love as I still stuggle with suicidal feelings sometime.

Submitted by Jane on 20 Nov 2008

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Hope for 2009

Lord this year I have had to battle to keep my job as last year. Praise God I have not lost it this far. I have lost my Gran, been hit by a family member and told by the rest of my family that a deserve it. One of my significat family members who condoned this behaviour still will not apologise for condoning it. I nearly went to hospital because of all this. I had to resolve my pastor perving on me with the church leadership he just denyed everything.Where is the justic in that.My Dad moaning about how I don't contrabute anything to the house hold when I bearly earn anything. I have had to watch the girl who mistreats me be promopted over me. I have had the love and fellowship of a very dear friend and we have hbecome stronger. I have had a level of provision. God has also calmed conlict down for me. Please Livinf God I call out to from the depths of my soul bless me indeed. Please do not let me be if fanacial lack Lord I tith I give. Lord please do a mirical and let me make lads of sales in my job please. PLEASE God bless me with a partner for my life. I only want that one you have for me. I lay all my expectations down befor you. Jesus only you understand tho torment of this last year. Praise you in the highest that I am still in my job. Please God give me you love ad blessing in tangable ways. Thank you for all you have done so far.

Submitted by Jane on 20 Nov 2008

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Lord my coleage A and J are holding some kind of grudge towards me. The seem jelouse when I do well and insincear. They are hurting about their futures and fell trapped in the rat race. There has to be more to life that the nine to five and paying bill to survive. L is going trough a divorce and rather toxic to be around. At least she is still laughing. Lb is leachie and anoying to be around ste can be devouse and back stabing. Please praythat what is eating them will be delt with. Lord please give my girls some peace and hope in you. Please unknot them. Get the feeling k is working to make my life at P challenging. Lord please give us the grace to work well together and make prophit. We need you to help us met our targets.

Submitted by Fiona on 19 Nov 2008

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Need a mothers Love

Please pray that I can spend time with Sue by some miracl e she is willing to do inner child work with me. I need it so badly. I think that this is the key to me moving faward in life. Please pray I can give and recive love safely.

Submitted by fIONA on 19 Nov 2008

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I need God to brake through

Help God help Help. I have no money I earn so little. I have tryed to get a second job and over time is very little. Lord you know this money is not adaquat . But I do praise you greatly for my job please have mercy on me and let me treat your name with respect. I don't have the money to join a christian dating web sight or go to christian partys to met men as metioned on the watering hole. I need to met my husband. I am too old to be single. Celebecey is very challenging when you feel calle to marriage. I really need a partner. The Lord has given me a word that he has someone for me. How much longer must I waite. This is too much. pLEASE lORD TAKE THIS lOAD BECAUSE i CAN NOT TAKE IT.

Submitted by Fiona on 19 Nov 2008

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Healing of the inner child

Lord I thank you and praise you for what you are doing to bring me to wholness. I so need to be soaked in love. Please cause this to happen for longer periods of time. Thank you for putting S in my life to facilatate this proces. I hunger so deeply for a mothers love, the love of a partner and the love of friends. I need you Lord to lead me to a church that you can entrust me too. Somewhere I can be safe secure in love and flourid in all aspects. I cry out to you Jesus I need you to step in to my life and show me what to do I just want you will for my life. Please don't leave me with out a partner don't make me spend more years alone in that way I am finding it too much to de so alone. God you know that the pain is unbearble sometimes. There has to be more to life than this

Submitted by Fiona on 11 Nov 2008

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friends of mine who are hurting

am sorry that this prayer is gonna be long, but i thought it would be easier if i list all the prayer needs in one posting on here, Please pray especially for my friends CC, April, and Claire for emotional and mental healing and that the chains of the past will no longer bind them. For myself, that i know that i am loved and wanted by God- i find it so hard to believe this due to past rejections, abuse issues. For Martin and Jo, two University student friends, who laid down their relationship, in obedience to God. They are pleased to know that they are in will of God, but are sad about relationship ending, even though it is right thing to do. For Elisabeth, who suffers from Grave's Disease (a thyroid disorder), for healing, energy and strength for her. for my sister who is facing financial hardship right now and is trusting in God's provision. Please stand with her in prayer.

Submitted by C on 30 Oct 2008

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