Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Conrad,my son

Dearest Lord in the Most High, I only entered my prayer and prayers to You last night for my son,Conrad.This morning first thing,The Police have found his car and are searching for him. I feel I need to turn to You first,Magnificent Lord to thank You for Your intercession on behalf of my son and the rest of Conrad's family.Thank You so much Lord for helping with this giant stride in helping us to find our son.I again ask with humility and gratitude that Your assistance will help us to find him safe and well Lord.It is only with Your Help that he can be found safe and well.Please send Your love to help him in these hours of his wanderings. Please reward the Police for their superb work in helping us too. O Lord,please comfort me and my family in these times and help us with Your outstretched wings. All these things I ask of You and Your Loving Son,Jesus Christ,in gratitude ,love and humility. With great thanks from Ian,Conrad's father.

Submitted by Ian on 16 May 2008

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My missing son Conrad

Dearest and Most Merciful Lord, Forgive me for returning to You at my greatest hour of need.It is only now under these circumstances that I ask You to intercede to protect and deliver safely my beautiful son Conrad to our family.There is no one else to whom I can turn in this hour of need Lord,only You have the power and the majesty to protect Conrad and bring him safely home.He is of the kindest and gentlest of souls.I love him so much.Please free his troubled mind and help him Lord so that he grows to see Your beauty. I thank You Lord for listening to my prayer knowing that I have been away from You for far too long,Ian.

Submitted by Ian on 16 May 2008

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Heavenly Father I pray for whats going on right now. Father I pray for the things going on in the world. I pray Father God that you will pour out your spirit over the world, I pray you will touch the hearts of people across the world who need you. Amen

Submitted by Lucy on 5 May 2008

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sick and disabled as University Students

Please pray for myself and my friend J. J is recovering from ME and is studying a full-time degree at Keele University. I am struggling with problems physically and emotionally. I take very strong medication for Psychiatric problems and am not ready to come off it yet, but i experience muscle spasms and exhaustion as side-effects. I am studying for a law degree at Staffordshire University. We both have exams and our concerned about them in regards to our health. Will someone pray for us?

Submitted by C on 3 May 2008

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Please pray 4 me

Lord I am in so much pain. I hurt so much my bones acke. I find it hard not to wish for death please forgive. I can not take any more wounding from people I love. This is the main source of my desire for death. Lord I beg you change the hearts of those who have hurt me. Please show S that she is wrong to say the reason I am going through such firey triles is because I always have an answerer. I just feel incenced because all she wants to give me is platitudes not anything really from the holy sprit. I can not keep living in this level of pain. Please vindicate me Lord. Please. YOU HAVE DONE THIS BEFOR PLEASE!

Submitted by Fiona on 29 Apr 2008

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Please Pray for a charity

I am a christian and chair of a local charity. We as a charity are going through a very difficult financial time at present and are looking to move property to save money and keep alive. Unfortunately, our present landlord is not sympathetic to our situation and will not consider any of our proposals. We would actually now prefer him to release us from the lease as we just can't afford the new rate . We now face closure in the next few weeks mainly due to this increase. We have 8 dedicated staff and several volunteers alongside a hard working committee who are all very anxious and are not sleeping. I am the only christian at present but I believe the Lord as put me there to be a channel for his love and support at this difficult time. The good news is that we have the possibility of affordable premises elsewhere but the landlord will not release us to do this. Please pray that the landord will see the sense in letting us go - we are prepared to pay some money to do so but we can't afford his high costs. Please also pray for the staff/committee who are obviously very upset about their future. God Bless Shane

Submitted by Shane on 24 Apr 2008

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worried for my business

I have been really worrying these past few days & allowed my fear to overwealm me. you see,in my country food prices have increased,more people without employment etc. how has this affected me?our furniture shop sales have really declined.As a result,we have to under pay our staff.We have loans that have to be paid off,monthly shop rentals etc. All I'm asking you is to please pray for my financial needs. I also am trusting the Lord,this week for new church clothes as I have given most of my good clothes away to be sold in our church's fund-raising for a kid's ministry in our church please also pray for my husband.He has been backslidden for several years now. please also pray for my prayer ministry in our church thankyou so much.

Submitted by kinisimere on 24 Apr 2008

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Lord Jesus, I pray for all abused Men, Women and Children. I pray Lord that they find stenght in You to step out of the darkness and into your precious light, the light of Truth and Healing. Lord only you can set us free from the pain these scars carry.I cry out to you on their behalf to come out of the place they are in and release this hurt to you. Lord I pray make their abusers stop and see the damage they have done . Lord help us to forgive them as you forgive us . Lord I thankyou that your glory can be seen in the lifes of many abused "children" Men and Women young and old. In Jesus name I pray Amen

Submitted by C on 21 Apr 2008

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friend escaping violence at home

Lord, i pray for my friend who has had to leave her mum's house, because her mum was physically and verbally abusing her. Things got so bad that the police were involved and she has moved away. But her parents have been trying to phone her, even though they are legally not allowed to. My friend is really frightened. She looks to you, Lord, and so do i for her protection. Her mind needs healing from the memories of abuse. In Jesus's Name i pray for safety, hope and healing for her. AMEN

Submitted by C on 19 Apr 2008

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church group leader with mystery illness

Lord Jesus, i pray for C and W who lead our church's home group. W has been mysteriously ill. she is out of hospital now, but still very weak. Doctors not sure what' swrong with her. In Jesus's Precious Name, i pray for you to restore W to full health and comfort husband C and their children. AMEN

Submitted by C on 18 Apr 2008

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