Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Prayer for me

Pray for me for a job and a financial breakthrough. A more spiritual life.

Submitted by Clive on 27 Mar 2008

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critically ill step father

Monday, March 24, 2008 Dear Lord I lift up Walter to you on your mighty throne of grace, he is my stepfather. He is now 83 years old and in hospital. His condition has gone from bad to worse. His gall bladder was removed lord and a portion of his colon that was inflammed, now has a deadly bacterial virus called c/dif. He desperately needs divine intervention as we speak Lord, please go to him and Im asking for a miracle healing as only You can do Lord. I praise Your Holy Name Lord, and thank you for being my saviour, and for hearing and answering prayers in the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ! Lots of love to you! Jean

Submitted by Jean on 24 Mar 2008

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Lord, I just want to pray for everyone in the world who suffers for the simple reason of who and they are and who they believe in. I pray that you will send all of them peace and give them the strength to carry on, and hopefully this will bring so many of them to you. To find you and turn to you. Lord I just pray that you will be there for these people in their time of need whether they realise it or not. Amen.

Submitted by k on 24 Mar 2008

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Dear Lord, I pray for my friend Chris. He suffers from Sleep Apnoea and I believe it is holding him back from the potential plans You have for him. Lord, I know You can heal him but You want him to take steps into that healing. I pray that he would hear Your voice and move forward into the healing You have for him. Amen

Submitted by Nigel on 20 Mar 2008

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prayer for a sister

lord, i pray for P, whose prayer i read on a PrayAbout website. She needs deliverance from the Evil One, and feels very despairing. She struggles to surrender areas of life to you, and describes herself as being trapped in Satan's web. In Jesus name, I pray in Jesus' Precious Name for P's freedom- she has been so hurt in her life, and is so depressed right now. Amen.

Submitted by C on 9 Mar 2008

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Claire's wedding in 2 weeks

My friend Claire is getting maried in two weeks. She suffers with ME, and mental health issues, and has just been told that she will never work as a teacher again. the problems she has with mood swings and depression is exacerbated by this, and the medical and Psychiatric services seem to give her very litle help. She really loves her fiancee, but is understandably worried about the future. The mental health condition she has been diagnosed with is known to affect the sufferer's ability to sustain or feel secure in relationships, so her relationship with this guy is a very special acheivment. She has come so far with thi srelationship, Lord, and really looks to You. I pray for Your Grace and Mercy on the lives of this couple. Thank you for my friendship with Claire, she is a special encouragement in my own similar battle. in Jesus' Name I pray for healing, and calming of pre-wedding fears. AMEN

Submitted by C on 9 Mar 2008

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pray for me/parents in brother in sister of philip

pls, pray to me because now Im alone. my hus band is dead a fews days ago. in my parents to philippines. now Im very lonely because of my sitution write now? I dont now what to do today. so pls.pray for me. its very pain to me this happend to my. then on a past few month later. our house is burn also. so I ask to the lord why this is happening to me? so I need also a advice from me to help me to my faith.

Submitted by susan cas on 7 Mar 2008

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crazy world

Father God, creator of the universe, you designed everything from the smallest cell in our bodies to the largest star in the universe. You placed everything that is to be how it is. Sorry that we are ruining your perfect world, through damage to the environment, damage to ourselves and damage to other people. Lord I pray that you would help us to shine your light throughout the darkness of this suffering world and spread your word to the ends of this Earth. Help us to be salt and light in this world, your hands and feet doing God's work in a Godless world. Help us to transform this Earth with every tiny action that we take. I pray that we could shake this world up so much that it is unrecognisable from the world which it is now. Let every one of us be compelled to live out the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives in such a radical way that your world finally and undeniably becomes Your World. Let us live out Your Word in Your World. In Jesus' name Amen

Submitted by Mel on 1 Mar 2008

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Im in need of the Lord to touch and heal me. Thanks for all of your prayers.

Submitted by Don on 28 Feb 2008

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for my friend A

Lord, please continue to heal A from back trouble, she is going through last stage of recovery now. Thanks. Amen.

Submitted by C on 26 Feb 2008

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