Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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2 friends have family problems

God, i want to pray for N and V. V's mum has been arrested for driving under influence. At the same time V has been unfairly dismissed from his job, even though he was a good worker. N has always had a tense relationship with her mum; who mocks N for suffering from long-term depression. Recently N was dumped by her boyfriend but her mother refuses to take her pain seriously. N's sister isn't very kind to N, either and N believes that she is better off without her mother being in her life at all, and they don't speak or see each other much. I pray for your restoration in both these friends' lives. they are both hurting so bad right now. in Jesus' name i pray. Amen

Submitted by C on 8 Dec 2007

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I'm praying for your son. I strayed from the light for many, many years, but over the past few months he's pulled me back tighter than ever. Always know that your son is well within His grasp, and any day now He could turn his life around completely. Trust in His grace to bring a miracle to your son's life, but understand that today might not be the right day, and never feel discouraged. My mother prayed for me for 13 years without any sign of me moving in anything but the wrong direction, then one day out of the blue I told her "I'm born again."

Submitted by on 5 Dec 2007

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I work with a man the thought of whose eyes almost brings me to tears. Every time I look at him, I see such a beaten, weary soul terrified to peek out from behind them. It's clear he drinks too much, his co-workers joke about him being an alchoholic behind his back, and he seems to feel he has little else to live for. His nerves are frayed, and he's well known for his sudden outbursts. He gets far less respect than everyone else in the office is granted and he seems either oblivious to this fact, or thinks that his treatment is deserved. He's desperate to make a connection, he'll leap on any opportunity to have a conversation with anyone, but this just means people avoid talking to him completely wherever possible. He's told me before how much he hates his family, and he's moved hundreds of miles from them. His "in case of emergency" contact is his land lady, even though "he never really talks to her". He's so alone, and I can't imagine how bleak Christmas will be for him. Please join me in praying for him to see some of God's grace & love, find a little peace and finding someone to love- and someone to love him.

Submitted by Michael on 5 Dec 2007

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for D

lord i bring to you D who is married with 4 kids. she has suffered anxiety and depression for 2 years. she hides it well, but has confessed that she has thought about taking her life and that if it wasn't for her husband, she would probably have done so. she says she is now doubting her salvation and says she is "spiritually dying." Lord i pray in Jesus' name for healing, peace and restoration, for D, and also that you reassure her that she is in your hands, and that she has nothing to fear, because she is hanging onto you. Amen.

Submitted by C on 1 Dec 2007

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depressed friend in hospital

lord i bring before you C. i thank you that she is feeling stronger after her suicide attempt nearly 2 ago. i thank you for sustaining her thus far. Lord, she still struggles to pray and read your word which is a sadness to her. She tells me that she KNOWS you still have hold of her and that you've not let her go. I thank you that you don't let us go even when we are depressed or weak in any way. I thank you that your love does not depend upon our own capacity to hold onto you, but that you hold onto us. Thank you that C realises this, so many of us forget it when we're in a weak place. I pray that you will restore to C her capacity to pray and to concentrate on your word. You are C's healer. Thank you for this. i pray for her healing and restoration. I pray that she won't feel guilty anymore for being incapacitated. Please reassure her that you aren't upset with her for needing help. All this i pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Submitted by C on 30 Nov 2007

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a mother and her two kids

Lord i bring to you a Christian sister living in Colorado, US, who is struggling because her two grown-up children, J and M, are suffering from serious mental health disorders. they are struggling to sleep, and are filled with anxiety. their mother needs to go away for a few days to visit someone in need, and she is worried about the health and safety of J and M while she is gone. In Jesus' name, i pray for your peace for this family and healing for J and M from their pain. Amen.

Submitted by C on 29 Nov 2007

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we guys have trust issues!

Lord i pray for myself, and for F, and my friends R and D right now, because we all are struggling with giving God some difficult burdens we are facing right now. We are carrying things which started when we were very young and those in authority hurt us and left us with a lot of fear, shame and confusion. Because of this we don't find it easy to trust God to be a good father to us, but we know that He is good, as He has delivered us from some horrendous circumstances and allowed us to survive. We all need help in allowing God to take our lives and mould them the way He wants to. Lord help us to let go of all that would hinder us from submitting our will to you. in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Submitted by C on 28 Nov 2007

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Dear Lord, I pray that you help me find the path you have given me, I have only recently found your love, your kindness. I have never been this content, this happy, but I really do not want to lose this. Please aid me in finding my place in the kingdom. Amen

Submitted by Adam brown on 26 Nov 2007

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Lord Jesus Please help Brenda, she needs your help so much right now. Calm her mind and heal her physical and mental needs, help her to trust in you completely. Help her family as well Lord grant them peace and strength and loving hearts for Brenda and each other. Please Lord also heal Derek and open his heart to you. Grant him that gift of faith and let his name be written in your book of life. Please Lord here my prayers and release your power on these people on this web site and let all the people living in Plymouth bow before you and call You their Lord. In Jesus holy name. Amen

Submitted by Nicci on 25 Nov 2007

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lord i bring before you J, who is struggling right now to feel that you are with her- she seems very depressed. she has faced a lot of pain from other Christians and had a hard time at her previous church. please lord, bring a breakthrough into her life- she needs to experience your healing love in her life, and Christians who will be prepared to support her through these things, and not be afraid of her "issues." So many people are fearful of drawing close to people who are depressed and who have been badly hurt, and they try to ignore what we go through. i pray that J will have people in her new church who can commit to helping her. In your Name i pray. Amen

Submitted by C on 23 Nov 2007

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