Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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For those in ministry

Praise and thanksgiving to God for those who are called and respond to the Holy Spirit's invitation to tend the vineyard. We pray that this November 8 at our staff day the spirit of the Lord will move freely and powerfully to renew and transform the staff who minister so generously to the poor and in-crisis here in Detroit, MI USA. We are grateful for the generous hearts that make this possible, the many faces of Jesus that walk through our doors and the many hands and hearts of Jesus that we can be and receive. amdg

Submitted by Mark on 22 Oct 2007

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i pray for the outcasts who have been judged by their outward appearence and feel that they are outside the church. for thoses who do not dress in the way society dictates as normal, for those with deformity and scars and for those with beauty and love for GOD in the inside yet dispised and rejected by their outsides.i pray too for belligerent oldies seen as troublesome and irritating but their smiles are treasure and worth giving the extra attention too.please LORD comfort them as only You can do.

Submitted by margaret on 21 Oct 2007

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The hungry in Bukavu

Lord, I come before you today and I pray for the people up in the mountains in Bukavu that are hungry as they have no food. I pray that, as we spread the word of their plight, the family of Christ, throughout the world, will respond to their pleas for help and give unto them as they would give unto you. Father, poor out your blessings on these people and provide for them as they stay ever loving and faithful to you. Help us to rememeber that those in need throughout the world are your children and we are one family united in love by you.

Submitted by Kim on 21 Oct 2007

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cancer sufferers

Lord, i wish to bring to you people i know who are battling cancer. i pray for V- for her complete healing, and that she will come to know you. calm her fears, and that of her son, age 13. let them know somehow that you care for them. i thank you for D and J, who are both in remission from breast/ovarian cancer and Lukaemia, respectively. i pray for both of their healings, too. ALL THIS I ASK IN YOUR NAME, LORD

Submitted by C on 20 Oct 2007

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lonliness and guidance

My beloved A has been your worthy servant for years Dad, but things have always been difficult for him. I want to interceed on his behalf that you will really direct him with his CD and the teaching he is doing. He has been feeling like he has no purpose and that life has been stagnant. He is fabulous at worship leading but he was feeling disconnected from it, money is always a difficult issue for him, and students(to teach) are always coming and going, and the job at College is not really working out. He is lonely and I know he wants to marry eventually, but he has these things to work out first before he can move on to the next step. He's recently got an idea to join to voluntary police force and I don't know if that is Your Will or not Lord, but I pray he keeps his eyes on you and not some earthly ideal he's been wanting to fulfill..though I don't know. I just pray that you'll really guide him and give him the strength to perservere on all things, and the continuing strength to seek out your kingdom. I know you have a beautiful, wonderful plan for him, Dad, and you always come around, he just has to wait a bit more. Remind he of all the people who love him and pray for him constantly, but you Dad hold the world in your hand.

Submitted by Gina on 20 Oct 2007

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I pray that the young people in and around our church won't let the good things in life rob them of the best things. They are all materialists or hedonists. Their are not motivated to follow God or to seek his will. They work to pass exams, to go to university or college, to pass more exams, to get a "good" job. A good job they define as one which either earns a lot of money, or which allows them to enjoy themselves. They worship comfort rather than the comforter. They are encouraged to think like this by parents who also think like this. They believe success is climbing the ladder, but it's leaning against the wrong wall. I pray that the people who see that this should not be are not lazy, and will do something to promote integration within the church family, fostering love and fellowship.

Submitted by Ed on 18 Oct 2007

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Lod, i pray for Julie who feels that you are angry with her, and punishing her right now God. She is considering ending her life. i pray that you will reveal yourself to her as the God who loves unconditionally, and that there is a bettter way out of her pain. you know she is confused by her own thoughts, and can't work this out on her own. i pray that she will find godly Christians who can show her the way through this. in your Name, Jesus, i pray....

Submitted by C on 16 Oct 2007

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Need Heaven's intervention

I have been a chritian for over 20 year am not married and has gotten involved with a man who is married, its teraing up my christian life and tearing me apart. I need deliverance from the situation. I need God to bless me with a man of God to help me from attracting the wrong men. I get very lonely and cries at times I have no kids and lives alone. My other challenge is on my job my manager treats me real bad and sides with other staff members to undermine my efforts. I need God's intervention. I was planning to leave but I realise that giving up is not the right way at times. I am happy I have found this site just yesterday I was planning to write a pastor for prayer. Please help me pray God has been good to me and I know what he can do but right now I need communal prayer he said two or more can do it. May his will be done. Amen

Submitted by Janet on 13 Oct 2007

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Uni tutor has ME, and friend has PCOS

Lord, i know i keep asking you for stuff, but i have so many friends with health probs right now. one of my uni tutors has had ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for 3 years now, and gets very down about it. he can work part-time now, but he is sad that he cannot play football anymore. i know what ME feels like, i suffered for nearly 8 years, but am now fully recovered due to healing from God. i pray for him, that he has hope for a full recovery. a friend of mine in US has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and bleeds for months at a time. it has got so bad that she is desperate for a hysterectomy; and she is 26, and has never had kids. she cries nearly every day, as her moods are affected, and her illness has caused her to gain a lot of weight. its bad enough that she has an Anxiety Disorder which means she rarely socialises; which means that she is on antidepressants etc. i pray for her healing also.

Submitted by C on 4 Oct 2007

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uni lecturer has brain tumour

Lord, a lecturer in journalism at uni has brain tumour and isn't long for this world. In Jesus's name, i pray for his healing- you are the God who heals.

Submitted by C on 4 Oct 2007

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