Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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2 CR website users

i'd like to pray for 2 people who use this website. Firstly, for F, who needs much healing and restoration. she has experienced rejection from people in her church which has left her feeling broken and isolated. she would like to have more Christian friends her own age, from what i've read she feels very lonely at times. Secondly, i'd like to pray for someone i will call B who uses the forum. they are not Christian, but seem to me to be searching. B needs to believe that God hasn't given up on them, and that he/she is valuable to God, and that God does want to know them.

Submitted by C on 26 Jun 2007

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Orphanage in Iraq

Lord, i was so distressed so read in newspaper about this orphanage in Iraq where children have been left tied to beds. So many of them can't speak, and never get to go outside. Their bodies are malnourished and sickly. Lord, i know that your heart is more broken by this than ours can ever be. Lord i pray for there to be intervention for these children before its too late. Show us what we can do or pray for in this situation.

Submitted by C on 25 Jun 2007

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Lord i bring X to you, she has had a very tough life which has caused her much pain. i thank you that she does believe you exist. i pray for her that she will get to know you as the loving father she never had on earth, and receive much healing from you. i don't know whether she found me sharing my own testimony helpful, but i do hope that i have shown her some of your love through what i shared. i pray that you will surround her with born-again Christians in part of US where she lives. In your Name i pray this, Lord.

Submitted by C on 22 Jun 2007

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S'S Mum is suisidal because her husband is accusing her of stealing money. She is a christian and is house bound due to illness.pleas pray for justis to be swift and healing hope and peace.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Jun 2007

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boy abducted, age 9

Lord, i pray for the safety of this boy who has disappeared from Worcestershire. please let him be unharmed and brought safely home, in Jesus's name. Amen

Submitted by C on 21 Jun 2007

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Those struggling at University

Lord i want to pray for all those students who are having issues with their courses at University, especially for R, who wants to trust you with her worries. Please provide for her a real solution to the struggles she is facing, and calm her anxieties. Please remind her and others like her that you are a firm rock on which to place our weary feet. In your Precious name, Lord, i pray this. Amen.

Submitted by C on 21 Jun 2007

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lord,i lift my friend to you,he is struggling with heroin, alcophol,and has beenfor 20 years,it has a grip on him so hard that he iis now dealing! please lord break this with your power. In jesus name please dosomething to bring himbackto you. Hisloving heavenyl father.I cant understand how he can sell heroin!God convict him in jesusu name,guide mehow closeto allow myselfto be a friend, until he turns to you 100%. protect himlord in jesus name amen.

Submitted by af on 20 Jun 2007

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lord i would like to pray for Hanna, she feels very low right now. She's felt like this before, and is afraid of how she might end up. please heal her, give her your hope. In your Holy name, i pray. Amen

Submitted by C on 20 Jun 2007

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friend's law exam

my friend C has a final exam for her Legal Practice Course tommorow. She has worked so hard to pass her course, Lord, please grant her success.

Submitted by C on 20 Jun 2007

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friend lost mum, now dad is poorly

a friend of mine who lives in the US is really going through the mill at the moment- she has been battling Anorexia and recently tried to end her life by taking pills. 3 weeks later, she has been hurt again- her Mum has died, and her dad is ill in hospital with bad heart. i bring my friend and her dad before you now Lord in prayer

Submitted by C on 19 Jun 2007

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