Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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please can everyone pray for Karen from Crowborough in Kent. She is one of our best friends, 18 years old, and in yr 13 at Bennett memorial school. she had a car accident on Thursday the 10th and is now being treated in Kings Hospital London for several haemorrages in her brain, swelling, and problems with her lungs, spleen, and spine. Many people have been praying for her and offering her to God but please offer your prayers; please offer Karen up to God and ask him to act in his divine power to continue to keep her safe, and heal her completely. Thankyou.

Submitted by Emma on 12 May 2007

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Heal by Jesus blood

Oh Lord i approach your throne bringinning along M who is a non believer. Lord You know that she is sufferin a lot and that she has to undergo a great operation on tuesday. lord You know that she is feeling very lonely as her husband is dead and her daughter has left her, but i know You are with her, You will be by her side on day of the operation and it is You who is going to operate her using the doctors as your instruments. thank you for i know that by this healing you are going to prove her that you are with her and she will accept You the Lord of her life. in the name of our Lord Jesus amen.

Submitted by kentish on 11 May 2007

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Prayer for Lords work

LORD I bring to you B and S who are away serving you at the mo Lord please be with themin a mighty way and help them greatly Lord in your name amen

Submitted by Fiona on 9 May 2007

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Lord I bring to you those who have been diagnosed with fibromylgia and those who have it Lord cause every case to get correctly diagnosed and healed. Lord you know how difficult this illness is as people get written of as lazy. It has a really tough effect on self esteam. Lord please make people work awear of this illness so they can be diagnosed and treated. Please help those who know they have it get the right treatment. Lord please reach this group of people who often feel rejected.

Submitted by Fiona on 6 May 2007

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lord i pray that you will help s come into her life again help her reconnect with you.heal her lord she needs your help please lord i dont think i can help her,please help her realise she doesnt have to drink and do stuff she regrets in the morning to be accepted.lord most of all i pray that you will give her and inner peace heal her from the inside out lord she driffted away from you lord.i also pray that you will help her see that i am always hear for her give me the words the way to support her,lord you are amazing in your name amen

Submitted by ellie on 5 May 2007

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Urgent Prayer for M

Lord I lift up to you M. Please help her she has struggled with depression since 2001. Not a lot has really gone so well for her and she really deserves a brack. Lord please fill her with peace and Hope. Lord please help those who are supposted to be supportion her to stop lableing her as minipulative, and missrepresenting her. Particualy C and B. Lord please help her at work and give her more hours soon so she can get enough money to dig herself out of a seemingly hopeless pit. Lord please give her the oppotunity to get regular cheap rest-bite for her sittuation. She has genuainly tried to get her self out of her situation. So please bless her. Lord show C, S and B how to be towards her. She finds S's attitude too much to bear Please soften S's heart towards her. She so wants to serve you she is waek and weary and often struggles with suicidal feelings. Please help her to find a good councellor.

Submitted by Fiona on 4 May 2007

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softened heart

Lord please soffen S's heart towards me and give them a good attitude to me. I lift my hear to you that you will show me gently where I am wrong.

Submitted by Fiona on 3 May 2007

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Lord Heavenly Father thank and praise your name. Thankyou for Cross Rythms Plymouth and I pray that through this new community radio station that it will make a huge impact on Plymouth and that many young people will come to know you paise your name. I pray for the city of plymouth and the many areas within the city where there is so much need for healing, where people are so dependant on drugs or alcohol, are violent towards their partners or others, where children are suffering. Lord I pray for a revival in this city and I pray that the Holy Spirit will come down upon this city and flow through this city like a huge flood washing away all the filth, softening peoples hearts, opening up their hearts and minds to see you. Lord use all the christians in this city give us guidance and show us how we can be an impact on peoples lives and help us to be a witness for you and with the Holy Spirit working in us and through us help us to change people lives. Thankyou loving Lord God Amen

Submitted by Mark on 2 May 2007

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Father, I would like to lift up my Nan to you. She has been living with us for about 6 months now, and her health has been deteriorating rapidly. This morning, the doctor confirmed what we have been feeling for a few weeks now; that she doesn't have long left in this world. He told us that she may have weeks left at best, and that the best thing would be to make her comfortable. I don't hope for a massive miracle and a clean bill of health, I think she knows what's happening, and she's often said that she's ready, I only pray that you would keep her safe and comfortable and not in too much pain. When she does come to you, Lord, I pray that you would give strength to my mum in particular, and my uncles, who I know will take it hard. I pray that you would also give strength and comfort to both my family and my nan in these next few weeks, until her time comes to join you. Father, I pray that she makes her peace with you too so that she knows what's waiting for her. Being so disabled has stopped her from going to church the last 10 years, but I know that she still believes. I lift her up to you now, Lord. Please bless her as much as you blessed us with her x

Submitted by Niki on 2 May 2007

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Lord, I lift my friend Mary up to you. She has been feeling tired for some time and was diagnosed with leukemia. I pray that you can heal her Lord and comfort her family and friends. I pray that she turns to you Lord and receives your loving care. Hold her Lord in your loving arms. In Jesus' name. Amen

Submitted by Lou on 29 Apr 2007

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