Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Lord, These last few days you know 3 new martyrs have joined you - a German and 2 Turkish believers in the East of Turkey who worked for a Christian book distributer have been tortured and murdered. I ask you to bring their families comfort and I know that with your strength and with the holy spirit guiding us, we who live here in Turkey will make it through. Lord I pray for Turkey and I pray that you will use these terrible events for your greater glory. Let us submit ourselves to your will, safe in the knowledge that we are all part of your perfect plan. In the name of Jesus, my saviour Amen

Submitted by Louisa on 21 Apr 2007

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The Lord love for my Gran is great Lord please bring her too yourself Lord you know the name of where she is staying Lord please lead her too your self. She needs you soo much . please speak to Land E about this important matter Lord urgent urgent. And for Ls she needs you too lOrd she has no one please get me and Dad too herin time so she is born again lORD HOW WE need you. Lord!

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Apr 2007

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New Christian's!

PRAISE God. 72 peolple born again in Romaina! Please pray that they are rooted and grounded in the love of God. lORD They need you please send you word and spirit too them and all the help the can need and more! Lord thank you !praise you thank you Lord let you word go down deep in them and let it bear much fruit for you Kingdom. Amen

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Apr 2007

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We are that Generation

My beloved... We need you desperately. The hour is late and we can no longer struggle under the burden of the degredation and the strife of this land. Our hearts are breaking. Our souls are dying. Please come. Come in our hour of desperation like you did long ago for our forfathers before it is far too late. Come like you promised. If you would just rent the Heavens and allow your grace to flow; show us once again your Glorys and your Wonders. Can you hear our hearts cry out to you; broken and abused? You are all we have. Our great and nobel creator of the vast and wonderous universe and every living creature that praises you; turn your heart towards us, a broken and humble people and dwell once again amoung us. Enlarge our hearts to encompass your Spirit so that only your true countenance shines forth through us both individually and corporately. Teach us to love again. Teach us to have genuine compassion for one another. Let us unite together not in a spirit of slavery but in an spirit of authentic Freedom as sons and daughters; heirs to a greater promise, now in this day my beloved King allow us to clearly hear every tongue confess and every knee bow before your throne out of true humble adoration and desperation. We need you now.

Submitted by MarieElena on 18 Apr 2007

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For persecuted Christians

Lord you know each persecuted Christian by name. YOU know the level of their pain of a skale of one - ten for some it is 20 . Lord please give them the grace to stand in the face of agonie an in justace oh Lord an a million x to this prayer Oh send you spirit to pray in true peace for each sittuation while in true peace them selves. Love thank you for true peace with God.

Submitted by Fiona on 17 Apr 2007

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setting your people Free

Urgent prayer for S Lord cause a change in S's choice making to happen. Lord Thank you for the soacking anointing CD'S for her .

Submitted by Fiona on 17 Apr 2007

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Homeless friend

Sara, who is a Christian girl i met on recent prayer ministry course is facing eviction from her home, with her husband and children. I thank you for their friend who has offered them a place to crash out for a few days, and pray that they will have no difficulty finding somewhere new. I know that you are a god of provision and hope.

Submitted by C on 17 Apr 2007

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setting your people Free


Submitted by Fiona on 16 Apr 2007

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oh lord i lift stephen to you. i know you have the power of delivering him from this evil spirit call homosexuality. you oh lord that he want to get rid of this evil but he dont have the power, but lord you have the power, give it to him. free him. lord you know he want to serve you but this is making an obstacle in his way. deliver him oh lord Jesus. Amen.

Submitted by kentish on 11 Apr 2007

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Prayer for a girl with depression

Lord I bring to you T she has depression and takes medication for it but she seems to think she meight have bi-polar depression. she has had these problems for nearly 10 years and r4eally needs your healing touch. Lord her boyfriend has terrible moods and they are not appearing to be very good for each other. Lord I put t and her boy friend in your hands. They really need you Lord and thay need you soon. Lord please lead them too your self.

Submitted by Fiona on 10 Apr 2007

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