Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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My Sis

Lord in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that lord you pleas bless me and my sisters comunication. Lord in you name I ask that you will give my sister the ability to express herself and a mighty love for the things of God. Lord please give her the detemination to go to church and seek you Lord Jesus Please give her the courage and back bone to do this. Lord we can do nothing appart from you Lord.

Submitted by Fiona on 1 Apr 2007

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Prayer for L.b

Lord L B is such a decent guy her really needs you. Please cause him to find faith in You Lord Jesus He is so special. Lord please take care of his soul he means such a Lot to me you know how to save him Lord.

Submitted by Fiona on 1 Apr 2007

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Lord bev's Dad is diagnosed with cancer + her Mother and law her father in law and now she has a lump in her beast. Please Lord I know you healing power can heal now establish your plan for these folks they so need you urgently. Lord I claim you peace that passes all understanding and the Joy over whelming.

Submitted by Fiona on 1 Apr 2007

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Help for K

Lord please set K free in a tangable way let your diliverence be lasting in a manfest way. Thank you Lord for K she needs you Lord please give her a Husband. Lord I think she might have a from of autisum or mental health issue. Lord please unravell this issue in her Life. Lord most of all send your people to love her in her love language with the Loev that comes from heaven. Lord I am not near her I do not see her any more but you know who is the right persons to be there for her. Lord please break her issolation and give her the ability to voice her self. LORD Please make her popular and loved by many loveing Christians. In your mighty name I beg of you Lord.

Submitted by Fiona on 1 Apr 2007

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prayer for a sister in the Lord

i pray for this sister in the lord who is in so much pain right now from her past and dreading her future. She says she despises herself, and is too depressed to study. Lord i pray for her that you will break these bondages over her life of self-hatred, depression, eating issues etc. I place her into your hands today, and thank you that you know the plans you have for her (Jeremiah 29:11). Show her how you see her, let her KNOW you approve of her, and accept her as she is.

Submitted by Carmen on 30 Mar 2007

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I ask for total healing of my dad's sick body. He, Jim, went to the hospital to be treated for pneumonia two weeks ago and now do to all the drugs they are giving him, he is having complications. His eyes are reaching out to me for help and I can only go to my Lord Jesus Christ, the true physician, for healing. A doctor there wants us to terminate his life. Thank you for your prayers!

Submitted by Linda on 29 Mar 2007

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Girl at college

Dear Lord Jesus, I ask You for a girl at college who has a tumour in her head and it has to be operated on. Please remove the tumour and help her to gain her eyesight back on her right eye which she lost due to the tumour pressing on the optical nerve. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

Submitted by Anita on 27 Mar 2007

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for L

Lord, i bring to you Lily who feels that she cannot live for you anymore. She is in despair because she has tried to do as you want, and doesn't feel able to do so anymore. lord i pray that you show how that you do not condemn her for the way things are in her life, and just how much you want to set her free from all this striving. I fear what she might do to herself while she feels like this. Lord, keep her from any act of self-destruction. I plead to you on her behalf to show yourself to her in her need. She so needs your peace right now.

Submitted by CARMEN on 27 Mar 2007

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mother and her two girls

Lord Jesus, please intercede for a woman who is attractive, attends church services diligently with her children, professes that she loves the You. She takes excellent care of her two little girls. As you look at her girls at any time, you could see the love that is surronded by them. Their home is always clean and neat with gospel music and tv ministries within the sound of one's ear. Their education is always scrutinized to ensure that they receive the best instruction. Her parents are pillars in the church. Her parents see their daughter striving to follow God's word, since having two children by two different men (one is married and the other she is not sure who the father is) but are unaware. Intercede for her so that she will discontinue her promiscious ways. She continues to lay down with many men behind closed doors. She uses men to supply her material and sexual desires. She does not have a clue about the notion of the precious substance of her temple that she gives away while using different men good and bad as a stepping stone. She feels everything is alright as long as she goes to the Father periodically and ask for fogiveness. And the cycle continues. Her children have seen many men in their lives and the oldest is only eight years old. I pray that her mind, body and spirit are healed. Her children are at risk as You know. Intercede for them Jesus. Amen

Submitted by Joe on 27 Mar 2007

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prayer for all suicidal people

Lord, i pray for peace in the hearts and minds of all those people who want either to end their lives, or hurt themselves simply to escape something which they cannot deal with. i pray that you will give them hope, and a stillness in their thoughts. let them feel your hands reaching out to them in their darkness, and your loving arms around them. I pray for D, who wants to "destroy himself", for L and E, who are fighting battles with loneliness, despair and in much need of someone to draw alongside them at this time. (E is battling with self-harm and feels worthless. lord keep her safe, and heal her heart).

Submitted by C on 21 Mar 2007

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