Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Thank You

Lord, thank you so much for the way in which you hold me and continue to provide for me in every way possible. You are mighty and totally dependable in all ways. Thank you for healing my dad of cancer - now please lift the depression that has a hold over him. I pray Lord that you would break through the dark area in his life and comfort both my mum and my dad. Your will is the way I want to live Lord, and I want to lift you high in all I do. I am sorry Father when I push you to one side - forgive me Jesus. Let me be a bright burning fire in Your name. Thank you for being so faithful and wonderfully loving throughout all times. May your kingdom come - may it know no end and may your glory know no bounds. Thank you that your majesty and your power are unchangable and that your authority is supreme. I love you Jesus! Thank You!!!!!!!! Amen

Submitted by Paul on 17 Jan 2007

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Thank you Lord

Lord thank you for what you are doing with S and E. I hope they have new accomodation soon. Lord please bless s with more hours at work and help her to feel better soon.

Submitted by Fiona on 15 Jan 2007

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prayer request

my sister from fits disease please pray for her to get complete deliverence. ok bye and "PRAISE THE LORD"

Submitted by jenifer on 6 Jan 2007

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Feeling really down

Lord how long do i have to feel this way. I cant do much to serve you cos I'm not 100% and if i could i would not be so bothered about being single. Lord the are hardly any Christian men around and i don't have any friends to go out with and met people with. I find relationships with people my age difficult they don't want to know my cos of the stuff I have had to deal with in my life they get put off. If i was more succsessfull the i would have loads of fake friends. I thank you for my one close friend who is much older. Lord if i was well and had my life togerther better then I would not be so focused on not having a partner. But I don't have much of a life. I have tryed diffrent things to sort it out but still have a lot to work through. I blew it at work last week so my job might not go permant and i finish at the end of Jan then what? You Know how I have been thinking help me to think diffrent because i am running out of motivation to do you will. If I realy really trey to follow You Lord will you actualy Bless my Life because last time things just got worse and considerably for years we are talking. Please God make my life worth living. Please Please will someone pray for me.

Submitted by Lilly on 4 Jan 2007

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pray to save her life

please pray for divine, intervention, Appointment, timing, after much prayer,counsel, confirmations, the answer seems to be driving my friend to rehab, because on her own she will not choose to get clean,from the drug she is on please pray for all things to come together, for the outcome of saving her life from crack cocaine, and the lifestyle that goes with it thank you, you will never know until heaven how much your prayers made life and death difference!

Submitted by marie on 30 Dec 2006

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Prayer for Maurice who has been taken into hospital today with a suspected stroke.Pray for doctors and nurses that will work with him.pray for healing and recovery.Pray also for niece closest family.

Submitted by Mark on 29 Dec 2006

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Lord be with Winnie...

Our Lord and Saviour, most highly exalted- Jesus Christ. I raise up the troubles of your precious child Winnie to you. Her heart years for your mercy in her time of need. We know that you never have and never will forsake those who place their full trust and belief in you. On this, the most blessed of days, when our redeemer took on flesh and descended to live amongst us, please place your hand upon Winnie's situation. Many times in the past you have delivered her out of tribulation, and we are secure in the faith that you shall once again bring her out of her suffering. I thank you for your amazing grace over this child of yours, and over all of humanity. Let her not lose hope, and I pray that you may surround her with people dear to you, who may encourage and guide her in the ways of the Lord. In Jesus' holy name I pray, Lord let your name be glorified by your intervention in her life. Amen. Winnie, it may seem like a neverending battle sometimes, that there is no relief in sight, but do trust when I say I have been through a similar situation. God came good- as He always has done. I pray for you, my friend.... God bless you and your mother.

Submitted by Sam on 25 Dec 2006

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Prayers required

For Ilario. He is 6 yrs old has cystic fibrosis. He has quite severe lung damage and has today deveolped a bug that gradually eats aways at his lungs.. He has had it once before approx 2 years ago and the Lord healed him.

Submitted by Silvia on 22 Dec 2006

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Amazing answer to prayer already

Lord I continue to keep T at work in my prayers. Thank you for the AWESOME conversation we just had - I visibly saw her heart soften!! Please Lord come to her, let her feel your presence and give her revelation. Please keep knocking!!!! I pray she would go home and feel touched by you. I can see her changing - please use me and I pray I won't let you down. Please don't let me get overexcited but say and do things all in your timing. I pray that if she discusses you with her family that they will not scorn her but be surprisingly open to the small seed of faith planted. May her whole family come to know you Jesus! Especially her mum in the US who is really frail now. Thanks that they will get the opportunity to spend some time together in the new year and God please bless that time. May it be a rich family time full of joy and may they all come to know your glorious love! Amen

Submitted by Rosie on 20 Dec 2006

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Hi my brothers and sisters asking special prayer this week that the homeless in the Bridgeport t. Rescue Mission would have a blessed Christmass and New Year.God richly bless you brother danny

Submitted by Daniel on 17 Dec 2006

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