Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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J and M

Lord I bring to you J and M please bring them to your self they are intersted in your kingdom. J has requested your word please use this to bring him to you.

Submitted by fIONA on 21 Nov 2006

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Prayer for V AND R

Lord I thank you for V and R. WOW what a couple they are so dear to me. Thank you Lord please bless the mairage they need you Lord all realationships do Please let them love each other with you love. Oh God in heaven do great things in this realtionship have your way. Please protect this dear couple and gurd them. They are really getting their hads dirty. Please grant succsess in their ministary. A heartest to encourage them Lord please guard them with humility. Thank you.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Nov 2006

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prayer for your servent

Lord I bring to you L AND E. WOW thank you fro them and the work that they do please bless them and use them to do what is good. Please Bless L in her health. She has gone up several gears lately an her body needs every advantage to do your will. LORD PLEASE SET HER FREE TO SERVE YOU UNHINDERED . please I don't want her to struggle give her great victory in her health. Please give her all that she needs in the way of wellbeing. Oh Lord life serving you is so demarnding. Thank you for blessing L and E. Please bless their marrage and protect their tendor feeling for each other Please give them grace to love each other as you would have them love each other.

Submitted by FIONA on 21 Nov 2006

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Prayer for B

Lord B is your daughter and servant I bring her to you. Please bless her as a woman and let her flower and blossom. Please bless her beauty and affirm her she is fearfully and wonderfully made and is not less than her younger sister. Please protect her tender heart and send her a true husband of your chosing Lord Please. She is A most worth while person and time will prove this to her mother sister father and all who are around her. SHE IS NOT THE TAIIL BUT THE HEAD. I SPEAK FAVOR BLESSING AND GREAT THINGS OVER THIS CHILD OF YOURS. LORD i ask for a stratigic uncovering of all that would seek to dis-favor her in the sight of her futer mate in the mighty name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST. Lord send forth you word to her she is so ready for your direction and leading please confirm strengthen and build in the spirtiyou daughter you treasured possition.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Nov 2006

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Player for E and s

Lord E and S live in a getto. Please lead them out please give them space for their new baby so the will have peace order and happines in their lives. IT IS SO POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO do this for them they are in your service and their faith is tendor. LORD PLEASE BE GLORYFIED IN THEIR LIVES. Please bring peace and reasurance. Lift all burdens as you lead them to bring them to you. Lord what we what and what you want are very different thinks please bridge the gap. Help E' s mum to truely surrender E and S and their situation to you.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Nov 2006

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Lord you alone know how K feels she has been so damaged her father beat her and tryed to kill her. She has lost her mother and has very little contact with her brother. Her son has been ill with mental health problems due to druges. Her exhusband is trying to steal mmoney from her. Lord she was vindicated by you from acusations. Who can help this helpless person but you Lord. She goes to people who will harm her for help and just hurt herself more. Lord what can I say or do. Please give the people you have sent to help her wisdom decernment and support financial and practical so she can be helped. Lord only you are the answere to Ks problems.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Nov 2006

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Lord I lift up to you J,G,B and J. Lord please set them free in a deep compleat and lasting way over the experiences to do with E M. Lord please bring them to a please of complease inner healing they really need it. Lord please solidify their Knowledge of eternal salvation in you. Please set them for from every obstical that had caused them to be hindered in their relationship with you. Especialy J who was impreshionable and younge. Lord it is such a fallen world and your standards are so high. We are made of dush and will return to dust please help Jo be them mum she needs to be she has Three children one stil prity young. The other two are vonerable because of their lack of fathering. Oh God suddenly help your people please Lord.

Submitted by Fiona on 21 Nov 2006

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Please pray for Linda and family

Please can you pray for my friend Linda and her family. She is such an amazing person and very dedicated to her family who is going through tough times. Her brother is very ill and he does not know the Lord and please just lift her whole family in your prayers. Thank you and bless you

Submitted by caroline on 19 Nov 2006

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Prayer for friend

Please pray for B she is recovering from a brocken relationship and often has nightmares.Lord I realy thank you that you are at work in B's life and healing her from these things.

Submitted by Fiona on 19 Nov 2006

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My Sister

Please will you pray with me for my sister Janet who has just been diagnosed with early breast cancer. Grant the peace of Jesus to her and her family. She is not yet a Christian, but was greatly influenced by our lovely Christian Mum. I have told her that I will ask as many people as possible to pray for her, so thank you for standing with us. God bless you all.

Submitted by Sandra on 17 Nov 2006

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