Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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father i pray for all of us involved in this circle of deception, we are all victims, i ask that for thy name sake change the heart of men and let truth prevail i pray for divine strength for H and also total deliverance for A above all i pray that Your Spirit will move in Your church and that manipulation will cease. give the leadership true love for your people. i know you are building your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against Jesus' name i pray

Submitted by jaye on 17 Nov 2006

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Please pray for the deliverance of our family. We are facing tough times and torment fron witchcraft. Please pray for our familt.

Submitted by Daniel on 16 Nov 2006

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Prayer for woman in situation

Lord I lift up to you the Lady i met at the bus stop who goes to my church. She was so up set she was crying Lord please Let your will be done and comfort her and take all her pain away.Amen

Submitted by Fiona on 15 Nov 2006

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please be with my friend r, she is so stressed at the moment, please fill her with ur peace. she's so good at giving me advice - help her to listen to her own advice too! Thank u that she is a Christian and i pray u will bless her n help things to go well 4 her. i pray for my nan, who is dying. i pray u will comfort her and all of us who r close to her. please help us not to doubt u, especially my mum. thank u that u do what is right, i accept that if its ur will for my nan to go, then its for the best, thank u that i don't have to make that decision. i pray that her faith in u will grow, beacus i no that she has many questions, please work in her life n do whatever's right. Thank u that i am not doubting u - Lord thank u! i pray for my dad, please save his life Lord. i love him so much - i can't understand how someone who is so loving, clever and generous cant see that ur there.. beacuse i am so certain u r there. I no that u do things in ur own time, n that u will make him believe at a time that will bring u the most glory i pray that a cure for cancer and aids will be found if n when it is ur will. i thank u that u do things in ur time, when things r good n right accordin to ur plan Thank u that u love me! Thank u that im hopefully gonna get baptisted! im so excited, but a pray that it will only happen if n when its ur will. Lord, please, if its ur will, i pray my dad will come. help him to see that Church is not a place to be feared, but a place of love. Lord please save him

Submitted by liz on 13 Nov 2006

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Please help Lawrence to breathe and not die. Help the doctors and nurses to know what to do to help in in ICU. Help his wife Rita's heart to be clear of congestion and for the fluid to go away in her feet and ankles. Help them both to live so they can serve you. Amen

Submitted by Diane on 12 Nov 2006

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Prayer for H

Lord I lift up to you H, she has been diagnosed with O.C.D. Lord she is also having problems with her school work and finding it very difficult to ask for help. Lord please come in to H's Life and situation and turn this around please let her pass her A-levels wiith good grades.Lord i Thank you that she is already a Christian.

Submitted by Fiona on 11 Nov 2006

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Prayer for V

Lord I want to lift up to you V, she has a brain tumor and the doctors do not think they can do any more for her so she is dieing. She is not a christian and nither are her family. Lord please vistit this family and bring you healing touch.

Submitted by Fiona on 10 Nov 2006

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prayer for sick

Please join with me in praying for Michele, a young mother with breast cancer. Terry, a young father with liver and kidney problems, who needs to even get well enough to receive a transplant or God can heal and he won't even need the transplant. Father, we pray they receive the healing you provided for us on the cross and we thank you for your great love.

Submitted by JAN on 9 Nov 2006

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Join with us Heavens sisters and brothers

Please join me and my sister in prayer for the needs . We have been on the broken road for so long and we are believing in our almighty God for help to bring our hardships to a close and for our jesus to open up his way. We both have been in abusive relationships and deep hurt. All the things no woman should ever endured. We are both tired but oh so hungry for the spirit to move in our lives and thoses we love. In expectancey we believe that our God can tear down our mountains. Love to you all Keep belieiveing he knows the desirse of our hearts and he is our hope and he will not fail not neverxxxx

Submitted by kerrie on 6 Nov 2006

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Let Go

Lord, I bless Andrew with your Peace, your Love and to be able to forgive himself. May he be able to give it all to You Lord as he serves others ,yet feels so inadequit in himself. Oh how I feel this way myself. Others see me in one way, but only YOu can release Andrews burdens. Help him Lord. Release him. Give him your total rest. Let his mind settle as he sleeps at night to know that You are in control and are moving the cards as they should be moved. IN the end it is You that will set things right for Andrew. He is Your chosen and cannot be plucked from Your hand. Rest upon him Lord. Rest.

Submitted by Carole on 5 Nov 2006

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