Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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I am so unhappy Lord. Please direct me to the right road. Am I being led by feelings or is this the end? Do I leave or do I stay? This pressure is unbearable. Please give me the ability to hear you and the courage to follow your will. Protect my children, dear Jesus, through these difficult time. I miss my mum who is with you Lord. She'd have known what to do. Guard and keep her Lord. I pray for her strength, courage and wisdom. I love you.

Submitted by Jo on 16 Oct 2006

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Please pray for my friends

Please can you pray for my friends I was in hospital with. They are such amazing people and don't deserve the situations they have been through and the depression they are going through. Because I wasn't well my parents brought me home to live with them so I am now miles away from my friends and miss them so much. Please can you pray that they come to know Jesus and the hope and comfort and new life that knowing Him brings. Thank you

Submitted by caroline on 13 Oct 2006

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Lost Friends

lord i lift my dear friend louise to you again but this time for a much bigger thing lord she has lost the love for u she has lost that something which was inside of her from the night she found you lord , plz help her find that with in her again and let it be know to her your love and mine too lord let her know we are there to help when so needed lord in wonderfull name Amen

Submitted by Laura on 8 Oct 2006

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friend with cancer

a friend of mine is in remission from breast cancer and she has been struggling really badly with putting on weight and other symptoms. she has been rushed into hospital this evening with breathing difficulties please can we pray that she is ok and that she is allowed home soon, she is a christian and is a wonderful person. she also has other bad symptoms like bleeding from the mouth and nose, just pray for god to be with her, thank you all GBU all sarah xxx

Submitted by sarah on 8 Oct 2006

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Lord, as i read these pages, i see so many who are hurting, crying out for you, in need of your love and grace. I also see those who come and lift up others, who pray passionately for those they love. Lord, i pray that you would lift these people up. So often when you pray for someone, you dont know if you are having any effect, if your prayer is 'working'. Lord, i pray that you would do amazing things for these people, i pray that their loved ones would be healed, or that they would get through the hard times.Lord, i pray that those praying for others see your amazing works and they would be strengthend in their faith and that their faith in the power of prayer would grow stronger each day. Bless them Lord, amen

Submitted by Chloe on 6 Oct 2006

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Breaking down the walls of disbelief in our lives.

Lord Jesus so much more you have for us than we could ever imagine or dream, I pray that for all the young people and not so young who encounter this website, this ministry, Crossrythms you Lord Jesus would free them to know your awesome power and great great love in their lives, break down the walls of disbelief that tell us you will not bless us or that we are too wretched to know the true grace and love you have for each and everyone of us, Lord Jesus tear down the walls that keep us from experiencing your awesome power through the work of your Holy Spirit, Tear down those wall that keep us prisioners of fear, prisoners of sin and despair, Lord Jesus I plead for breakthrough in the lives of each and ever person who has left a prayer request on this website, who has listened to the radio show's and felt an inner voice calling them, for each person involved in the CrossRythms ministry, the DJ's, the techys, the admin staff, the volunteers, the cleaners and all, Lord Jesus for Jonathan and Heather I pray awesome blessing and breakthrough into their lives and a renewed passion for you and your plans in thir life and ministry, pour out your power O Lord upon all these people, be glorified in their lives, Lord for all those chained to sin, I pray those chains be broken, smashed in your name Lord Jesus, for all those prisoners of fear, release them and be glorified in this nation, be glorified Lord, I ask these things in your beautiful and precious name Lord Jesus, King, Saviour and Friend Amen Breaking down the walls of disbelief in our lives... Lamªnatseeach 'Al-Tashcheet lª-Daawid miktaam bªbaarchow mipªneey- Shaa'uwl bamª`aaraah Chaaneeniy 'Elohiym Chaaneeniy Kiy bªkaa chaacaayaah napshiy Uwbtseel- kªnaapeykaa 'echceh `ad ya`ªbor hawowt 'Eqraa' lee-'Elohiym `Elyown laa-'Eel gomeer `aalaay Yishlach mishaamayim wªyowshiy`eeniy Cheereep sho'ªpiy Celaah Yishlach 'Elohiym chacdow wa'ªmitow Napshiy bªtowk lªbaa'im 'Eshkªbaah lohaTiym bªneey- 'aadaam shineeyhem chªniyt wªchitsiym uwlshownaam chereb chadaah Ruwmaah `al- hashaamayim 'Elohiym `al kaal- haa'aar kªbowdekaa Reshet heekiynuw lipª`aamay kaapap napshiy Kaaruw lªpaanay shiychaah naapluw bªtowkaah Celaah Naakown libiy 'Elohiym Naakown libiy 'Aashiyraah wa'ªzameeraah `Uwraah kªbowdiy `Uwraah haneebel wªkinowr 'Aa`iyraah shaachar 'Owdªkaa baa`amiym 'Adonaay 'Azamerªkaa bal- 'umiym Kiy- gaadol `ad- shaamayim chacdekaa wª`ad- shªchaa 'amitekaa Ruwmaah `al- shaamayim 'Elohiym `Al kaal- haa'aarets kªbowdekaa Bless the name of the Lord

Submitted by AndyR on 3 Oct 2006

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how long oh God

Lord you have shut the door on my course in london, my year out thing doing christian work and my be doing a re-take gcse maths course. It is yet more dissapointments and now i have been diagnosed with fibermiolgor(spelt wrong) which is a non seriouse muscil and ligament dissorder it is very painful at times. Thank you that my doctor has been helpful and simpathectic. Lord i think you have put a desire in my heart to teach and but i cant do teacher training untill i have done retake maths i now have to wait a whole year to do that. Lord please help me not to get discouraged and dispair you are so faithfull please make me aware of your plans for my life please give me haelth peace and hope

Submitted by sall on 3 Oct 2006

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Please pray we will understand what we are to do. We are have decisions to make and are so confused. We don't know if we should continue chemo, if we should move. Pray we will understand quickly. Pray Jesus will heal Sam of his cancer today. Pray we will be led to help others.

Submitted by j on 2 Oct 2006

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God, Holy and Powerful Father, Heal G. who lives in depression for 6 years . This lonely young woman has only you to speak about her feeling, her fears. Jesus, please touch her so that she doen't think about suicide. That you change her mind and of her family who doesn(t know what she has endured yet. Thank you for your support ,Lord. In the name of Jesus

Submitted by myriam on 1 Oct 2006

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Lord heal my children

I pray Jesus is with my Billy & what he is going thu right now, alot of stress which can bring his horrible lyme disease back. I also pray for my Dawn that she find God & turns to him & that he heals her from her mental problems and drug addiction.

Submitted by Joy on 1 Oct 2006

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