Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Your glorious love

Dear Lord i pray that you will bring strength and healing to all my fantastic friends that need it. I love them all so much and you know how wonderful they are. They need your glorious spirit in them right now and your awesome love. They are religious in various amounts but i know you will still, of course, love them, your children. Thank you so much Lord. You are loving, glorious, wonderful and awesome my Lord Jesus Christ, My God

Submitted by Jo on 29 Sep 2006

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Dear God, I pray and ask my other friends to pray for my friend who has stage 2 breast cancer. She has the type that is genetic, and fast spreading. I pray you will heal this cancer and give her a miracle I just lost my sister-in-law to breast cancer and she left behind a 10 year old son. My husbands is missing his sister so badly, and he is so full of hurt, pain, anger, and nothing I do or say is right. I love him so much and I want to help him, but I don't know how. He fusses, cusses, throws things, and just gets mad at me over nothing and yells at me. I am worried about my best friend and I am afraid for her. My nerves are shot and I need guidance, and prayers for my husband to get better.

Submitted by James on 22 Sep 2006

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Conversion of a devil worshipper

Dear King I wanna thank you for you redeeming grace and your everlasting love. Father I just pray that you may touch the soul of the known devil worshipper in this place so that she may turn back to you and even bring more people to you by her testimony. I beg you Lord, please dont let her be doomed. It will all be to your glory my Lord. Be magnified in our lives for your glory. In Jesus mighty name we trust you, Amen.

Submitted by Elizabeth on 22 Sep 2006

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difficult times

Dear Lord, I pray for help and guidance as myself and my wife deal with a very difficult and heart tearing decision regarding our 18 year old sons continual rebelious behaviour. Father you know all about the problems we have had over the last few years, and now he isn't working, rebelling against all authority and causing us tremendous grief in how we now deal with his behaviour. Lord we need your help in so many ways, and our son needs to open his eyes to you and turn his life back to your ways. please Lord help us

Submitted by JON on 20 Sep 2006

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lord help louise has she nows go in to a hard time as a family member has past on to you . Lord help lousie to know your love because she is not right now and let her know lord she will have you to turn to Amen

Submitted by Lozzie on 20 Sep 2006

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My Church

Lord thanks so much for my friends as they are such a brillant help thanks binks and the rest for being there and i just pray lord you keep them safe and that you show them how much they mean to me Amen

Submitted by Laura on 18 Sep 2006

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Dear Fiona......

Lord Jesus I lift our dear sister Fiona to you, she cares so much for others Lord I pray that you will bless her this day, this week Lord Jesus, you know the issues she has faced and those things that trouble her now, bring real blessing to her Lord Jesus, she has given so much and I feel Lord it is her time to recieve, I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour Amen El-Shaddai, Ve'ahavat Olam Ahavtich, be blessed dear sister be blessed

Submitted by AndyR on 18 Sep 2006

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Please pray for Sam who has lung cancer that spread to the brain and liver. Pray our Lord will place his hand upon him and remove the cancer from his body. Pray that Sam will receive a supernatural healing so that we may give him the glory and tell all about the miracles our Lord can perform. Pray God will show us how to help other cancer victims.

Submitted by j on 17 Sep 2006

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Lord i prey for Jonathan for him to feel freedom from his mum, .Iprey that she will have peace to let go of him and still feel that she does still have a roll in her family but it will take on a different roll. For her to accept that that she needs to let him fly the nest and be happy for him she is retired and this isnt easy. But in order for him to grow as a person in life and faith this needs to happen and for Jonathan not to feel that this is of his doing but for his mum to take responsibility for what she is feeling. also for his parents not to say to him that if he stays out late that they wont sleep well. Lord lift all the prresures of Jonathan. so he can become the person you want him to be. please encourage Norman white to encourage and support and help his wife with this . In jesus name I ask this lord Amen

Submitted by ann on 13 Sep 2006

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Pray for friends

Lord I lift up to you A she is prepairing for her holiday and she has not been so well.Lord please take the stress and pressure out of the prepperation and give A and her family a well earned rest Lord I ask this in your Name amen.

Submitted by Fiona on 11 Sep 2006

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