Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Please pray for Samuel. He has 2 new tumors in his brain with swelling. He is also fighting tumors in the liver and 2 in the lung. He is back on steroids which make him argumentive. Pray his liver will be healthy enough for him to do the brain radiation. Ask Jesus to bless him with healing. Thand you

Submitted by JEANIE on 2 Sep 2006

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prayer for a friend

hey could you guys start praying for my friend dorthy and her daughter mandy . they are in need of a lot of prayer . they are having problems and dorthy's daughter is not in a varry good situation thank you for praying for her alot of prayer moves the hand of god faster

Submitted by misty on 31 Aug 2006

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Prayer for Nigeria

Lord, I pray for my nation Nigeria in this period of preparing for the next elections, that only the appointed leaders by your grace be gets to any position. Lord fill this nation with your peace, take charge of the election process. Pray against any spirit of violence that may want to disrupt your plans for this nation. In Jesus name.

Submitted by yommie on 28 Aug 2006

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Heal Dennis

Lord God I thank you everyday for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I especially thank you Lord for bringing Dennis into my life. Lord God Please heal his body and his soul. Lord let him know you are there for him. Lord Jesus I thank you for bringing me to this website. Lord Jesus I thank you in advance for answering my prayers. In Jesus name AMEN!

Submitted by Denise on 26 Aug 2006

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Prayer for the church

Father in heaven, I worship and exalt you because of whom you are! You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and there is no-one that can be compared to you. I worship and bow down at your presence and I extol all reverence and worship to your holy name, again- because of whom you are. This morning- I pray for my Pastor and his family- Pastor Tunde Ogedengbe, Sister Bola and Tito- I pray that the vision of the church that you have given them will never go unfulfilled but by your grace, love and divine power- that you will bring this great vision to be established. Father God, I pray that you will barnish whatever is not of God in these early days of the church ministry and I pray that through their lives, you'd usher in your anointing an an endtime revival in the church. The Bible says that whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and so, I therefore pray- Father, King of glory that you make them prosperous and overcoming in every aspect of their lives such that everyone that gets in touch with them will experience a similar breakthrough, success and strength from on-high. Lord, there is none like you, have your way in the lives of every member of the local church. We worship and give you praise God- because we know that you have done it- in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

Submitted by Chioma on 18 Aug 2006

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Prayers and petitions...

Please pray for this woman in Iran and if able please go and sign the petition: Here is some info emailed to us: An Iranian woman, Malak Ghorbany, has been sentenced, this time by a court in the north-west Iran city of Urmia, to death by public stoning for committing "adultery". Under Iran's penal code, Sharia law, the term adultery means any intimate or sexual act between a man and a woman who are not married. It also applies when a girl or woman has been raped; that is considered an act incompatible with chastity and she is therefore punishable by death. (I leave it to readers to fathom the mindset which considers a victim of rape to be at fault.) On the day of her punishment the woman's hands are tied behind her back, she is covered head to toe in winding sheets and placed in a pit. The pit is then filled up to her chest with dirt, which is then tamped down. Members of the community are then invited to kill her by hurling rocks at her. So that the condemned woman receives the maximum pain, the Iranian government has decreed the stones must not be too small to prevent ultimate death, nor must they be too large to cause her death too soon. Presumably the expression "let him without sin cast the first stone" does not apply in Iran. A petition to oppose Malak Ghorbany's barbaric sentence has been initiated, directed to the UN, the ruling clerics of Iran, Amnesty International and other organisations around the world. It can be found at Without significant international pressure and expressions of outrage at the atrocities committed by the Islamic regime, Iranians will continue to be subjected to medieval practices that violate the most basic human rights. I hope readers will sign the petition on the website. I might add that demands are now being made for Sharia law to be established in areas of this country and no doubt eventually to the whole country. Lord Jesus please bring an end to this evil practice and please Lord save this woman and bring change to this nation that allows people to be murdered in the name of 'God' Lord Jesus I lift this situation and this nation to you, In the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 17 Aug 2006

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My son

Lord God, You know that my son is recovering from an illness that has caused him to finish university and go on medication. He has not returned - having gone to a concert with friends (to Leeds) last night. He missed one lot of medication and stayed over. He said he was on the way home at 10.30 a.m. but (after 7 hours - having missed another lot of medication) he still has not returned (his and his friends mobiles are turned off) Please bring him home safely I pray. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Submitted by IWHITWOOD on 12 Aug 2006

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prayer for K

Please pray for k she is traveling back to her home to vistit her father who last time she visited tryed to kill her. We have advised her not to go but she still is. Lord we call out to you to protect K and get her out of harms way please allso protect her heart and give her a good holliday.

Submitted by Fiona on 10 Aug 2006

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Lord God of Israel, I thank You for bringing me to this web page today, prayer is flowing through my heart as never before. I know it's You Lord. Father I lift up the team at the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations before You this evening, Lord, may You spread Your wings of love and protection over them tonight. Be the fire around them tonight, and let Your glory shine more thatn ever before. Lord, in the midst of what is going on, many have left their homes to identify with Your land and people Israel, to prepare for the coming King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Father plse meet them at their point of need and supply more than enough. May they experience Your manifest presence as never before! Lord, I ask that even as they are preparing for the forthcoming prayer convocation in September, that Your Holy Spirit will be in charge of the preparations, that even us from the nations that you are calling to go up at this time, will not be intimidated by what we hear and see in the media. Help us to cling to Your word and believe Your Word. Give the intercessors the Spiriti of Joshua and Caleb, they saw the promised land through the eyes of Your Word, and they could possess the land. Once again Daddy, release the spirit of boldness upon the watchmen that You are calling to stand with You to see Your pruposes fulfilled concerning Israel. Thank you Lord in the mighty name of Jesus!!

Submitted by Felicia on 8 Aug 2006

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Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for K, that Lord Your hand will be upon her, that Lord You will open her eyes to see the trap that's been set before her, and that in Your mightiness You will lead her to avoid it oh, Lord! Lord, of late I have been so uneasy about her, and I know that You are stirring me to stand in the gap for her. Father, we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy, let every trap against her be exposed oh Lord, let every pit be levelled in Jesus name. Father give her wisdom to discern the plan of the enemy. Lord, when Moses went up to seek You, Aaron was trapped by the multitude to disobey your commandments, but when Moses pray for the whole team You forgave them and gave them another change. Father, intervene on behalf of K, Lord and let the fear of You surround her Lord. Father, if I'm the one who's not seeing right, plse reveal it to me Lord. Father, You are a merciful God and Your word says that those who trust in You will never be put to shame. Protect us oh Lord and draw us to Yourself. Thank You Father that You have made our paths to cross, I believe there is a devine purpose, Lord do not allow the enemy to draw us away from Your purpose oh, Lord. Father surround K with your fire and fill her more with Your love. May she begin to see her family, particularly her mother, as You see her Lord. May she have it in her heart to forgive. Heal all the hurts from the past Lord. May K be the light that You use to draw her whole family to yourself! Father I pronounce a blessing upon her life! Keep her focused on yu Lord. I thank You that You have answered my prayers Lord, in Jesus name.

Submitted by Felicia on 8 Aug 2006

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