Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Pray for someone who is opposing the church

Lord I lift up to you C, She is really causing a lot of trouble for the church she is a wolf is sheeps clothing and is deeply into the ocult and trying to promot this with in the church she wealthy and a dominating person God i call out to you that this woman will know not to slagg off you anointed leadeds as she has been she is in deep trouble with you but seems to have no idea that she is. LORD PLEAS BRING JUSTIC AND THE FEAR OF GOD OVER THIS WOMAN she is really acting like jezable Lord pleas deliver her from the root cause of this by the resurectin power of you blood that overcame hell and death you do not want her destroyed for ever,.

Submitted by Fiona on 4 Aug 2006

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Lord I call out to you for C you know her struggles to find fellowship and and to be at peace in it with out going through rejection. Lord You Know the complex issues with attatchment Lord She needs such healing Oh God help her.

Submitted by fIONA on 4 Aug 2006

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Pray for friends

Lord I really want to lift up to you B she has come back from a heavy mission trip and needs deep deep rest lORD i BEG FOR PERFECT RECT TO ENVELOP HER. LoRd I beg for healing and that she would kNOW YOU AS HER STRENGTH.

Submitted by Fiona on 4 Aug 2006

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Breaking chains and breakthroughs...

Lord Jesus awesome Saviour, king of kings and friend I lift up again to you each and every person who has prayed on this website, every single one and Lord Jesus I pray that you through the awesome power of you Holy Spirit will break ALL the chains of bondage that hold so many brothers and sisters down, that stop them being everything that you would have them be, Lord Jesus break the chains of their own expectations, let them know that you can do imeasurably more than they could every every imagine, break the chains of lust over their lives, break the hold that porn has on so many lives, break the chains of doubt and compromise in people's lives, break the chains of loneliness, of despair, of depression and of illness, mental, physical and spiritual illness, breal the chains of pride and arrogance, break the chains of addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, eating, self harming over all these precious lives Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus I pray for breakthoughs this week for these precious children of yours Lord, all these brothers and sisters I pray they will know your power and glory this week, I pray that each will know breakthough and that they will know that your awesome hand has been placed upon their lives, Lord you know each hope, fear and hearts desire expressed within these pages, you Lord know each of these people and I pray your blessings, your awesome blessings upon these children this coming week, Lord bring peace where there is non, that which was broken heal, those lands that are dry bring your holy rain and make furtile these places, bring breakthroughs this week Lord I plead on behalf of each of these people and those who's prayers are deep within their hearts and to her, let her know your awesome and most precious blessing, make her complet and make her whole, bring that special most special breakthrough for her. Lord Jesus all these matters I bring before you, I bring them before you in the knowledge and truth that you Lord Jesus Christ will lay them before the father, making these prayers perfect before our Father in Heaven, let it be so Lord Jesus, let it be so Amen Todah Rabah Elohanu, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonoi, Eloyhim Tzvaot

Submitted by AndyR on 3 Aug 2006

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Almighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, we declare that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. Lord, may the neighbours of the state of Israel recognize Israel's sovereignty and her right to exist in the Middle East in the name of Jesus, Amen. May her neigbhours come to know the Lord Christ as Saviour and Lord, in Jesus name, Amen

Submitted by Ekei on 1 Aug 2006

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Anna and her husbans job

Lord I thank you that you are a god who can move quickly and suddenly do something really nice for you beloved children. Lord i THANK YOU FOR anna and her family they will know what it is to be ubundantly blessed.

Submitted by Fiona on 31 Jul 2006

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Protection, safety

Please pray for my sons, david, and daniel, who are in Iraq for a year. They have seen quite a bit for their young age-shooting, bombing, and have lost some of their buddies, so please pray for protection and for their safety. Please , Lord, protect and bring peace .

Submitted by angie-mom to U.S. soldiers on 27 Jul 2006

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Submitted by JERRY on 27 Jul 2006

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lost son

Lord I know you hear me weeping even as i write this prayer for Miles my young son who is so lost in this world. I believe this is the year he will come to know you and i claim his salvation (if that's allowed). I believe I found this website for a reason, 'cause he's just moved to a village just a couple of miles from bath showground, he loves music and I feel that if I could get him to the Cross Rhythms event he would have a life changing experience. But i don't know how to approach it, whether he can just go along or what I should tell him about it. Please help me or anyone else you choose. Father I cry for him, Laura and Nik that they may somehow get to this event and meet you. Please father because your beautiful son died for my beautiful son. Amen

Submitted by Carol on 27 Jul 2006

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A prayer for you all...

Lord Jesus I thank you for each and every person that has left a prayer request on these pages, so many Lord, some might seem trivell and some might seem horrendous but Lord I stand here before you and lift each and every one of these to you, abolsutley everyone on these pages, Lord Jesus please I pray meet with each and every person, let each one know even now that they are being lifted high, being lifted to you Lord Jesus. For those who need healing, physical, emotional or spiritual please pour out healing from your throne Lord Jesus. For those who need release from chains of bondage, chain of lust, chains of addiction, chains of deression please Lord Jesus bring release and freedom. For those who have material needs Lord Jesus you own it all, I pray that you meet all their material needs. Lord there are so many who need to know true peace, true love, true grace and true mercy please Lord Jesus let these flow from your awesome heart into and through each of these dear brothers and sisters. There are so many who need to know forgiveness and salvation, let it come Lord to them let it come in awesome power. Lord Jesus I finally ask that because you are a rightious and awesome saviour and friend you pour out such an awesome measure of your holy spirit on each and every person who has left even the smallest request here, fill them all a new, to over flowing, let your holy spirit rise up within them and cause a real fire to burn in their hearts, create here Lord an army of people hungry for you and steadfast in their knowledge of you and your awesome blessings in their lifes, Lord Jesus be glorified in each and every life represented by each and every request. Create an army of people who know how to pray and know that you will answer their prayers in turn, I ask all these things in the awesome and powerful, precious and loving name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Our Saviour Amen Kumi Ori Ki Va Orech Uch-vod Adonai Alayich Zarach, Shalom uv'racha B'Mashiach Yeshua, Omein

Submitted by AndyR on 24 Jul 2006

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