Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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New Seasons...

Isa 54:2-3 Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. Thank you Father God for the new season you are bringing forth. let your people praise you and trust you and know the abundance of blessing you will pour out, bless you Father God Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 4 Jun 2006

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Bow down O Israel before your redeemer...

Ps 115:9-13 O house of Israel, trust in the LORD-- he is their help and shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD-- he is their help and shield. You who fear him, trust in the LORD-- he is their help and shield. The LORD remembers us and will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the LORD-- small and great alike. Lord Jesus I bring before you the peoples of Israel and ask Lord that once more you let your mercy and grace fall upon these people, Lord Jesus let them see that which they missed before, let them see their salvation at last, Lord Jesus bring the land who's womb brought forth your purposes bow its knee before you Lord Jesus, Let your salvation rain down ipon those people who rejected you then, I pray Father God that you send forth your awesome spirit upon that land and upon your people's throughout the world let every knee bow down before you O God, I lift this before you Lord our God and ask it in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour amen

Submitted by AndyR on 2 Jun 2006

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Awesome God...

Lord God Heavenly Father I lift to you Cross Rhythms and all it is, Lord I praise and thank you for the resources you have sent, you really are an awesome and generous God and I thank you for that and pray your continued blessing upon the financial and other practical needs of the organisation. Father as Cross Rythms moves into this new season I pray that there will be an abundance of oil poured into the jars, and abundance Father again I say Father Break the chains of our own expectations, I pray father for more jars and more oil, some times Lord we need to store up a harvest for the winter months, let it e so Father God let it be so. I pray Father also for complete release and freedom from past baggage and issues, let this truly be a new season and that all those things past be left in the past, I pray for wisdom and discernment also to be poured out upon the leadership/management of Cross Rythms and also such as awesome measure of grace and mercy as they can bare Father. Lord I pray that there will be an acceleration in income financial and other practical resources, I pray that you Father God will bring the vision to others my practical and miraculous means, course there to be an awesome fire lite in the hearts of many, again I say in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Our Saviour break those chains that bind us, those chains of doubt and pour out the very floodgates of YOUR kingdom on to and into Cross Rhythms, let it be so Father. I pray Father God that through the radio programmes and through the website and other media means you Father will tough awesomely and powerfully the life’s of many many many, Lord Jesus be glorified within this media outreach and ministry. I pray Father that you will draw to Cross Rhythms people with a true and awesome fire within there hearts people who will already have grasped the vision and will help see God’s awesome work manifested through this ministry. I pray that the real and awesome Father heart of you the Living God, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will be poured out into the lives of all those working within Cross Rhythms, I pray that you Father will be gloriefed within the life’s of all those working there. Father God I pray that YOUR people, YOUR Church will develop and grasp the vision for this ministry, I pray Father for a spirit of true unity to fall upon your people and I pray that even now, and through the coming days, people will grasp the vision and see the power of partnership, Lord Jesus I see a day coming when as at Pentecost some 2000 years ago people from different lands could understand each other, that now this year this Pentecost that people from different Churches, ministries, denominations will find a true and common ground in your awesome truth Lord Jesus and will speak as one voice again, Father pour out your awesome spirit upon your people and bring unity to your church. Thank you Lord God that you have paved the way for the future with a new licence and I pray that as you have already done you will bless all aspects of this vision and ministry, I pray that you Father God will truly make this be, keep the fire burning Lord and let others catch the fire, ensure Father that the right people are in place and in the name of Jesus we bind any spirits that would seek to confound these plans, we rebuke in Jesus name, satan who would seek to bring chaos and disharmony, I pray protection over the lives of all those involved in Cross Rhythms and their children, I come against in the name of Jesus sickness and pray that all these people be covered by your precious blood, place awesome Angels around each person, Lord I pray Father special blessings into the life’s of Jonathan and Heather, let them know the awesomeness of your pleasure Lord Jesus and Lord Jesus be glorified in all of this and all of these lovely people, I ask all this in the precious and awesome name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 1 Jun 2006

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Breaking the chains that hold us down...

Father God, awesome Lord, I lift your church before you as we approach penticost, too often Lord God we ask for more...... yet so often we give so little, I pray that as we approach penticost that you pour out your Holy Spirit in an awesome way, in a way that brings your people to their knee's in repentance for all those things that have offended you, I pray Father God that you pour out a spirit of repentance upon your people, a contrite spirit of repentance upon your Church Lord God, I pray also Father that as we approach penticost that you pour out the Father's Heart upon your people, a shepards heart that will always be willing to go in search of the lost and lonely, that will never again let a brother or sister wonder away and fall away from you, a heart that will take them into the dark places if needed to return a sheep to the pen, I pray Father that you will raise up leaders who are un affraid to challenge sin amonst us, who will teach your word truthfully and who will preach the Gospel with honour, power and conviction, I pray Father that in your name those lying, lustfull, boastful and arrogant spirits which confound and control so many of your people be bound in the name of Jesus, break the chains that hold your people down, break the chains that keep your people in bondage to addictions, lust and greed, break the chains that again keep your people from praying and seeking you, break the chains of our own expectations of you the living and awesome God, how much more do you have for us? The very abundance of your throne, your very heart Lord God of Abraham and Isaac, Lord Jesus send your awesome Holy rain upon your people, upon the dry bones of this nation in awesome power, bring your people to their knee's Father, make your people whole and restore your relationship Father God with the Children of Israel, come Lord and dwell amongst us, I ask all this in the awesome and all powerful name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Our Saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 31 May 2006

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Spiritual Healing

Lord God and Father, you sent your Son into the world to suffer and die for the sake of the unrighteous, your lost children separated from you by sin and the works of the Devil. In your infinite love and mercy, send the Comforter, your Holy Spirit, into Rachel's heart, to bring her the salvation and healing that she needs. In Jesus' name. Amen

Submitted by Adam on 30 May 2006

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Breaking the chains of our own expectations...

Lord Jesus I pray that you will break the chains of our own expectations, you have so much more for us all yet we expect so often so little, forgive us Lord for doubting your awesomeness. Lord I lift to you Heather and pray your might and awesome blessing into her life, I praise you Lord Jesus for her and thank you for her ministry, Lord Jesus so often wifes are forgoten and yet Lord Jesus they are the voice of reason in the darkness and wilderness so often, they are the vessels you Lord God use so often to pick us up, I pray that you meet with Heather in a most awesome and new way, that you pour out such blessing upon her life that she will become beautifully overwelmed by your presence, be her rock and be her pefect Father Lord Jesus, you Lord know the hurts she has carried and the grace in which she has carried them you know the desires of her heart and I lift these to you awesome Father God, bless this child of your bless her and pour out the very essence of you throne upon her and her family, I ask this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus Christ our dear and awesome Saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 26 May 2006

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a good friend

Lord I pray that you will take care of J, please keep her safe and strong in your arms Lord, I know she is having trouble putting her trust in you Lord but I pray that she can get past this and really put her faith in you to help her push past her troubles. Lord I know you can help J to be truly happy Lord, please give her strength and guidance. Lord I pray you can guide me in helping her and that you can give guidance to those who she is working with to fight her problems Lord so that she can recover properly. Lord thank you for taking care of her, Amen xxx

Submitted by ej on 25 May 2006

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Something stiring Father in the heavens...

Lord God our awesome Father in Heaven, I pray that you might bring your people, your children your ministers, pastors, Church leaders to our knee's in repentance and in prayer, too long Lord we have argued amonst ourselves whilst sheep stray from the green pastures, whilst others not knowing you stumble in the dark, all this whilst we debate who's denomination or house church is best, who's worship is the trendiest, Father I repent of all these things, I have judged others and felt superior to others, Father for the times we have built buildings to honour you, yet not been willing to fill these buildings or use them truly for your glory I repent, for prophesising revivil yet idly sitting back and awaiting, for being spiritually lazy and wallowing in the fat of the land I repent, Father God, Lord Jesus I pray that you might bring us to our knee's ALL your people Father God pour out a contrite spirit upon us, pour out a spirit of repentance upon us Father God and bring us to prayer, all of us, I pray Father God that then, yes then Father you open up the floodgates of your throne and pour out upon these nations your most awesome power and presence, a presence that will stop people in the streets bring those who do not yet know you to their knee's in repentance, Father I thank you for what is stiring in this world for the visions you are placing before people, for the burden you are placing before so many of your people, Lord Jesus I pray for mercy and grace to be poured out upon your Church your people, grant them a doorway, grant them an awesome breakthrough. In the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour I rebute satan who would seek to steal our crowns and cast doubt upon us, who would seek to make proud our hearts instead of allowing us to know God's awesome humility, I rebute satan in the name of Jesus and ask that his hold on The Church be finally broken and smashed, too many people are suffering through sickness, Adultery, disbelief and all manner of suffering and this within your Chruch Father God, I come against those liying and disceitful spirits that seek to confuse and confound the unity and reality of your Church Lord Jesus I ask this in your name, finally Lord Jesus I bring before you the people of Israel, those people who sought the hight and mighty yet missed you, the humble servant God, I pray that through repentance and pray you might again set your people free, that again Father God you might part the sea of doubt and dispair and lead your people to the true and final land of plenty, Father save the children of Israel and make your plans and purposes complete, I ask this all in the awesome and precious name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Our Saviour Our King and Our Truth Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 24 May 2006

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Soliders in Afghanistan

I'm asking all prayer warriors to pray for my daughters troops for the next two days. They need a protection prayer to cover. My daughter sent a urgent text message asking for prayer. So please join me in praying for them. Lord we ask you to cover them with the blood of Jesus protect them from all hurt or harm. Encamp a league of angels around them protecting them from the enemy. Give them peace, remove all fear from them Lord this is our prayer. In Jesus name Amen

Submitted by Tina on 24 May 2006

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Crusaders: Praying For Breakthrough

Join us for 40 days of prayer for the Crusader movement from 1st June to 10th July 2006. As we progress through our centenary year we have a strong sense that God is calling us to raise our game in prayer. We truly feel that the movement is on the verge of seeing unprecedented impact and influence as we seek to bring this generation to Christ. Would you join with us to pray these prayers every day for 40 days?

Father God we thank you for the privilege of sharing Jesus with children and young people. We pray today for a breakthrough in the number of children and young people who decide to follow you wholeheartedly. We particularly ask for an incredible harvest through the summer programme of events, residentials and short-term service programmes. Amen

Father God, you told us to ask for a release of more workers into your harvest field. We pray today for a breakthrough in the number of volunteers who are released into mission with children and young people. We ask you today to stir the hearts of thousands of people who will commit to serve at a local, regional, national and international level. Amen

Father God, there are so many parts of the country where children and young people are missing out on your good news. We pray today for a breakthrough in seeing hundreds of new local Groups planted so that tens of thousands of children and young people will discover the life-changing good news about Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen

Father God, there is so much that we feel that you have called us to do and we know that you always resource what you have planned. We pray today for a breakthrough in the level of the giving of time and money so that your ministry is fully enabled, both locally and nationally, to make a greater impact in the life of this generation. Amen

Father God, we know that you desire a united body and that the enemy prowls around seeking to cause division and destruction. In a time of such great change, we pray today for a breakthrough in seeing new levels of unity across the movement with an ever-increasing sense of community and family re-established. Help us to move forward together. Amen.

Submitted by Crusaders on 22 May 2006

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