Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Prayer for friend

Please pray for an old man called David he is very elderly now and we dont't think he has much longer to go. Please pray he has much peace and comfort and even his death would gloryfy God. In Jesus Name We ask.

Submitted by Fiona on 9 May 2006

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beach mission!!

please pray for all the young people and gods childern who will be doing beach missions around the country. that we will have the chanse to speack to them about god and that they know him for their selfs

Submitted by luke on 6 May 2006

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Lord I pray that you will take care of H, I know that she is struggling at the moment with so many things, please just give her the strength to get through them and give her the encouragement she needs to do well in the exams she has coming up Lord. Father give her strength as she deals with grief and surround her with people who she can talk to about the problems that worry her. Lord she is an awesome person and I pray that she can continue to spread your word with the cheerfullness she has. I pray that you will protect her and guide her through the next few years too Lord, as she faces new challenges. Father I pray that you will take care of J, give her the strength to fight past this depression that surrounds her and give her the strength and courage to push the things that hurt her away, she is doing so well Lord please continue to help her to make progress in dealing with these things and take away her worries Lord so that she can truly be happy again. Lord I pray that you can surround her with the love and protection she needs and I pray that she can draw encouragement and strength from your love. Lord take care of A and her family, I pray that her sisters baby will be born healthy and well and that there are no complications for her. Lord I pray for the family of Rob Lacey, that you will comfort them and guide them through the grief that they are suffering. Lord please keep these people safe in your arms. Amen

Submitted by ej on 6 May 2006

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Saved Soul

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your mercy and grace in my life. I pray for brother JD and daughter RS--I Pray for your intervention in their lives. They are both so gifted, maybe that is why the devil and all his demons are trying to bring them to defeat. It hurts to badly to watch family that you love so dearly be so self destructive--I believe and trust you Lord that you will deliver them each from their struggles, and that every thing about them will be used for your Glory! Father--I don't want to be in judgement of them--I don't understand why they have choosen this road that is so far from you.--Your mery and grace is with us all. Please deliver father, set them feel from the demons within. Bless them to become all that you would have them too become. In your son Jesus Christ name. Vee

Submitted by Vee on 5 May 2006

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Praise God every day...

Father God I want to praise you and lift your name high, Father I bring before you all the prayers within these pages, thank you Father for those prayers answered and thank you for the lives of those you have reached out and touched here. Father God I pray for all those people here who are still struggling, still hurting, still confussed and still lonely or sad, Father please bless them all, meet each of your children in a personal and real encounter, pour out upon each person represented within these pages an awesome anointing of your holy spirit. Father God again I lift to you the leaders of our churches and all those who seek to serve you, again Father make sheperds of these men and women, give them the confidence and the power to serve you in true humility and love, pour out a measure upon them of unconditional love, grant them the father heart of you Father God. I pray also for the leaders of this nation and all nations, place your people in these positions. Father I pray for the salvation of the children of Israel, bring them back to you Father, be known to them in an awesome and powerful way. Father God I pray again for CR and all those involved bless this work Father. I ask all this in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 4 May 2006

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I have had so many dissapointments, it is hard to understand why God keeps alowing these things to happen!!! Please pray that Gods Blessing will come on my life and make up for three years of consistant dissapointments and set backs. Please will some one pray as i really need a very big- break through and encouragement, the enamy seems to be winning, but I still belive that I am more than a overcomer in Jesus. Jesus will bless me and cause me to prosper instead of me being traped in repatative defeat. In JESUS NAME ARMEN!!

Submitted by Lydia on 2 May 2006

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Praise God this day...

Lord God I praise you today for the work of Cross Rythms, it seems to have come such a long way over the years and I pray Lord God that you will renew the vision and renew the fire in the hearts of those involved in running Cross Rythms, sometimes Lord we need to re focus and sometimes we get complacent about what we do, sometimes life can seem so tough we wonder if its all worth it, Father I pray that you will pour out upon these people your awesome blessings and your holy spirit in ways that they have never known as yet, re fill them and help them Father to know with clarity your purpose for their individual lifes, that they will know your purpose for Cross Rythms with real clarity and that you fill grant them and awesome measure of dissernment as to the future and your will, I lift to you Heather and Jonothan and their family, I lift to you Chris and Tony and all those who oversee this work, I lift to you all those who speak on air, give them wisdom and courage in what they say, I lift to you all those who do the techy work, the admin work, all those who pray for Cross Rythms, their prayer partners and most importantly Lord Jesus I lift to you all those who listen to the radio station, may you Father God speak to the inner hearts of all these people, let them know the reality of your love and compassion and let them know the reality of your saving grace. Lord Jesus pour out upon this organisation a measure and purpose in you, and those barriers and hurddles they face we come against in the precious name of Jesus our Lord and saviour Amen

Submitted by AndyR on 2 May 2006

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my church is hopefully getting new building for a

our church is christian growth centre paisley, we have been running for more than 2 years now based at the david lloyd centre paisley, and there is an old salvation army building at the west end of paisley, its looking good that we will be renting the building, for £20,000 per year our pastors are julie&daniel gardiner,please pray for our whole congreation that we will be going to this new building and please pray for our pastors that they have more encouragement and wisdom and streanght. I am moving to a new house next week which is about 1min walking distance from the new building,i personally think Our Father is placing us all in the right places, pray that my new home is blessed and looked after by god and the new church building as well. can i add that you pray for the security of the new building as the area is pretty commen for crime....May The Lord Bless You All For Your Labours,

Submitted by john on 28 Apr 2006

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A revival in this land?

Father God I praise you for all that you have done for all those known to you and I praise you father God for your faithfullness, I pray again father God for all the pastors, ministers, vicars, church leaders in this land, we pray for revival yet we so often accept disbelief within our own Churches, no more Father God raise up these men and women of God, those who will not be afraid to believe your word, who will not become lazy and comfortable in their congregations, Father God again again I ask you to raise up shepards who Will care for your children, who will feed them, who will water them, who will tend them like a loving and caring shepard, who will keep the flock together at any cost, who will walk down the hillside and into the dark forests to find the sheep who have strayed, who will protect his flock from the ravernous wolves and other preditors, raise up these shepards father God, then maybe then will others see the reality of the love that you pour out on your people and all will hunger then for this, Father God shake the very foundations of your Church, make it arise from its slumber and smash down those doors which bar you from entering, I praise you Father God and ask that you might send your Holy spirit like a refiners fire upon your people, fill your people with your awesome presence, let there be a revival in this land Lord, but I pray father God that it starts within your Churches within the Church leaders within your people, bring us all to our knee's in repentance and praise of you the living God then maybe we will see all the wonders you have in store for this people, I ask this in the precious and awesome name of Jesus Christ our lord and our saviour Amen Amen Lord

Submitted by AndyR on 28 Apr 2006

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please pray for all the young people and gods childern who will be doing beach missions around the country. that we will have the chanse to speack to them about god and that they know him for their selfs

Submitted by luke on 27 Apr 2006

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