Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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bessed a baby

did lord please help blake grow in happyness strong AMEN

Submitted by toni on 26 Feb 2006

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my mum ;(

Dear Daddy, i pray for my mum once again. only you know where she is, what she is doing and who she is with. i've lost hope as i've dome all i could to rescue her. now all the rest is in your hands. Lord, teach me and show me how to feel about her, how to talk about her and how to respond when/if she turns up on our wedding day. Above all this i pray that You will find her and rescue her from her own mind, feelings and decisions. God, please save my mother. You promised to save all my family and i will never forget that! i love You so much for all You have dome for me. i'm so blessed. but there are people (like my mum) who need Your guidence and blessing even more. (GUYS IM NEW HERE BUT IT DOES LOOK TO ME LIKE A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE FIGHT FOR OTHERS' NEEDS SO PLEASE, HELP ME TO FIGHT FOR MY MUM AND THE REST OF MY BROKEN FAMILY)

Submitted by Ania on 24 Feb 2006

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hey guys... Instead of posting my request I'm going to pray it out and ask you all to join with me. There's a site that shares more in depth. God's raising up a generation of intercessors who are not willing to save thier voices for their friends at high school, for their parents, and for the unborn. My heart is gripped by the very love of the father that hears the silent cries of the unborn. I'm going to ask you all to pray this with me, and to pray whenever you think of it... There are thousands who already are. Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America. Okay, I feel like praying some more... Jesus, We are desperate for you. We have a burning passion on the inside of us that's crying out for more. God there's something deep on the inside that's calling out for more of you. I'm sick of the spirit of religion that holds the church in chains, the spirit that says there's nothing more to Jesus Christ than praying once and then living your life any way you want. God, you said through the prophet Joel that you would pour out your Spirit upon all flesh. Before you said that, you asked us, your people, to rend our hearts and not our garments. So we rend our hearts God, and we ask you to come down. Pour out your spirit on your sons and daughters. Ignite a new passion inside of your childrens hearts. God I pray for every student going to every highschool across the US. I pray that a realization of who you are would pierce their hearts. I pray that you would show up in their dreams. speak to them in the night seasons. Begin to stir them up and awake them from the sleep of death. God we can't afford to stay silent any longer, so I pray a boldness would come on your body, not just this city or that city or this state or that state or this nation or that nation, but I pray that your holy spirit would rush in with boldness on christians all over the Earth. America has been slumbering. We've filled our children's ministry with 10 minutes of preaching and 2 hrs of fun and games. We've held youth group meetings with 15 minutes of preaching and then nothing but fun and games. God we've put you in a box and labeled you powerless, but I repent on behalf of my church, of my city, of my state, and my nation. We are sorry God for hurting you. For treating you like you didn't have feelings. We've taken the scripture that talks about "greiving the Holy Spirit" so lightly. Like you're never hurt God. But we've hurt you. I'm sorry Jesus. Forgive us God. I pray that you would reveal intamacy to your bride. That we might know you deeply. We want you to come. God, we love you. We love you Jesus. amen

Submitted by kim on 20 Feb 2006

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join me in praying for J who has inoperable bone cancer.being in Christ Jesus J is a temple of the Holy I pray that the Spirit of God will clean His temple,to the glory of His the name of Jesus our Lord & God.Shine Your light Oh God reveal any unclean thing;clean Your temple oh Lord we pray,that your Glory may be reviealed.Praise,Glory & Honer be Yours.Allelulia.Thank You Lord.Thank You Jesus.

Submitted by heddwyn on 11 Feb 2006

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singer leif garrett in rehab

Please pray for leif garrett popular us singer and entertainer from the time he was little till his worldwide fame at age 17. the world chewed him up and spit him out and has been trying to get back into music with not much luck. his drug illness is going to kill him, he can't live like this anymore.. pray for salvation that someone will go to the hospital. we need a christian band artist that he'll relate to. if there is anyone out there to go visit and witness PLEASE go. he is a wonderful person of great depth and big heart. he has a beautiful voice and needs work. He worked recently with liberty and justice and did a song with them and lilked it. ARE THERE ANY CHRISTIAN MUSICANS THAT WILL GO LIKE GOD CALLS US TO DO AND SAVE THIS MANS SOUL AND LIFE? HE ALSO NEEDS HOPE OF WORK, CHRISTIAN MUSIC WOULD KEEP HIM FROM THE WORLD OF DRUGS THAT HE WOULD BE BACK AROUND IN THE SECULAR WORLD. pLEASE HELP HIM... AND PRAY!!!! yours iln christ cassandra

Submitted by cassandra on 10 Feb 2006

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My close friend is slowly slipping away from church. He knows he should be with you God. I pray you would just show him that you are there with him and that he would come back to you. He is a child of you God and you got a great life planned for him! Ignite the fire again God!

Submitted by coedboy on 7 Feb 2006

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My friend and Gwoza

I would like to pray for my friend who is heavily depressed at the moment. And also for my Chuches money raising attempts to build a center in Gwoza

Submitted by Bx on 7 Feb 2006

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Heavenly Farther, Thanyou for everyone who helped me and I pray that you may watch over these people. In Jesus name Amen

Submitted by Penny on 3 Feb 2006

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Peoria Outreach Center

Please pray for the Peoria Outreach center in Peoria, Illinois USA.

Submitted by Don on 3 Feb 2006

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My Friend and her family

my friend has just told me her parents have split up. Her dad walked out her, her mum and her sister after the revelation that he has been seeing another woman for 3 months. This came as a huge shock to all of them, my friend is very upset. please help them through this difficult time lord. amen

Submitted by Constance on 22 Jan 2006

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