Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Holly Sprit

I belive this is the year thta we all need to be filled with the Holly sprite. Not just on our own but in our churches too.JUST AS God filled the diciples at pentecost we need that filling each day of our lives. Outhers need to see it to. Just like they did at Penticost. This is one of the ways Jesu will speack to us. This is the way we will grow in him too. I found out the outher day when my husband had trouble with his eyes. I thought he could have lost his sight. I was thiking of all the negative thoughts of what it would mean in my life. One of them beinnig that I would not be able to go to the church that I loved. God spoke to me though the Holly Sprite and reminded me that he had healled him all readey and I was to speack in his voice more. so I pray let us be filled more with the Sprite of God.

Submitted by rosemary on 21 Jan 2006

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My Son

Pray that my son will return to Jesus and that he and his girlfriend can serve God together. Pray too for their plans to get a job in the right place to work out and that God would guide them every step of the way.

Submitted by Wanda on 6 Jan 2006

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Friends in need

Please pray that the Lord would provide a friend and wife for Paul. Please pray for P he needs a lot of healing from rejection. Please pray for C that she finds a church felloship and her family relationships are healed. Please pray for C and G that their relationship is blessed and the financial problems are sorted out. Please pray for I and j that their urgent needs are met. Please pray for S as she needs healing from rejection and that she holds down her job. Please pray for E that he recovers soon and is able to make better choices that do not endanger his health. All these people really need prayer.

Submitted by Fiona on 2 Jan 2006

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Encouragement For All.

For all those going through Trials and Tribulations.Remember His Words... Revealations 21:4,5. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Behold He that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new. And He said unto me,Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Submitted by Sandy on 21 Dec 2005

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Heavenly Father, I lift up my flat mates to you - Sarah, Hannah and Natalie. Lord thank-you for putting me in that flat - you have me there for a reason. I pray that your love would shine out from me as I live with them for this next year. I pray that you woul save them - let them see you more clearly God! Lord, I have prayed so much for these guys and don't know what else to pray! I just long for you to touch their lives and transform them God! Please Lord, you say in your word that you arm is not too short - your arm is long enough Lord to reach anyone. I pray that you would stay true to your word and save them Father. Please challenge them about where they stand with you. I love you Lord and I want them to love you too. I pray all this for your glory God, Amen

Submitted by Shaz on 14 Dec 2005

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Prayer for friends

Please pray for C and G they are experiencing financial problems. They really urgantly need financial help they do so much for the Lord and have gone through so much they really need the lords intervention.

Submitted by Fiona on 14 Dec 2005

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holy spirit plez fill the leaders of the werld wiv noledge that the werld isnt gonna last 4eva and we need 2 care 4 it!! help them see that we need 2 stop pollution - it is destroyin the beautiful werld god created. a planet is 4 life, not just 4 xmas. it needs care and nuture and undastandin. in the name of the father son and holy gost AMEN

Submitted by jasmine on 12 Dec 2005

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i need God to provide finaces for me and my family thax

Submitted by hattie on 9 Dec 2005

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A friend has been in care for a few years now and needs to move back into the community. All her key workers are leaving, there are new staff who don't know her and deadlines that are not being met. It's all a bit of a mess. Prayers: Wisdom and encouragement for the remaining staff and a miracle for the situation itself would be fantastic Thanks

Submitted by gill on 22 Nov 2005

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Prayer Request For Healing

Hi, I have a prayer request for my mother who is ill. I would ask that you reach for the throne for her healing with me. I am her care taker and need some strength from God as well. We need a miracle. Thank you for your prayers. Bless You, DJ - USA

Submitted by DJ on 22 Nov 2005

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