Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

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Our Children - God's Children

Dear Lord, I want to lift up to you the teenagers who attend our youth group every week in York. Many know nothing about you, and just think it's a joke when we talk of you. Others hear the message, understand it, but due to peer pressure at school or the lure of this world won't give themselves to you. Even those who do claim to be Christians don't give themseleves completely to living for you. These are your children Lord. They were created by you, and belong to you. I pary that you will break through into their hearts, and empower us to show your relevence to them in their daily lives. Amen

Submitted by Andy on 18 Feb 2005

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Deliver her from depression and suicidal thoughts

Lord, I pray that you will watch over and protect Emily. Please banish the darkness of despair and depression from her life, let her know peace and comfort, and find the strength to resist thoughts of suicide. Show her just how much you love her, heal her, make her whole again. Please let the collection of music and videos bring her closer to you, so she knows you as I am beginning to. Thankyou Jesus. Amen.

Submitted by David on 11 Feb 2005

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Dear Father

I lift the sons that you gave me to you, and cry out to you to take hold of them and gently speak to each and every one of them, drugs play a big part in their lives, one son is struggling with heroin, while the other two struggle with cannabis. My youngest son gets very angry, and has even set upon his older brother with a bar. My older son cannot find forgiveness in his heart for what he has done please help him too. These two brothers were always very close and now are so far apart, bring them together again without the anger and unforgiveness, in Jesus name i ask this. Also can i bring my husband before You, would You just gently push him back to church, he knows You are with him but needs the fellowship of like minded people, and i want him with me Lord, in Your mercy hear my prayer. Lord help Joan my friend and leader she has had two operations within days of each other please heal her, Thank You Lord for my healing so far, thank You that You are healing my Dad, Thank You for helping Mom to cope, and Lord please bring my girls back to Yourself, May we all know Jesus more and more. Come Lord Jesus and live in me and my family and husband, take over our lives. I pray these things in Your sweet and holy name Jesus. I love You Lord. Amen

Submitted by Lorraine on 31 Jan 2005

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Lord we ask for you to move in this situation

For the last 2 1/2 years we have been on a rollercoaster through huge difficulties with our 16 year old son. Drugs are satans tool and they drag kids such as our son on a downward spiral which affects all his family.He has denounced God, uses vile language and is very destructive when in one of his mood swings. We have now come to a point where we can no longer stand it, and my prayer is for our Heavenly Father to move in this situation, so that our son will see that what he is involved in is only destroying everything around him, I also pray for his sister, my wife and myself to gain the strength to deal with all that is going on.Please oh Lord God move within this situation, that we will see a great change in our sons attitude and behaviour.

Submitted by Jon on 26 Jan 2005

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Prayer for the Victory World Missions Office

Lord I pray for Mrs. Darlene who is the office manager and Terry Henshaw the Missions Director. I ask you protect them and give them health and perfect restoration in all the areas in there life. I also ask you guide there personal life to be blessed and at peace. Give them stength and the ability to to there jobs easily and effectively with joy. I pray they will draw near to you in their perfect will for their lives. Bless all the student work study and employees in the Missions Office, In Jesus name. Amen and may I have favor with all men and you. May you help me to be the servant of all.

Submitted by Desiree on 26 Jan 2005

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Lord, help them.

Lord jesus, please help those poor, homeless, famililess children and adults in south-east asia affected by the tsunami. help them to get the love and food and money they need and carry on their lives. HELP THEM!!! jaz x x x

Submitted by Jasmine on 6 Jan 2005

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My son and new grandson

Lord father God, I ask you to be with my 24 yr old son Gary, unemployed who has moved 40 miles away to be near his new baby. Lord, Gary is lonely, and scared, he knows no one in this new town except his ex partner and the new baby. Be close to him these next few weeks, I have faith in you Lord.

Submitted by Anne on 28 Dec 2004

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I met this guy 2 weeks ago, and we have loads in common and hes such a deep and interestin guy and we'v met up adn had gud chats about God and stuff. I have made him a cd of christain badn songs like delirious and steve and he really likes them , make him think, and i just really want to pray that God will speak to him and I can bring him closer to God coz it wud be amazing!!!

Submitted by pip on 27 Dec 2004

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prayer request

Dear, i request you to pls pray for us espically for my mother and father health at present my mother is working under a heathn pls pray that my mother gets an mlc job in govement mathew

Submitted by mathew on 22 Dec 2004

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help her

Lrd, hlp that poor gal in iran whos gonna get killd 4 b-in a prostitute wen her mum frced her into it. y do they pick on da gal aswll? there r men dat ave rapd her n paid to hve sex wiv her so Y rnt they b-in punshd? - evn tho i thnk dat punshin iz rong. hlp da arthri-t 2 chnge ther mnds n hlp dis poor Layla thro all dis coz shes got da mentl wirin of a 8 yer old. Stp dese pepl from killn n-e mor pepl. jaz x x x

Submitted by Jasmine on 16 Dec 2004

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