Andrea Williams from the Lawyers Christian Fellowship updates us on a number of current significant cases, receiving extensive media coverage, involving Christians.

University Cases
In May of this year,
Exeter Christian Union was forced to change its name
to the 'Evangelical Christian Union', following pressure from the
Student's Union, known as the Guild of Students. It was contended that
the Christian Union was demonstrating cultish exclusivity, and so
should attract the label 'evangelical' to describe its literal
interpretation of biblical teaching. Such literal teaching was
essentially being deemed to attract a label suggesting fundamentalism.
This development came after one student approached the Guild and
stated that the Christian Union was not accepting of all Christians.
The Christian Union had retained its name for some fifty years
previous to this. A letter was subsequently written in the student
newspaper. The Guild stated that another person must be found to
'second' a motion changing the name from 'CU' to 'ECU'. An Annual
General Meeting was held later in May. Even at this stage, the
Christian Union was not fully aware of the case against them. The
motion was carried by 54/50, and the Guild approved the motion. The CU
was then forced to change its name to the Evangelical Christian Union.
The Christian Union then sought to reverse this decision
by requesting a University referendum. Before this referendum, a
hastily drafted equal opportunities policy was put forward by the
Guild, stating in effect that any discrimination based on sexuality
would lead to expulsion from the students union and a withdrawal of
funds. At the same time, various posters were put up throughout the
University supporting the vote to stop the name change from the 'ECU'
to the 'CU', these posters were ruthless, misinformed and insensitive.
A University referendum was subsequently held in October. The motion
to change the name from 'ECU' to 'CU' was successful, but the Guild
refused to ratify it. It was argued that the University rules state
that a quorum of 10 per cent of students must be present for a motion
to be carried. When less than 10 per cent of students are present, the
Guild have the casting vote. They subsequently ruled that the 'ECU'
should remain the 'ECU'. Since that referendum, the Christian Union
has been suspended, their student union bank account has been frozen,
and they are not permitted to use any rooms or facilities within the
Guild's jurisdiction for events or advertising. The issue is
particularly pressing as the CU have an evangelistic mission on campus
in just three weeks. They must now look for alternative advertising
methods and venues.
The Exeter University Student
magazine article on this issue can be found on page 2 of this Exepose article.
Edinburgh, the Christian Union has attracted
criticism for adopting the "Pure" Course. This course advocates
biblical teaching on sex and relationships. It states that sex is only
appropriate within the life-long commitment of marriage, and that sex
outside that institution is a sin. This clearly includes sex in both
homosexual and heterosexual relationships. The result has been that
the Christian Union has been described as homophobic. Gay activists
have attempted to have the course banned before its commencement on
Mon 23rd October. Following a misleading and distorted article about
"Pure" on the front page of the Student Association newspaper, Gay
activists launched their own "Stop Pure" campaign, setting up an
internet-based forum. The Chaplain of the University had initially
supported the teaching of the "Pure" course, but has since refused to
support the Christian Union.
For further information on
Edinburgh Christian Union please visit the Edinburgh News website.
These Christian Unions are
in the midst of a real battle to boldly proclaim biblical truth.
VES Name change
A legal challenge under the
Trademarks Act 1998 is being brought against the Voluntary Euthanasia
Society by a number of Christian organisations. Christian Medical
Fellowship, ALERT, and The British Council OF Disabled People are
bringing the action to object to VES changing its name to "Dignity in
Dying." The challenge is based upon the following provision of the
Trademarks Act:
"A trade mark shall not be registered if
it is contrary to public policy or accepted morals, or of such a
nature as to deceive the public."
The action was filed
in September and the VES have until the 14th November to respond. On
the same issue, on 24th October, a legal challenge was filed by the
Lawyers Christian Fellowship to the European Trademark Court in Spain,
objecting to the registration and trademark of the phrase, "Dignity in
dying, your life, your choice."
For further information
on this case, please visit the Christian Concern For Our Nation website.
Nadia Eweida Case
Nadia Eweida, 55, is a committed
Christian. She has worked for British Airways as a check-in worker,
for seven years and has had an unblemished record to date. Last month
however, a duty manager at Heathrow terminal four, requested that
Nadia remove her cross, which was behind a company cravat. Nadia
refused to remove it, and was subsequently suspended from work without
pay for two weeks. British Airways have said that the airline uniform
code states that staff must not wear visible jewellery or other
'adornments' whilst on duty without permission from the management.
However, under rules drawn up by BA's 'diversity team' and 'uniform
committee', Sikh employees can wear the traditional iron bangle, even
though this could almost certainly be described as 'jewellery'.
Furthermore, British Airways permits Muslims to wear a headscarf. In
response to her suspension, Miss Eweida said:
"I will
not hide my belief in the Lord Jesus. British Airways permits Muslims
to wear a headscarf, and Sikhs to wear Turbans. Only Christians are
forbidden to express their faith. I am a loyal and conscientious
employee of British Airways, but I stand up for the rights of all
A petition of support has been signed for
Miss Eweida by more than 200 fellow employees. Miss Eweida will be
suing British Airways under the Employment Equality (Religion or
Belief) Regulations 2003. Miss Eweida, as a sister in Christ, needs
our support. Please pray that she will know God's strength and peace
and know that she is not alone in her stand for Christ. For further
information on this case, please visit the websites for the Daily Mail and This Is London.
Lydia Playfoot
Lydia Playfoot is a 15 year old school girl and
committed Christian. In June 2004, she began to wear a ring known as
"The Silver Ring Thing." The ring was developed by American
Christians, and is a sign of a promise to God of sexual abstinence
until marriage. As such it is a direct manifestation of faith, and an
understanding of biblical truth. Lydia was told to remove the ring as
it breached health and safety requirements. However, Sikh girls in the
school are permitted to wear traditional bangles. These bangles are
not deemed to contravene health and safety rules. Lydia and her family
have tried to amicably resolve the issue with the school, but the
situation has reached an impasse, with Lydia being threatened with
suspension and even expulsion. Lydia sought legal advice and is now
filing a case based on a violation of Article 9 of the European
Convention on Human Rights as incorporated into UK law by the Human
Rights Act 1998. This Article states that:
"Everyone has
the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.freedom to
manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such
limitations as are necessary in a democratic society.."
Lydia has shown a tremendous depth and commitment to her faith in
fighting this case.
For further information, please visit
the websites for the Telegraph and the Daily Mail.
The C of E website says "We view the [Bible] as containing all things necessary for salvation and as being the rule and ultimate standard of faith."
So the largest Christian grouping in the UK doesn't seem to be at odds with the CU's position.
However the RC website says 'tradition'
"must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence." [to the Bible]
Even so, I am disappointed if this is a stumbling block, as all committed Christians have a powerful message for the world; one which should take precedence over internal doctrinal issues.