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Article Title: Cases Affecting Christians Today In The UK
Author of reported comment: David
Comment Date: 15:02 on Nov 20 2007
Comment: Re the argument between protestants & catholics. 'Catholic' means universal: Orthodox, Romans & Anglicans are all catholic (not just Rome). (Don't the Cof E say the creeds - I believe in the holy, catholic, apostolic church)? Christ founded the Church, which existed before the writing of the New Testament, and sent out disciples to proclaim the Gospel. The Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, produced the New Testament. So the Church has a central part in the proclamation of the Gospel. 'The Bible alone' is not a full expression of Christianity, though Christian teaching has to be consistent with it, and it is always the cornerstone of the Church's teaching about Christ, who is of course the true Cornerstone.
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