Browsing artists 'H'

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Keyword search Artists & DJs:
H Band, Dan
H&J Quintet
H, Robbie
H.O.G. (discontinued)
H:yper Life
Haag, Linda
Haagsma, Becky
Haas, David
Haas, James E
Haase, Ernie, & Signature Sound
Habedank, Joseph
Habitation (discontinued)
Hackett Park, Laura
Hackett, John
Hadden, David
Haddon, Deitrick
Haddon, Tammi
Haddonfield Chorus, The
Haddy, T
Haden, Charlie
Hagee Family, John (now known as Hagees, The)
Hagee, John
Hagee, Matthew
Hagees, The
Hagen, Nina
Hager, Betty
Haggard, Merle
Haggard, Merle
Hagues, Robin
Haigh, Nick
Haigh, Nick & Anita
Haight, Mike
Hailey, Josh 'Albert'
Hailing Stones, The
Haines, Chris
Hairston Ware, Tonya
Hairston, Bishop Roger J, & The Voices Of Deliverance
Hairston, J J, & Youthful Praise
Hakanson-Stacy, Michael
Halcyon Days
Hale, Lanae'
Hale, Nate
Hale, Paul
Hale, Robert, & Dean Wilder
Hale, Samuel
Hale, Sean
Haley, Bob
Half Mile Home
Half Past Forever
Half-Handed Cloud
Hall Choir & Congregation, Juanita
Hall International Ministries, Tim
Hall Jr, O D (discontinued)
Hall Negro Quartette (discontinued)
Hall, Allan
Hall, Anita
Hall, Ben
Hall, Charlie
Hall, Cindy
Hall, Connor, & The Homeland Harmony Quartet (now known as Homeland Harmony Quartet, The)
Hall, Crystal
Hall, Danniebelle
Hall, Donna
Hall, Gary, & The Stormkeepers
Hall, Jacqui
Hall, James
Hall, Johhny
Hall, John
Hall, Johnny
Hall, Jonathan
Hall, Julie
Hall, Kevin A
Hall, Lorette Monique
Hall, Mark
Hall, Marshall
Hall, Myrtle
Hall, Natalie P
Hall, Nick
Hall, Pauline
Hall, Ramsay
Hall, Reverend Errol
Hall, Rich
Hall, Rodger
Hall, Sammy
Hall, Steve (now known as Called, The)
Hall, Timothy
Hall, Timothy (now known as Freedom 61)
Hallam Street Band (discontinued)
Hallam, Liz
Hallé, The
Hallelujah Crew, The (discontinued)
Hallelujah Hop
Hallelujah Joy Band
Hallelujah Minstrels, The
Hallelujah Square
Hallgrimsson, Haflidi
Halligan, Rob
Hallin, Per-Erik
Halliwell, Holly
Halloran, Val
Halo Friendlies
Hamblen, Stuart (discontinued)
Hamblin, Rev L A
Hamburg Student Choir, The
Hamburg Students Choir, The
Hamel, Kevin
Hamil, Sheila
Hamill, Jim (discontinued)
Hamilton & Divine Worship, Brian
Hamilton Christian Center
Hamilton Family, The
Hamilton Girls, The
Hamilton IV, George
Hamilton, Andrea
Hamilton, Claire
Hamilton, David
Hamilton, Diana
Hamilton, Duane
Hamilton, J Wallace
Hamilton, Jake
Hamilton, Julie
Hamilton, Leah Michelle
Hamilton, Lynne
Hamilton, Pete (discontinued)
Hamilton, Rev W E
Hamilton, Timothy
Hamilton, Zula
Hamm, Regie
Hammer (now known as MC Hammer)
Hammer, Glass
Hammer, Kevin (now known as Hammer, Kevin Douglas)
Hammer, Kevin Douglas
Hammerly, Jim
Hammitt, Bowen
Hammitt, Matt
Hammon, Caleb
Hammond & Williams (discontinued)
Hammond, David
Hammond, Fred
Hammond, Fred, & Radical For Christ
Hammond, K R
Hammond, Keith
Hammond, Kylese
Hammonds Saltaire Band
Hammy And The Technoids
Hampshire Primary School Choir
Hampton Insititute Quartet (discontinued)
Hampton, Micah
Hampton, R W
Hampton, Wes
Hamrick, Philip
Han, J
Hance, Beverly
Hancock, Bishop Lawrence
Hancock, Ems
Hancock, Margaret (discontinued)
Hand Made
Hand Made
Hand Of Fate
Hand Of Fire
Handel, George Frideric (discontinued)
Handels, The
Handling, Lorraine Heather
Handojo, Djohan E
Handshake Murders, The
Handy, Debbie
Hanelle, Jean (discontinued)
Haney, Brian
Haney, Lynn
Haney, Lynn (discontinued)
Haney, Marc (discontinued)
Hanks, Doug
Hanley, Elaine
Hanleys, The
Hanlon, Jerry
Hann's Emperors Of Song (discontinued)
Hanna, John Robert
Hanna, Philippa
Hannah & Elizabeth
Hannah Mary
Hannah Rose
Hannah, Ian
Hannah, Mark Thomas
Hanni, John
Hanover Saints
Hans, Shamey
Hansen, Darrell
Hansen, Marsha
Hansen, Michael
Hansen, Paul & Susan
Hanson Singers, Marie
Hanson, George
Hanson, Joel
Hanson, Rhonda
Hanssen, Willy
Happy Goodman Family, The
Happy Harry & Uncle Weldon (discontinued)
Happy Mouse Recordings
Happy Time Chorus & Orchestra
Happy Travelers Of Brooklyn, NY (discontinued)
Happy Two, The (discontinued)
Happy, The Loved And The Wanted, The
Har Megiddo
Harakal, Tim
Harbottle, David
Harbour Light
Harbour Lights, The (discontinued)
Harbour Live
Harcourts, The
Harcus, Michael
Hard Evidence (discontinued)
Hardcastle, Rev G W
Hardeman Delegation, Gabriel (discontinued)
Harden, John W
Hardie Avenue
Hardie, Billy
Hardin, Dixie
Harding University Concert Choir
Harding, Carolyn
Harding, John
Harding, Kaytie
Harding, Wes
Harding-Chestney, Kayte
Hardisty, Margaret
Hardwick, John
Hardwick, Thom, & Nathalie Haag (discontinued)
Hardy, Joe
Hardy, Kevin, & Tom Scott
Hare, Eric B
Hare, Julia
Hare, Steve
Harfst, Samuel
Hargest, Brittany
Hargett, Candace
Hargreaves, Gill (discontinued)
Hargreaves, Sam
Hargrove, Linda (discontinued)
Hargui Music Mongolia
Haring, Fred
Hark The Herons
Harlan, John, Todd (discontinued)
Harlem Congregations (discontinued)
Harlem Gospel Choir
Harley, Lucille
Harley, Steve
Harmon, Nancy
Harmon, Steve
Harmoneers, The
Harmonica Movement, The
Harmonisers (discontinued)
Harmonizers, The (discontinued)
Harmonizing Five, The
Harmonizing Four, The
Harmony (discontinued)
Harmony Hi-See
Harmony Trio, The (discontinued)
Harmony, Josh
Harp & Lyre
Harp, Brenda
Harper, Colin
Harper, David
Harper, Edward
Harper, Ray, & The Reign With Him Ensemble
Harper, Redd (discontinued)
Harper, Shane
Harper, Simon
Harper, Tori
Harpham, Conrad
Harrah, Walt
Harreld, Aver
Harrell, Jade
Harrington Crusade Choir, Bob
Harrington, Carrie
Harris Family (discontinued)
Harris Singers, Michael
Harris, Aloa
Harris, Arnold
Harris, Bernard
Harris, Bob
Harris, Delra
Harris, Elder Rickey T
Harris, Elsa
Harris, Emmylou
Harris, Ernie
Harris, Gene
Harris, Gerald
Harris, Goerge
Harris, Julia
Harris, Larnelle
Harris, Mark
Harris, Mark
Harris, Nigel
Harris, Phil
Harris, R H, & The Masonic Quintet
Harris, Robert
Harris, Robin
Harris, Ron
Harris, Rufus
Harris, Shanon M
Harris, Sir William Henry (discontinued)
Harris, Tori
Harris, Tracey
Harrison Gospel Singers, The
Harrison, Carolyn
Harrison, Christina
Harrison, Deborah
Harrison, Tom
Harrod And Funck
Harrod's Jubilee Singers
Harrod, Jason
Harrup, Albie
Harry Simeone Chorale, The
Harry, Naeem
Hart & Soul
Hart, Barry
Hart, Beth
Hart, Don
Hart, Kathi
Hart, Laura (discontinued)
Hart, Lee (discontinued)
Hart, Luke
Hart, Maureen
Hart, Michael
Hart, Phil
Hart, Sarah
Hart, Steve
Harthill Choir, The
Hartley, Tom
Hartley, Tom
Hartman, Scott
Hartmann, Ann
Hartsteen (discontinued)
Hartville Singers (discontinued)
Hartzo, Michael
Harvard University Choir
Harvest Crusade
Harvest Fire Mega Mass Choir
Harvest Flight
Harvest Worship
Harvest Worship
Harvest Worship Band
Harvesters, The
Harvesters, The (discontinued)
Harvesters, The
Harvey's People
Harvey, Connie
Harvey, Jancis
Harvey, Liz
Harvey, Mark
Harvey, Pastor DeWayne
Harvey, Paul
Harvey, Peter
Hash, Eugene
Haskell, Mary
Haskell, Mary Donnelly
Haskey, Alyn
Hason Singers, John
Hassell, Greg
Haste The Day
Hastings, Benjamin William
Hatcher, D C (discontinued)
Hathaway, Bradley
Hats Of Cana
Haug, Rosaleen
Haugen, Marty (discontinued)
Haughton, Alan
Haughton, Mike
Haugland, Jen
Haugsand, Ketil
Haun, Mike (discontinued)
Haun, Wayne
Havalina Rail Co
Haven (discontinued)
Haven Of Rest Quartet
Haviland, Roland
Havner, Vance
Hawa, Mike
Hawaiian Hymns
Hawaiians, The
Hawes, David
Hawes, Patrick
Hawk House
Hawk In Paris, The
Hawk Nelson
Hawken, David G, And The Keynotes
Hawker, Papa John
Hawkind, Darren
Hawkins Singers, Edwin (discontinued)
Hawkins, C D, & Singers
Hawkins, Daniel
Hawkins, Darren
Hawkins, Dr William K
Hawkins, Edwin (discontinued)
Hawkins, Edwin, & The Music & Arts Seminar Mass Choir (discontinued)
Hawkins, Hugh
Hawkins, Robin
Hawkins, Ron, And HBF
Hawkins, Steve
Hawkins, Stevie
Hawkins, Sunny
Hawkins, Tim
Hawkins, Tramaine
Hawkins, Walter
Hawley, Peter
Haworth, Bryn
Haworth, Paul
Hawson, Keith
Hawthorn Band
Hawthorne III, Nigel (discontinued)
Hawthorne, Grace
Hawthorne, Koryn
Hay, Mike (discontinued)
Haycock, Benjamin
Hayden, Pastor Woodrow
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Hayes Family
Hayes, Minister Oscar A
Hayes, Addison
Hayes, Craig
Hayes, Crystal
Hayes, Dr Charles
Hayes, Dr Charles G, & The Cosmopolitan Church Of Prayer Choir
Hayes, Mark
Hayes, Mark
Hayes, Shirley
Hayford, Dr Jack
Hayles, Lou (now known as Lewis, Lou)
Hayman, Delta
Haynes Temple Church Of God In Christ Choir
Haynes, Bruce
Haynes, Ida
Haynes, James
Haynes, Kevin
Haynes, Les
Haynes, Sister Beatrice
Hays, Brooks
Hayward, John
Hayward, Maria
Hayward, Mike
Hayward, Nathan
Hayward, Owen
Haywood Hudson & Robertson
Hazel, Chris
Hazzard, Claire
He Is Legend
He Is We
Head, Michael
Headley, Heather
Heal Africa
Healing Leaves
Healing Songs
Hear & Now Singers (discontinued)
Heard, Mark (discontinued)
Hearn, Billy Ray
Hearne Family, The
Hearne, Lindy
Hearns, Angela
Heart And Soul
Heart Like War
Heart Music
Heart Of The City Worship Band
Heart Of Worship
Heart Of Worship
Heart Worship
Heart's Journey
Heart, Soul & Might
Heartland Boys
Hearts And Minds Renewed
Hearts In Stereo
Hearts Like Lions
Hearts Of Saints
Hearts Of Worship
Heaslip, Eoghan
Heath Robinson
Heath, Brandon
Heath, David
Heath, Katie
Heathcote, George
Heathens Rage
Heather (now known as Williams, Heather)
Heather & Trevor
Heather And Kirsten
Heather, Cheryl
Heatley, Paul
Heatwole Sisters (discontinued)
Heaven Bound
Heaven Bound
Heaven Cent
Heaven Or Hell
Heaven Scent
Heaven Sent
Heaven's Force (discontinued)
Heaven's Sake Kids
Heavener, David
Heavenly Band, The
Heavenly Echoes, The
Heavenly Five
Heavenly Gates Of Baltimore (discontinued)
Heavenly Gospel Singers (discontinued)
Heavenly Joy
Heavenly Rain Ministries
Heavenly Tones, The (discontinued)
Heavens, John
Heavy Blues
Hebron Ministries
Hecox, Seth
Hector, Sharlene
Hedderly, Joyce
Hedges, Eddie
Hedges, The
Hedley, Michael
Hee Haw Gospel Quartet, The (discontinued)
Heffner, Bruce
Heflin, Josiah
Heflin, Tiffany
Hefner, Kenny Paul
Hegland, Don
Heide, Doc, And The Pills
Heider, Kevin
Heider, Zach
Heightz, Reubin
Heiligenkreuz Choir
Heinsius, Carel
Heintz, Tim
Heinze, Jim
Heiple, Cheryl (discontinued)
HeirBorn (discontinued)
Heirborn Promise
Heirship (discontinued)
Heismen Quartet, The
Helbling, Dave
Held By Trees
Helden, David
Helen Jayne (now known as McKellar, Helen Jayne)
Helen Joy
Helfrich, Ralf
Hellebronth, Luke
Hellebronth, Luke + Anna
Heller, JJ
Hellings, James
Hello Industry
Hello Kelly
Hello Revolution
Helms, Andrea
Helmsmen (discontinued)
Helmut & Elisabeth
Helser, Jonathan David & Melissa
Helser, Ken (discontinued)
Helseth, Tine Thing
Helton, Debbie
Helton, Debbie
Helton, RJ
Helvadjian, Mark
Heman Quartet, The
Hembrow, Dale
Hemby, Tom
Heming, David
Hemingway, Beki
Hemmel, Kevin
Hemming, Nigel
Hemphill, Candy (now known as Christmas, Candy)
Hemphills, The
Henderson, Al
Henderson, Aletta
Henderson, Bennie
Henderson, Brent
Henderson, Debra
Henderson, Kyle
Henderson, Patrick
Henderson, Rusty
Henderson, Stewart
Hendley, Kristy
Hendley, Rev Fredrick
Hendon Band Of The Salvation Army
Hendon Songsters
Hendricks, Jim
Hendricksen, Dennis
Hendrickson, Jason
Hendrickson, Luke
Hendry, Agnes
Henley, Karyn
Henning II, Theodore A
Henri, Franciscus (discontinued)
Henry & Hazel
Henry, Cory
Henry, Darryl
Henry, Joe
Henry, John
Henry, Kent
Henry, Sydney & Paige
Henry, Tyrone
Henry, U-Cal
Henshaw, Samm
Hensley, Casey
Henson, Mike
Herald Quartet (discontinued)
Heralds, The
Herbert, Edison
Herbert, Kevin J
Herbert, Nick
Here Be Lions
Here I Am To Worship
Here II Praise
Hereford Cathedral Choir
Herholdt, Sonja
Heritage (discontinued)
Heritage Blues Orchestra
Heritage Brass
Heritage Christian Center Mass Choir
Heritage Family (discontinued)
Heritage Hymns
Heritage Singers
Heritage, Michelle
Herivel, Kathy
Hermans, Lissa
Hermin, Jackie
Herms, Bernhard
Hermy, David (discontinued)
Hernandez, Frank & Betsy
Herndon, James
Hero Next Door (discontinued)
Heron, Eric
Heroux, Kenny
Herrera, Mike
Herrick, Christopher
Herring, Annie
Herring, Dave
Herring, James
Herring, Judy
Hershberg, Sarah (discontinued)
Hertfordshire Musicale
Herzig, Katie
Hesperion XXI
Hess, Ann (discontinued)
Hess, Jake (discontinued)
Hester, Benny
Hester, Jack W (discontinued)
Hester, LaNette
Hevn' Li Angel
Hewetson, Roger
Hewett, Howard
Hewitson, Graeme
Hewitt, Angela
Hewitt, Chad
Hewitt, Garth
Hewitt, Stephen
Hey Gravity (discontinued)
Hey Joe (discontinued)
Heyman, Paul
Heywood, Joel
Hiatt, John
Hibbard, Bruce
Hibbard, Sam
Hibbets, Paul (discontinued)
Hickman, Dean
Hickman, Susan
Hickman, Warren Donell
Hicks, D'Atra
Hicks, Demetrius
Hicks, Elder Jim
Hicks, Helen J
Hicks, Peter
Hicks, Tommy, And The Gospel Harmonizers
Hidden Agendas (discontinued)
Hidden Warfare (now known as Station West)
Hides, Gareth
Higg, Becky
Higginbottom, Edward
Higgins, Bill
Higginsen's, Vy, Gospel For Teens Choir
Higginson, Gary
Higginson, Richard
Higgs, Michelle
Higgs, Simon
High Bar Gang, The
High Country (discontinued)
High Flight Society
High Road III (now known as Highroad)
High Road, The
High Street Hymns
High Street Methodist
High Valley
Higher (discontinued)
Higher Art Cypher
Higher Faith
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Higher Ground Acappella
Higher Power
Higher Vision
Highgate Gospel Choir (discontinued)
Highlands Worship
Hightower Brothers, The
Hightower, Donna
Hightower, James, & The Gospel Specials
Highway 7
Highway Of Holiness Worship Team
Highway QC's, The
Hikari (discontinued)
Hilde & Kjell
Hildebrand, Ray
Hill Family
Hill Perry, Jackie
Hill, Aaron
Hill, Agnes
Hill, Armar'Rae
Hill, David
Hill, Edward
Hill, Fairest
Hill, Faith
Hill, George (discontinued)
Hill, Howard
Hill, J Brian
Hill, Jamie
Hill, Jimmy
Hill, Joy
Hill, Kathie
Hill, Kelley
Hill, Kim
Hill, Matt
Hill, Matt
Hill, O'cean
Hill, Ruth
Hill, Sam
Hill, Stephen Roy
Hill, Tessie
Hill, Trevor
Hill, Vernon
Hill, Virginia
Hill, Xay
Hillcox, Robert
Hilliar's, Paul, Theatre Of Voices
Hilliard Ensemble
Hilliard, Preashea
Hillman, Andi
Hillman, Chris
Hillman, George
Hills Christian Life Centre (now known as Hillsong)
Hills, Anne
Hills, Rebecca
Hillside Praise Band
Hillson, Brian
Hillsong (now known as Hillsong Worship)
Hillsong Chapel
Hillsong International Leadership College
Hillsong Kids
Hillsong London
Hillsong United
Hillsong Worship
Hillsong Y&F
Hillsong Young & Free (now known as Hillsong Y&F)
Hilltopper Quartet, The
Hilton, Daphney
Himes, Dean
Hinchliffe, Gemma
Hind, David
Hindalong, Steve
Hindmarsh, John
Hinds, Hoszia
Hinds, Neville
Hines, Bishop Darrell L
Hines, Jerome
Hines, Juanita G
Hines, Marva
Hines, Prof James Earle (discontinued)
Hinkle, Rev J Herbert
Hinkle, Stephen
Hinn, Benny
Hinson, Derwin
Hinson, Kenny
Hinson, Larry
Hinsons, The
Hinton, Joe (discontinued)
Hinton, Yolanda
Hippos Of Doom
Hird, Thora
Hire, Nell
His Ambassadors (discontinued)
His Calling
His Children
His Devoted
His Gang
His In Salvation
His Kidz United
His Legacy
His Majesty
His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts
His New Creation
His People
His Presence Church
His Singers, The (discontinued)
His Song (discontinued)
His Voice
His Witness
History Makers
Hit Songs Kids Style
Hit The Deck
Hitel, Jamie
Hixson, Brandon
Ho, Sun
Hoare, Brian
Hoare, Gareth
Hoax, The
Hoban Chorale, John
Hobbs, Al (discontinued)
Hobbs, Darwin
Hobson Family
Hobson, Israel Ben
Hobson, Richard
Hochreither, Joseph Balthasar (discontinued)
Hociej, John (discontinued)
Hockensmith, Hadley
Hodge Williams, Robin
Hodge, Michael & Carrie
Hodge, Nu-clear
Hodge, Rob
Hodges, Lynn
Hodges, Roger
Hodgson, Brenda
Hodun, Mirek
Hoffbrand, David
Hoffman, Sandy
Hofheimer, Wendy, & Mary Rice (now known as Talbot, Wendy,, And Mary Hopkins)
Hogan, Larry
Hogan, Talesha
Hogg, David
Hogg, Joanne
Hoggard, Stuart
Hogger, Daniela
Hoglund, Per
Hoi Polloi
Hokus Pick
Hokus Pick Manouver (now known as Hokus Pick)
Hol Bredeweg & Kevin Gowdy (discontinued)
Holburt, Phil
Holcomb, Drew
Holcomb, Drew, & The Neighbors
Holcomb, Ellie
Holcomb, Jack (discontinued)
Holcomb, Mike
Holcomb, Roscoe (discontinued)
Holcross, Peter Liam
Holden, Vicki
Holder, Mel
Holder, Rachel
Holiday, Chico (discontinued)
Holidays, The
Holland (now known as Lonely Hearts)
Holland Junior, Edward
Holland, Denise (now known as McClung, Denise)
Holland, Hannah (now known as Middleton, Hannah)
Holland, Mack
Hollands, The
Holleman, Nate
Hollen Brothers
Holley, Al
Holley, Mark, & 1-A-Chord
Holliday, Jennifer
Holliday, Rev O L
Holliday, Sister O L (discontinued)
Hollidge, Doug
Hollingsworth, Russ
Hollingworth, Steve
Hollins, Betty
Hollis Creek Revival
Hollis, Lydia
Hollis, Richard
Hollister, Dave
Holloman, Terry
Holloway, Brenda
Holloway, Ethel
Holloway, Harold, & Company
Holloway, Ken
Holloway, Loleatta
Holloway, Matt
Holloway, Rev R D
Holloway, Susan
Holly Ann
Hollywood String Quartet, The
Hollywood Tabernacle Band
Holm Sheppard Johnson
Holm, Dallas
Holman, Eddie
Holman, Tessa
Holmbo, Dave
Holmes Brothers, The
Holmes Sisters (discontinued)
Holmes, David
Holmes, Debbie
Holmes, Gail
Holmes, Ray
Holst Singers
Holt, Adam
Holt, Bob (discontinued)
Holt, Chris
Holt, James
Holten, Bo
Holthusen, Jerry (discontinued)
Holung, Richard
Holy Blood
Holy Boy
Holy Disciples
Holy Ghost Players
Holy Ghost Reception Committee #9, The (discontinued)
Holy GirlxHlyGrl
Holy Hard House
Holy Hope
Holy Light Singers
Holy Light Singers
Holy Lights, The
Holy Mountain Music
Holy Project ftg Marta Lawska
Holy Right (discontinued)
Holy Saint (discontinued)
Holy Soldier
Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry, Monagea, Co Limerick
Holy Trinity Brompton
Holzmair, Wolfgang
Home At Last
Home Free
Home Is Calling
Home Truth
Home Truth
Homegrown Worship
Homeland Harmony Quartet, The (discontinued)
Homeland Quartet
Homeless J
Homer (discontinued)
Homespun (discontinued)
Hometown Prophets
Homner, Wes
Honegger, Arthur (discontinued)
Honest Men
Honey Thieves, The (discontinued)
Honey, Hannah
Honeyman, Lins
HoneyRiders (now known as Hicks, Helen J)
Honor & Glory
Hood, Robert
Hood, Robyn
Hook, Jessica
Hooker, Frank
Hooks, Ruby (discontinued)
Hooks, Sandy
Hooper, Tony
Hooper, William J, & The Mighty Golden Harmoneers
Hoopes, Dick (discontinued)
Hoover & Clark (discontinued)
Hoover, Greg
Hoover, Herb (discontinued)
Hoover, Rev O M
Hoover, Todd
Hope (discontinued)
Hope (discontinued)
Hope Centre, The
Hope Chapel
Hope City
Hope City Music
Hope Dealers
Hope For The Dying
Hope Generation (now known as HopeGene)
Hope Inspirators
Hope Of Glory (now known as Hope, The)
Hope Sounds
Hope Springs Eternal
Hope Through Grace
Hope's Call
Hope's Creed
Hope's Journey
Hope, Mallary
Hope, Rollo
Hope, The
Hopestream Worship
Hopewell, Smart
Hopkins, Dave (discontinued)
Hopkins, Ivor
Hopkins, Jerry & Andrea (discontinued)
Hopkins, Mary Rice
Hopkins, Nikki
Hopkins, W L
Hopper Brothers & Connie, The (now known as Hoppers, The)
Hopper, Christopher
Hopper, Christopher & Jennifer
Hopper, Connie
Hopper, Jennifer
Hopper, Kim
Hoppers, The
Hoppie, Kurtis
Hopson Family (now known as Hobson Family)
Hopson, Linda
Horace Family
Horizon Family, the
Horizon Music
Horley, Doug
Horn Family, The
Horn, Jeremy
Horne Trio, Roger
Horne, Derrick
Horner, Eric
Horner, Matt & Abi
Horner, Sammy
Horner, Sammy, & The Lasslo Brothers Band
Hornsby, Karen
Hornsby, Nathan
Hornsey, Phil
Horsey Morgan
Hosanna! Music
Hosanna! Music Scripture Songs
Hosking, John
Hoskins Family, The
Host, Charmaine
Hostyle Gospel
Hosue Of Commons
Hot Gospel
Hot Pink Turtle
Hotel Neon
Hotel Underground
Hotoda, Rei
Hott, Joe
Hotz, Jimmy
Houghton, Heather
Houghton, Israel
Houghton, Israel, & New Breed
Houlding, Chris
Hour, The
House Molari
House Of Commons
House Of El
House Of Faith
House Of God
House Of Heroes
House Of Peace
House Of Thomas
House Of Wires
House On Solid Rock (now known as Roe, Chris)
Household Troops Band Of The Salvation Army
Houssart, Robert
Houston Band, Mark
Houston Vineyard, Worship Team (now known as Houston Vineyard, Worship Team)
Houston's Episcopal Church Of The Redeemer Choir
Houston, Brian
Houston, Chip
Houston, Cissy
Houston, Gary
Houston, Gary 'Tex'
Houston, Michael
Houston, Rev
Houston, Robert, And True Dedication
Houston, Whitney
How Low
Howard Lemon Singers, The
Howard, Carl
Howard, Carson
Howard, Clay
Howard, Dana
Howard, Dominique
Howard, Eileen
Howard, Emma J
Howard, Faith
Howard, Keith
Howard, Larry (discontinued)
Howard, LaRue
Howard, Lisa
Howard, Roland
Howard, SIDney
Howard, Tom (discontinued)
Howard, Walter
Howard-Browne, Rodney
Howe, Hannah
Howell, Charlie
Howell, Doug
Howells, Herbert (discontinued)
Howerton, Layton
Howie, Andrew
Howie, Ernest
Howie, Vicki
Howitt, Shirley
Howland, Chris
Howland, Jennifer
Howlett, Geoff
Howley, Michael
Hoyt, Bill
Hoyt, Williams
HRC Worship
HT Worship
HTB Worship
HTC Music
Huang, Andrew
Hubbard, Mark S
Hubbard, Rich
Hubbard, Richard
Hubbell, Larry, & The Mission Band
Hubert, Melissa
Hubick, Laurell
Hucks, Werner
Huddersfield Choral Society
Huddersfield Christian Fellowship
Huddersfield Methodist Choir, The
Huddleston, Billy
Hudgins, Jim
Hudson Taylor
Hudson Taylors, The
Hudson, Betty (discontinued)
Hudson, Jennifer
Hudson, Jerry (discontinued)
Hudson, Katy (now known as Perry, Katy)
Hudson, Lavine (discontinued)
Hudson, Nick
Hudson, Tiffany
Hudspeth, Charles P
Huey The Hamster
Huff, David
Huff, Del
Huff, George
Huff, Kellye
Huff, Ronn
Huffam, Teddy, & The Gems
Huffman, Paul, & Spirit (discontinued)
Hugh, Tim
Hughes Watson, Michael
Hughes, Clifford
Hughes, Connie (now known as Hughes, Steve & Connie)
Hughes, Cym
Hughes, David & Chris Leslie
Hughes, Deidra
Hughes, Glenn
Hughes, Jimmy
Hughes, Kenneth
Hughes, Paul
Hughes, Ron
Hughes, Russ
Hughes, Steve
Hughes, Steve & Connie
Hughes, Tim
Hughes, Vicky (discontinued)
Hughey, Les
Hulah Gene And Carolyne (now known as Hurley, Hulah Gene)
Hulbert, Vicki
Human By Design
Human Condition
Human Rhythm Soul
Human, Brock
Humbard, Liz
Humbard, Rex
Humble Feet
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
Humming Birds, The (discontinued)
Humphrey, James
Humphreys, David
Humphries Singers, Les
Humphries, Andy
Humphries, Andy
Hundred Flowers
Hundred Year Storm
Hundredfold (discontinued)
Hung Drawn Quartet, The
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra
Hunnicutt, Dan
Hunnicutt, Dan, & Steve Hamby
Hunt (discontinued)
Hunt, Calvin (discontinued)
Hunt, Jeffrey & Alice
Hunt, Jonathan
Hunt, June
Hunt, Luanne
Hunt, Olivia
Hunt, Terrell
Hunter, Andy
Hunter, Billy D
Hunter, Kendall
Hunter, Lonnie
Hunter, Mark
Hunter, Mark
Hunter, Michael
Hunter, Roddy
Huntingdons, The
Huntingtons, The
Hurd, Bob (discontinued)
Hurd, Michael
Hurd, Stephen
Hurlburt, Steve (discontinued)
Hurley, Curtis W
Hurley, Hulah Gene
Hurley, Matt JR
Hurley, Red
Hurst, Caitie
Hurst, D V
Hurtado, Jasmine
Hush (discontinued)
Husky, Ferlin
Huss, Nate
Hustad, Bob
Hustad, Don (discontinued)
Huston, Carol
Hutchens, Linda
Hutchin, Julie
Hutchins, Norman
Hutchins, Pastor Antoine
Hutchinson & Gayle
Hutchinson, Angela
Hutchinson, Keith
Hutchinson, Rev S
Hutchinson, Victor
Hutchison, Angela
Hutchison, Erin
Hutchison, Stephen
Hutton, Ramona
Huxley, Marcus
Hyatt, Buddy
Hyatt, Graham
Hybl, Scott
Hybrid Minds
Hyejung, Ryu
Hyland, Liam
Hylton, Ryan
Hymn Classics Series
Hymn Jim
Hymn Makers, The
Hymns Collective, The
Hymns For Sax
Hymns From The Bayou
Hymns International
Hymns Just For You
Hymns Of
Hymns, The
Hyper Fenton
Hyper Static Union
Hyperfuse, The
Hyperstatic Union

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