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Keyword search Artists & DJs:
B Band
B C & M Choir, The
B David
B Is Bridgie
B K, Rap
B Nice
B, Annette
B, Eddie
B, Gary
B, Izzy (now known as I Am Isaac)
B, Kristi
B, Mercy
B, Neil
B-Listers, The
B.A.S.S. Freedom
B/W (discontinued)
B4 The Rapture
B87 (now known as Hodge, Nu-clear)
Baadsvik, Øystein
Babb, Rev Morgan
Babbs, Liz
Babcocks, The
Baber, Kyle
Babooram, Samantha
Baby Bile Promises
Babylon Mystery Orchestra
Bach Choir, The
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Bach, Johann Sebastian (discontinued)
Baciu, Daniel
Back Beat
Back Home Choir Of The Greater Harvest Baptist Church
Back Pocket Prophet
Back To Basics
Back To Earth
Back To Reality
Back To The Bible Adult Choir
Backman, Bernard (discontinued)
Backroom Congregation, The
Backroom Stereo
Backstage Royalty
Backwood (discontinued)
Bacon, Luke Nathan
Bad Little Duck
Badmintons (discontinued)
Badry, Jamall
Badry, James
Badu, Sonnie
Bady, Percy
Bady, Ray
Baer, Jim (discontinued)
Baer, Murray
Baggaley, Phil
Bagwell & The Sunliters, Wendy
Bagwell, Aaron
Bahn, Michael
Bahr, Darlene
Bailes Brothers, The (discontinued)
Bailey Band, Rohn (now known as Bailey, Rohn)
Bailey Rae, Corinne
Bailey Singers, The Harold (discontinued)
Bailey, Bob
Bailey, Jim
Bailey, Judy
Bailey, Kayla
Bailey, Martin S
Bailey, Norman
Bailey, Pearl
Bailey, Philip
Bailey, Priscilla
Bailey, Rev Leroy
Bailey, Richard
Bailey, Robert And Jeneive
Bailey, Rohn
Bailey, Stan
Bailey, Warren
Bailie, Glenda
Baillie, Isobel
Baillie, Peter (discontinued)
Baily, Hammad
Bain, DJ Dave, AKA Waxmouse
Bainbridge, Dave
Bainbridge, Helen (discontinued)
Bains III, Lee, & The Glory Fires
Baird, Geri
Bairstow, Sir Edward (discontinued)
Baize, Bill
Bakare, Bee
Baker Band, Bean
Baker, Adam
Baker, Andy
Baker, Annastasia
Baker, Arthur
Baker, Bob
Baker, Brett
Baker, Carroll
Baker, Charlie (discontinued)
Baker, Dick (discontinued)
Baker, Gary (discontinued)
Baker, Geoff
Baker, Isabel (discontinued)
Baker, John
Baker, Jonathan
Baker, Jonny
Baker, LaVern (discontinued)
Baker, Leslie
Baker, Marilyn
Baker, Naomi (discontinued)
Baker, Richard H (discontinued)
Baker, Rob
Baker, Sam
Baker, Sharon
Baker, Spensha
Baker, Suzan
Baker, Tonya
Baker-Barnes, Ryan
Bakken, Dennis & Elaine
Bakker, Eline
Bakker, Tammy (discontinued)
Bakker, Tammy Faye
Bakker, Tammy Sue
Balbimie, Jason K de-Vaux (now known as de-Vaux, Jason)
Balboa, Andre
Baldwin, Bob
Baldwin, Chester D T
Baldwin, Josh
Baldwin, Mark
Baldwin, Oris (discontinued)
Balie Messenger
Balin, Trace
Ball Brothers, The
Ball, Graham
Ball, Jackie
Ball, John
Ball, John
Ball, Martin
Ball, Michael & Becci
Balla, Claudia
Ballance, CJ
Ballantyne, Elvis
Ballard, Cedric
Ballard, Jack
Ballard, Jo
Ballard, Todd
Ballerino, Gregory (discontinued)
Ballestero, Angelo
Ballestero, Kim
Ballew Sisters
Balli, Dominic
Ballinger, Rev Robert
Ballyclare Male Voice Choir
Baloche, David
Baloche, Paul
Balsom, Alison
Baltic Festival Orchestra
Baltimore Washington D C Children's Choir
Bamgboye, Philippa
Bancroft, David
Band From Rockall, The
Band Gruppe 153
Band Of Gold
Band Of Her Majesty's Royal Marines
Band Of The Coldstream Guards, The
Band Of The Welsh Guards, The
Banda Tempus (discontinued)
Banderet, Paul
Banes, Zach
Bang Bang
Bangera, Sheldon
Banks Brothers, The
Banks, Bishop Jeff (discontinued)
Banks, Holli And Christi
Banks, Mark G
Banks, Rev Charles
Banks, Rex
Banks, Ross
Banks, Willie
Banning, Mark & Helen
Bannister, Brown
Bannister, Terri
Bannister, Tim
Banta, Mika
Bantock, Granville
Banton, George
Banton, Nigel & Tanesha
Banville, Joanie
Banville, Joannie
Baptist Hour Choir
Baquie, Phil
Barbados Gospelfest Mass Choir
Barbecue Bob (discontinued)
Barbee, Lucille (discontinued)
Barber's Jazzband, Chris
Barber, Graham
Barber, Joel
Barber, John
Barber, Samuel
Barbour, John And Anne
Barbour, Kathy (discontinued)
Barbour, Stuart
Barclay, Prof William
Bare Bones, The (discontinued)
Bare, Bobby
Bare, Jason
Barfield, Warren
Barfields, The
Barham, Ronnie
Barinov, Valeri
Barker, Andrew
Barker, Lois
Barkus, Vera P
Barlow, Jess
Barlow, Ken
Barlow, Phil
BarlowGirl (discontinued)
Barnabas, Buck
Barnard, Bethany
Barnard, Jerry
Barnard, Leigh
Barnard, Phylis
Barnard, Shane (discontinued)
Barnard, Shane, & Shane Everett (now known as Shane & Shane)
Barnes, Bill (discontinued)
Barnes, Dave
Barnes, Debby
Barnes, Jerry (discontinued)
Barnes, Lee, & The Gospel Crusaders
Barnes, Lina
Barnes, Luther
Barnes, Marcellus
Barnes, Melody
Barnes, Melvin
Barnes, Rev F C
Barnes, Richard
Barnes, Sidney
Barnett Harmonizers, The (discontinued)
Barnett, Deryl
Barnett, Jason
Barnett, John
Barnett, Les (discontinued)
Barnett, Marie
Barnett, Ricky (discontinued)
Barnett, Rita
Barnett, Sue
Barnett, Winston C
Barnhouse, Donald Grey
Baron-Trowbridge, Eli
Baroni, David
Barr, Frederick & Erica
Barr, Hannah
Barr, Rachel
Barra, Rocky
Barratt (now known as Barratt, Norman)
Barratt Band
Barratt, Joanna
Barratt, Nathan
Barratt, Norman (discontinued)
Barren Cross
Barrentine, Rachel
Barret, Injerje
Barreto, Johnny
Barrett Sisters, The
Barrett, Brian
Barrett, Byron (discontinued)
Barrett, Dolores, And The Barrett Sisters (now known as Barrett Sisters, The)
Barrett, Mary
Barrett, Pastor T L
Barrett, Pastor TL
Barrett, Pat
Barrett, Vanessa
Barrettsmith, Brooke
Barrie, Steve
Barrientos, Marco
Barrier, Julie
Barrington, Natasha
Barritt, Christy
Barros, Aline
Barrow, Andre
Barrow, Andre K
Barrow, Keith
Barrowdale, Rob
Barrows, Cliff
Barry Bear
Barry, Brett
Barry, Sonya
Bartell, Lyndon
Barth, Helen, And Al Smith (discontinued)
Barth, Karl
Barthen, Pheyland
Bartholomeusz, Natalie
Bartholomew, Hack
Bartholomew, Linda (now known as Hargrove, Linda)
Bartimeus (discontinued)
Bartlett, Darren, & Salvacosta
Bartlett, Gene
Bartolo, Karlene
Base, AR
Basement Choir
Bash-N-The Code (now known as Bash)
Basham, Alan (discontinued)
Bashaw, Cindy (discontinued)
Bashta, Daniel
Bashta, Harvest (now known as Harvest)
Basic (discontinued)
Basic Freedom (discontinued)
Basics (now known as Sonfolk)
Basingstoke Community Church
Basmel, Barbara
Bass & Company
Bass, Fontella
Bass, Martha (discontinued)
Bass, Martin, & Bass Haven (now known as Bass & Company)
Bassett, Michael Anthony
Bassett, Will
Bassey, Nathaniel
Bastow, Dave
Batchelor, Glynda
Bates Family (discontinued)
Bates, Brian
Bates, Josh
Bates, Kevin (discontinued)
Bates, Shirley
Bath Abbey Girls' Choir
Bath City Church
Bathgate, Chris
Batstone, Bill
Battered Fish
Battersby, Colin
Battersby, Michael
Battery, The
Battista, Michael
Battistelli, Francesca
Battle Victorious
Battle, Freda
Battle, Kathleen
Battle, Nick
Battleground City
Battles, Lemmie
Battles, Otis
Bauer, Jon
Baugus, Riley
Bauman, David
Bauman, Marilee
Baumgart, Bill
Bawa, Sunday
Baxter, Beth
Bay Area Chapter Of The Music And Arts Seminar
Bay State Singers
Bayes, Jez
Bayes, Jez, & Tea Drinkers Anonymous
Baylor Religious Hour Choir
Baylor University Band
Baylor University Choir
Baylor, Helen
Bazan, Dave
Bazooka Tha Disciple
BBC Big Band
BBC Concert Orchestra
BBC Radio 4 Daily Service Singers
BBC Singers
BBC Symphony Orchestra
BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra And Chorus
Be Emmanuel
Be Still & Know
Be The Change Collective
BE, Sean (now known as Rodriguez, Sean)
Bea, Lauren
Beach Chapel
Beach, Chris
Beach, Diana
Beacon Light
Beaden, Anna
Beal, David (discontinued)
Beal, Rev Jim (discontinued)
Beales, Shane
Beaman, Lawrence
Beamer, Kapono
Bean, Nate, & 4Given
Beanbag (discontinued)
Bear Creek Wilderness
Bear Hug Band
Beard, Gill
Beard, Keasha
Beard, Rev James (discontinued)
Beard, Sonya
Beardmore, David
Beasley, Joanna
Beasley, Kimla Y
Beasley, Paul
Beat Rabbi
Beatenbo Singers, Charlie
Beats Per Minute
Beattie, Mavis (discontinued)
Beatty Singers Of Lexington, Kentucky (discontinued)
Beatty, Chris
Beatty, Michael
Beaumont, Father Gerard
Beaumont, Rev (discontinued)
Beautiful Bleak (discontinued)
Beautiful City Folk Choir (discontinued)
Beautiful Discord, The
Beautiful Eulogy
Beautiful Feet
Beautiful Gate, The
Beautiful Refrain, The
Beautiful Remnant Group
Beautiful Zion Missionary Baptist Church Choir
Beauty For Ashes
Beauty For Ashes
Beaver Flatt Community Singers, The (discontinued)
Beavers, Rev R L
Bebe Riz
BeBe Vox
Because Of Me
Because Of You
Beck, Bill (discontinued)
Beck, Elder Charles (discontinued)
Beck, Felix
Beck, Hannah
Beck, Jacky (discontinued)
Beck, joe
Becker, Brian
Becker, Margaret
Beckett, Karen
Beckham, Steve (discontinued)
Beckler, Matt
Beckley, Rob
Beckman, Lynn
Becoming (discontinued)
Becoming An Archer (now known as Archers Rise)
Becoming Sons
Becoming The Archetype
Becoming, The
Becton, William
Bedbug Bible Gang
Bedford Singers, Donald
Bedingfield, Daniel
Bedingfield, Natasha
Bednall, David
Bedworth Christian Centre
Bee Free Productions
Bee, Brandon
Bee, Tom
Beech Grove Benedictines (discontinued)
Beech, Jay
Beeching, Vicky
Beeckmans, Hilde
Beegle, Dave
Been, Michael (discontinued)
Beene Family (discontinued)
Beerman, Vonda
Beese, Rebecca
Beeston, Richard
Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Beezy Africa
Before Machines
Before Their Eyes
Before There Was Rosalyn
Before You Breathe
Beggan, David
Beggars Fortune
Beggs, Joseph
Beggs, Nick
Beginning, The (discontinued)
Beginnings (discontinued)
Behanna, Gertrude
Behind The Rush
Behnken, Lee
Behold The Beloved
Being As An Ocean
Being Jo Francis
Being Joan
Bejine, Vanessa
Bel, Ian
Belafonte, Harry
Belfast '66 CE Choir (discontinued)
Belfast C E Choir
Belfast Community Gospel Choir
Belfast YWCA Choir
Belieu, Yvonne
Believable Picnic
Believin' Stephen
Belinda Kae
Bell Grove Baptist Church Choir
Bell Jar
Bell Jar, The
Bell Jubilee Singers
Bell Sisters
Bell Sisters, The
Bell, Barbara (discontinued)
Bell, Bob David
Bell, Charlene
Bell, Christina (now known as nbrum7770)
Bell, Crawford
Bell, Dave
Bell, Francine
Bell, Gillian
Bell, Ian Richard (discontinued)
Bell, James
Bell, Jim
Bell, John (now known as Bell, John L)
Bell, John L
Bell, Kathy
Bell, Kevin
Bell, Kirsty
Bell, Maggie
Bell, Margaret
Bell, Martin
Bell, Michael Glen
Bell, Mike
Bell, Paul
Bell, Rev Dr Jerome
Bell, Rev J T
Bell, Simon
Bell, Steve
Bell, Steve (discontinued)
Bell, Terrance
Bell, Tom
Bell-Booth, Stephen
Bella Loka
Bella Loka
Bella Vita
Bellamy Brothers
Bellamy, James, & T C
Belle And Sebastian
Belle Epoque
Belle Histoire
Belle, Regina
Bellesi, Joseph
Bello, Andrew
Bello, Id & Ope
Bells Of Joy, The
Bells Of Paradise Of Montgomery, Alabama (discontinued)
Bells Of Zion, The
Bellshill Band Of The Salvation Army
Bellson, Howard (discontinued)
Belmont Silvertone Jubilee Singers (discontinued)
Belonging Co, The
Beloved (now known as Blower, Benjamin, )
Beloved US (discontinued)
Belt Sacred Quartet (discontinued)
Belton, Professor Wilbur
Ben & Maila
Ben + Vesper
Ben Hill United Methodist Church Majestic Choir
Bencze, Miklos
Bendine, Sergio
Bendixen, Reg
Benedict, Roland Dale
Benedict, Vijay
Benedictine Monks Of Santo Domingo De Silos, The (now known as Coro De Monjes Del Monasterio Benedictino De Santo Domingo De Silos)
Benedictine Monks Of St Wandrille, The
Benedictine Nuns Of St Celia's Abbey
Benedictine Sisters, The (discontinued)
Benenden Chapel Choir
Benge, Mike
Bengtsson, Swante
Benham, Hugh
Benjamin Daniel
Benjamin Gate, The
Benjamin, Bishop David
Benjamin, Christina
Benjamin, Jeremy
Bennett Marine, Winfield
Bennett Sensationals, The (discontinued)
Bennett, Alistair
Bennett, Billy
Bennett, Bob
Bennett, Chuck (discontinued)
Bennett, Elaine
Bennett, Michael
Bennett, Nathan
Bennett, Richard Rodney (discontinued)
Bennett, Richard Rodney
Bennett, Rob & Gilly
Bennett, Stephen
Bennett, Stephen
Bennetts, Neil
Benny The Beep (now known as Bernie The Billy Goat)
Benskin, Catherine
Benskin, Catherine
Benson, David
Benson, Jodi
Benson, Kenneth
Benson, MaryBeth
Bentley, Matthew J
Bentley, Todd
Benton, Angus
Benton, Brook (discontinued)
Benton, Manny
Benward, Aaron
Benward, Jeoffrey
Benward, Luke
Benya, Brenda
Benzine Headset (discontinued)
Berakah (discontinued)
Beresford, Ann
Beresford, Brian
Berets, The
Berg (now known as Sligh, Chris)
Berg, Darrin
Bergdahl, Cliff
Bergen Military Band
Bergen, Paul
Berger, Nancy Tutunjian
Berhane, Helen
Berkeley, Lennox
Berkery, Fr Pat (discontinued)
Berkey, Dave
Bernamica Gray
Bernard, Colin
Bernard, Patrick
Bernard-Smith, Simon
Bernd, Jonathan & Cindy
Bernie The Billy Goat (discontinued)
Berning, Pat
Bernstein, Leonard
Bernstorf, Chris
Bernstorf, Chris
Berry, Ali
Berry, Benny
Berry, Cindy
Berry, Clare
Berry, Gordon (discontinued)
Berry, James
Berry, Jeff
Berry, John
Berry, Madelyn
Berry, Mark
Berry, Philippa
Berry, Philippa
Berry, Shirley
Berryhill, Deven, Band
Berwick, Terry F
Besieged (discontinued)
Bessem, Theo
Bessemer Melody Boys (discontinued)
Bessemer Sunset Four (discontinued)
Besses o' th' Barn Band
Best Foot Back
Best Gospel Singers, Dorothy
Beswick, Mark & The Power Praise Worship Band
Bethania Choir
Bethany Band
Bethany Gospel Singers
Bethany Gospel Singers
Bethany World Outreach (now known as Bethany World Outreach)
Bethany World Prayer Centre
Bethany, Michael
Bethel Chapel (now known as Bethel Praise)
Bethel Church Worship (now known as Bethel Music)
Bethel City Church
Bethel Kids
Bethel Music
Bethel Music Kids (now known as Bright Ones)
Bethel Pentecostal Choir
Bethel Praise
Bethel Quartet (discontinued)
Bethel, Chris
Bethel, J
Bethel, The Church On The Avenue, Dagenham, Essex
Bethlehem Gospel Singers (now known as McLean, James C, & The Bethlehem Singers)
Bethlehem Healing Temple Voices Of Youth
Bethlehem Progressive Ensemble (discontinued)
Bethnal Green Meeting House
Bethseda Singers And Orchestra
Betjeman, John
Betsabe, Ada
Betterdays, The
Betts, Chris
Between The Trees
Between Thieves (discontinued)
Beulah Band, The (discontinued)
Bevan Family Consort, The
Bevan, Ray
Beveridge, Peter
Bevia, Albert
Bevill, Lisa
Bewes, Canon T F C
Bex, Dru
Beyer, Jim & Denise
Beyond (now known as Beyond Jericho)
Beyond Convention
Beyond Jericho (discontinued)
Beyond Plateau
Beyond The Ashes
Beyond The Blue
Beyond The Blue
Beyond Vocal
Bhatti, Asif
Biali, Laila
Bianca Rose
Bibb, Eric
Bibb, Lavon
Bibb, Leon (discontinued)
Biber, Heinrich Von
Bible Action Songs
Bible Faith Remnant, The
Bible Week Highlights (discontinued)
Bibletones Of Buffalo, NY
Bibleway Church Radio Choir Of Brooklyn, New York
Bibleway Churches World Wide National Choir
Bibleway National Mass Choit Of Washington DC
Bibleway Radio Choir, The
Biblical Gospel Singers
Bice, Bo
Bickle, Mike
Biddle University Quintet (discontinued)
Biddleville Quintette (discontinued)
Biddulph Male Voice Choir
Bieber, Justin
Biedron, Prophetess Shanna
Biegel, Priska
Biel, Jordan
Bieser, Melody
Bifrost Arts
Big AL
Big Al's Swing Kids
Big Band Praise
Big Black Bible Blues Band
Big Boss
Big Chris & D'Bare Bones Band
Big Country
Big Daddy Weave
Big Dismal
Big Dog Small Fence
Big DooWopper, The
Big Dream, The
Big Face Grace
Big Fat Jam
Big Glasshouse, The
Big House Worship
Big John & The Golden Echoes (now known as Golden Echoes, The)
Big Mammoo (now known as Lighten Up)
Big Man
Big Maybelle (discontinued)
Big Methuselah (discontinued)
Big Ministries
Big Mo
Big Moses
Big Picture, The
Big R
BIG Shadow
Big Shizl
Big Street
Big Tent Revival
Big White House (discontinued)
Big World (discontinued)
Big Yae
Bigelow, Rev W T (discontinued)
Biggin Hill Baptist Church
Biggles Band (now known as Flying Vicars, The)
Bignoli, Roberto
Bignon, James, And The Deliverance Mass Choir
Bilbrough, Dave
Bilbrough, Jon
Bileams Asna
Bill & Linda
Bill & The Diamonaires
Bill Romansky
Bill, Dave & Mary (now known as Dove)
Billingsley, Charles
Billington Morgan, Merle
Billingy, Hayden
Billions, The
Billioux, Yannick
Billy (discontinued)
Billy Fields
Billy Penn's Brother
Binchois Consort, The
Bingham, Judith
Bingo Tonight
Binion, David & Lisa
Binion, David & Nicole
Binion, Gracie
Binkley, Paul Carroll
Binns, Cath, And Angus MacGregor (now known as Cath & Angus Music)
Binon, David & Lisa
Birch, Richard
Bircher, Scott
Bird, Adam
Bird, David
Bird, John
Bird, Tony
Birdine, Eric
Birds Of Harmony (discontinued)
Birdsongs, The
Birgitta & Swante
Birkby, Ade
Birmingham Citadel Band Of The Salvation Army
Birmingham Citadel Songster Brigade
Birmingham Citadel Songsters
Birmingham Community Choir, The
Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir
Birmingham Jubilee Singers (discontinued)
Birmingham Mass Gospel Choir
Birmingham Sunlights, The
Birnie, Roy
Birtill, Godfrey
Birtles And Goble
Bish, Diane
Bishop & Mulholland
Bishop's Choir, The
Bishop, Bobby
Bishop, Derek Lee
Bishop, Kenny
Bishop, Mark
Bishop, The
Bishops Quartet, The
Bishops, The
Bison Glee Club
Bissell, Shelton
Bitesize Bible Songs
Bitter Sweet (discontinued)
Bivens Specials
Bixby, Dave (discontinued)
Bjorn And Tara
Bjorslev, Jorgen
Björkman, Håkan
BK & Associates
Blac Ocean
Black & White Praise
Black Academy Concert Choir, The
Black And White
Black And White World (discontinued)
Black Billy Sunday (discontinued)
Black Carnation
Black Cherry Soda
Black Dyke Band
Black Eyed Sceva (now known as Model Engine)
Black Happy
Black Knight (now known as BrvndonP)
Black Label Society
Black Peppercorns, The
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Black Smoke Symphony
Black Umfolosi
Black Voices
Black, Debra
Black, Dee
Black, Eric
Black, Gerry
Black, Jim
Black, Matthew
Black, Ryan And Michelle
Black, Steve
Blackburn Cathedral Choir
Blackburn, Janis
Blackburn, Joyce
Blackford, Richard
Blacklaw, Jerry (discontinued)
Blackman, Avion
Blackman, Sheldon
Blackman, Terrence
Blackmon, Prez
Blackmon, Prez
Blackstone, Jon
Blackstones, The
Blackwell, Scott
Blackwood And The Memphians, Doyle
Blackwood Brothers
Blackwood Connection, The
Blackwood Quartet, James
Blackwood, Debi
Blackwood, James
Blackwood, R W
Blackwood, Terry
Blackwoods, The
Blade (discontinued)
Blade, Rev Brady L
Blades Of Grass (discontinued)
Blaenavon Male Voice Choir
Blair Band, The
Blair Gospel Singers (discontinued)
Blair, Barry
Blair, Barry
Blair, Janet
Blair, Johnny J
Blair, Mark
Blair, Rev Edmond (discontinued)
Blair, Ric
Blake, David
Blake, Elaine
Blake, Howard
Blake, John
Blake, Liam
Blake, Maxine, And The Seeds Of Faith Singers
Blake, Norman
Blake, Norman And Nancy
Blake, Shamarr
Blakeney, Selina
Blakesley, Joshua
Blakey, Rev Johnny (discontinued)
Blalock, Tyler
Blame Lucy
Blamed, The
Blanc, Thomas
Blanchard Country Chapel Quartet, Richard
Blanchard, Dick
Blanchard, Michael & Greta (now known as Blanchard, Michael Kelly)
Blanchard, Michael Kelly
Bland Assembly, Steve
Blank Books
Blank Page Empire
Blank, Avery
Blankenship, Giles
Blankenship, LeRoy
Blankenship, Mark
Blanks, Billy
Blast From Oblivion
Blaster The Rocketboy (now known as Blaster The Rocketman)
Blaster The Rocketman
Blaze (now known as ThatGirlBlaze)
Blaze Vision
Blaze, Barry (now known as Code)
Blazikova, Hana
Bleach (now known as Steve)
Blease, Jack (discontinued)
Bleed, The
Bleeding Hands
Blencowe, Ju (discontinued)
Blended Worship
Blendwrights, The (discontinued)
Bless The King
Blessed And Buried
Blessed By A Broken Heart
Blessed Hope Chapel
Blessed Man, The
Blessed Ones, The
Blessed Rain
Blessed Redeemed
Blessed Union Of Souls
Blessed Voices
Blessed William Howard High School Choir
Blessid Union Of Souls
Blessitt, Arthur
Blest By Four
Blevin's Quartette, William (discontinued)
Blew Room (discontinued)
Blight, Francis
Blind Bartimaeus & The Grave Robbers
Blind Boys Of Alabama
Blind Eyes Open
Blind Teeth Victory Band
Blindride (discontinued)
Bliss Bliss
Bliss, Arthur
Blisse (now known as Afters, The)
Bloat, Dorothy
Bloch, Thomas
Block, Fred
Block, Ron
Block, Rory
Block, Tyrone, & The Christ Tabernacle Combined Choirs
Blood & Fire (discontinued)
Blood And Water
Blood Bought P.I.F.
Blood Brotherz
Blood Covenant
Blood Covenant
Blood Has Been Shed
Blood Reckoning, The
Blood Violets, The
Bloodline Severed
Bloodlined Calligraphy
Bloody Sunday
Bloom, Selena
Bloom, Selena
Bloomer, George
Bloomfield Harris
Blooms, Andrew
Blossom Street
Blow, Kurtis
Blower, Benjamin, (now known as Blower, David Benjamin)
Blower, David Benjamin
Blowing My Own Trumpet
Bluck, Neville
Blue Birds & Bright Lights
Blue Planet (discontinued)
Blue Ridge Country Hymns
Blue Ridge Quartet, The
Blue Room (discontinued)
Blue Sky Boys
Blue Trapeze
Blue, Robert (discontinued)
Blueberry (discontinued)
Bluefish (discontinued)
Bluegrass Band, The
Blueprint (discontinued)
Blues Apostles. The
Blues Band, The
Blunt Skulls
Blunt, Anna
Blunt, Neil, & C P Mudd (discontinued)
Blurose, Emma
Blyss (now known as Lifehouse)
Blyth, Sue
BNB All Stars
Boafo, Atta
Boal, Andy
Boal, Steven James
Boarding House Reach (discontinued)
Bob & Karin
Bob & Maxine (discontinued)
Bob And Steve
Bob Desper
Bob, Dave & Marty (discontinued)
Bobien, Kenny
Bobien, Su Su
Boccherini, Luigi Rodolfo (discontinued)
Bocelli, Andrea
Bochenek, Joey
Bock, Aracely
Bock, Fred
Bodin, Magnus
Bodixa (discontinued)
Body And Soul (discontinued)
Body Of Believers, The
Body, The
Boemia Chamber Orchestra
Boggs, Frank
Boggs, Michael
Boggs, Prof Harold
Bogle Band
Bognor Bible Week (discontinued)
Bohanan, Vincent
Bohi, Jim
Boiling Point
Boisvert, Gilles (discontinued)
Bokungu, Wisdom Bomolo
Bolcom, William
Bolden, Jim (discontinued)
Boldens, The
Boldman, Loyd (discontinued)
Bole, Bib, & The Empowerments
Bolen, Zach
Boles, J Peter
Boliver, Bryan
Bolks, Dick
Bollands, Jo (discontinued)
Bollea, Melissa
Bollinger, Blake
Bollinger, Jermaine
Bollius, Daniel (discontinued)
Bolt, Benjamin
Bolte, Chuck, & The Jeremiah People (discontinued)
Bolthouse Twins, The
Bolton Brothers, The
Bolton, Chris
Bolton, Eddie
Bolton, James
Bolton, Minon
Boltz, Ray
Boluwaduro & GLA
Bomb Bay Babies
Bon Voyage
Bonafide Praisers
Bonard, Tom
Bond, Bishop Nathaniel
Bond, Derek
Bond, Luke
Bond, Maria
Bond, Sandy
Bond, The (discontinued)
Bondi, Renee
Bonds, Brother Son (discontinued)
Bondservant (discontinued)
Bone Prophet
Bones Apart
Bonfim, Rick (discontinued)
Bonfire Music
Boniface Jazz Quartet, Tim
Boniface Jazz Trio, Tim (now known as Boniface Jazz Quartet, Tim)
Bonilla, Michelle
Bonne, Karli
Bonner Brothers
Bonner, Jeremy James
Bonner, Melvin
Bonnett Harmonizers (discontinued)
Bonnett, Caroline
Bontempi, John (discontinued)
Booker Singers (discontinued)
Booker, Luvenger
Booker, Toni
Booley (now known as Duke Special)
Booley House
Boom, Chris And Rosie
Boon, Ann (discontinued)
Boon, Herman
Boone Browning, Laury
Boone Browning, Laury
Boone Family, The Pat
Boone, Debby
Boone, Pat
Boones, The
Boonstra, Christina (now known as Boonstra, Tina)
Boonstra, Tina
Boosahda, Stephanie
Boot Brothers, The
Booth Brothers, The
Booth, Andrew J
Booth, Merle
Booth, Michael
Booth, Tom
Boothe, Ken
Bootsy's New Rubber Band
Borag Thungg (discontinued)
Borba, Asaph
Borgstroms (discontinued)
Born Again (discontinued)
Born Again Church Choir, The
Born Blind (discontinued)
Borrill, Annette
Boscombe Band Of The Salvation Army
Boscombe Songsters
Bose, Gopa
Boseth, Betty Lou (discontinued)
Boske, Cindy-Leigh
Bosley, Thad
Bosman, Isak
Bosshart, Janet
Bostic, Jenn
Bostic, PJ
Bostom Pops Orchestra
Boston Camerata
Boston Pops Orchestra
Boston, Jonny
Boswell, Matt
Boswell, Samuel
Botero, Edwin
Bothe, Sharyn
Bottlerockit (now known as Audiogene)
Botts, Greg
Boudreau Palmer, Robin
Boudreau, Alanna
Boulaye, Patti
Boulton, Smith G
Bourdeau, Nancy
Bourdeau, Nancy (discontinued)
Bourgeois Tagg (discontinued)
Bourgeois, Brent
Bourgeois-Moore, Monika
Bourke, Joshua
Bourke, Patricia
Bourne, Joe, & The EU Community Singers
Bournemouth Symphony Chorus And Orchestra
Bournmouth Sinfonietta
Bousfield, Ian
Bouwer, Randy
Bovas, Bro James
Bovell, Bobby
Bovill, Kirk And Joni
Bowater, Chris
Bowden, James
Bowe, Dante
Bowen, Jon
Bowen, Miriam
Bower, Luke
Bowers & Britt (discontinued)
Bowery, The
Bowie, Dante
Bowker Brothers, The
Bowler, Alex
Bowling Family, The
Bowling Green State University Gospel Choir
Bowling, Mike
Bowman Jr, Tim
Bowman, Blaine
Bowman, John
Bowman, Pastor James & Kathy
Bowman, Sam
Bowman, Tiffany
Bowman, Tim
Bowman-Hyde Singers & Players, The
Bowser, Jeremiah
Bowyer, Kevin
Box Hill Citadel Band
Box Set
Box, Ruth
Boxall, Andy
boy & KING
Boy Choristers and Lay Clerks of Southwark Cathedral Choir, The
Boy With Compass
Boyce & Stanley (discontinued)
Boyce, Kim
Boyce, Roger
Boyd Gillis, Veronica
Boyd Workshop Choir, Wesley
Boyd, Aaron
Boyd, Leomia
Boyd, Leomiand, & The Gospel Music Makers
Boyd, Malcom (discontinued)
Boyd, Rhonda
Boyer Brothers, The
Boyer, Bret
Boyer, Chris
Boyer, Daryl
Boyer, Dave
Boyes, Eddie
Boyle, Susan
Boys & Girls Choir Of Harlem, The
Boys Choir Of Harlem
Boys Of St James's, Great Grimsby
Boys Of Worcester Cathedral Choir
Boys Town Choir, The
Boyter, Mabel
BR James
Bracey, Robert A (discontinued)
Bracken, David
Brackenbury, David
Brad & Brace (discontinued)
Brad + Rebekah
Bradberry, Jason
Braden, Cristabelle
Bradford Urban Colours Youth Choir
Bradford, Alex
Bradford, Andy John
Bradford, Antoine
Bradford, Eddie
Bradford, Eddie Ruth
Bradford, Keith
Bradford, Pastor
Brading, Gary
Brading, Simon
Bradley Singers
Bradley, Becca
Bradley, Charles
Bradley, Clinton
Bradley, Dale Ann
Bradley, Genetter, And The Bradley Singers (now known as Bradley Singers)
Bradley, J Robert
Bradley, Julia (discontinued)
Bradleys, The (now known as New Salem)
Bradshaw, Emily (discontinued)
Bradshaw, Paul
Bradshaw, Steve (discontinued)
Bradshaw, Terry
Brady Trio, Jim
Brady, Jim
Brady, Joe
Brady, Warren
Bradys, The (discontinued)
Bragg, James (discontinued)
Braham, Maxine
Brahms, Johannes
Braillettes, The
Braimah, Glowreeyah
Brainard, Roger
Brainwash Projects
Braithwaite, Glenys
Braley, Brad And Olive
Bramlett, Bonnie
Bran, Henry
Branch Gospel Singers (discontinued)
Branch Walker, Olivia
Branch, Freddie, And The Singing Stars
Branch, Krista
Branchard, Ben
Branches (discontinued)
Branches Arc
Branches, The (discontinued)
Brand, Mike
Brandt, Erik
Brandt, Tommy
Branham, Julie
Branham, Martha
Branhams, The
Brant, Travis
Brantley, George
Branyan, John
Brasel, Ty
Brask, Kristiina
Brass Band Aid
Brass Band Berner Oberland
Brass Band Bürgermusik Luzern
Brass Band De Wâldsang
Brass Band Göteburg (discontinued)
Brass Band Heist
Brass Band OberÖsterreich
Brass Band Of Battle Creek
Brass Band Of Central Florida
Brass Band Of Columbus, The
Brass Band Willebroek
Brass Knuckle Bullies
Brass Of Praise
Brass Partout
Brass10 (discontinued)
Brassband Buizingen
Brassband De Bazuin
Brassband Rijnmond
Bratcher, Jimmie
Bratton, David, & Spirit Of Praise
Brave Future
Brave Saint Saturn
Brave Worship
Brave, The
Brawner, Luke
Bray, Robbie
Brayson, S J
Brazda Brothers, The
Brazier, Pete
Brazier, Priscilla
Bread & Wine
Bread Of Stone
Breakaway Ministries
Breakfast With Amy
Breakin' The Bondage Blues Band
Breaking The Aegis
Breaking The Mould
Breaking The Silence (now known as Letter Black, The)
Breath Of God (discontinued)
Breath Of Life Orchestra And Chorus, The
Breathe Eazy
Brecon Cathedral Choir
Breedy, Robin
Breeze, Corey
Breeze, The
Brehm, Marlene
Breiner, Peter
Breland, Jason
Bremner, David
Bremnes, Dan
Brenda Christine
Brendan Doyle
Brendel, Sarah
Brennan, Joey
Brennan, Maire (now known as Brennan, Moya)
Brennan, Moya
Brennan, Neil
Brenner, Scott
Brentwood Festival Chorale And Orchestra, The
Brentwood Jazz Orchestra
Brentwood Jazz Quartet
Brentwood Kids
Brevette, Tony
Brewer (now known as Brewer, Nick)
Brewer, Jonathan Mark
Brewer, Mona
Brewer, Nick
Brewington, Marilyn
Brewster, Carol
Brewster, Lincoln
Brian & Camille (discontinued)
Brian McCullough
Brian, Hollie
Brick, Pearl
Bricker, Lydia
Brickman, Jim
Bricks, The
Bride Dressed In Black
Bridge (discontinued)
Bridge 2 Far
Bridge Music
Bridge, The
Bridgeman, Bonita
Bridges (discontinued)
Bridges Nashville
Bridges, Bradley
Bridges, Calvin
Bridges, Eugene Hideaway
Bridges, Gene
Bridges, Leon
Bridging The Gap
Bridlington Priory Choir
Brienen, Francis
Briggs, David
Briggs, Karen
Briggs, Nigel
Briggs, Tim
Briggs, Vanessa
Brighouse & Rastrick Band
Bright Avenue
Bright City
Bright Expression, The
Bright Light Parade
Bright Moon Quartet (discontinued)
Bright Ones
Bright Season
Bright Spark (discontinued)
Bright Stars, The
Brightwinter (discontinued)
Briley, Gary & Jon Cunningham (discontinued)
Brill, Jane
Brilliance, The
Brillo Brothers, The (discontinued)
Brimstone (discontinued)
Brindle, Timothy
Brindley, Luke
Briney, Doug
Bring Back The Springtime
Bringas, Thel
Bringing Home
Brinkley, Derrick
Brinson, Christopher
Brisbane City Temple Band
Brisbane Temple Band Of The Salvation Army, Queensland
Brisibi, Onos
Bristol Community Church
Bristol Easton Band
Bristol Gospel Quartet (discontinued)
Bristol University Singers
British Army Brass Band, The
British Methodist Youth Choir
Britt Nicole
Britt, George
Britten, Benjamin
Britten, Lucy
Britton, David
Britton, Yvette
Brittz, Louis
Brixton SDA Gospel Choir (discontinued)
BRM aka Brandon R Music
Bro James Adam
Broadbent, George
Broadhurst, Terry Paul
Broadie, Elder B H (discontinued)
Broadley, Paul
Broadmoor Worship
Broadway's Not Ready (discontinued)
Brocal, Julien
Brock, Jevon D
Brock, Mack
Brock, Matt
Brock, Steve
Brock, Tricia (now known as Tricia)
Brockington Ensemble, The
Brockington, Professor, And The Brockington Ensemble
Brockington, Ryan
Broderick, Rice
Brodie, Lex (now known as Buckley, Lex)
Brodrick, Steph
Broken Bread
Broken Bread Christian Alliance
Broken Cedars
Broken Oaks
Broken Silence (discontinued)
Broken Sleep
Broken State
Broken Vessel
Broken Walls
Broken, The (discontinued)
Bromley, Andy
Bronner Brothers
Brons, Larry (discontinued)
Bronzemen, The (discontinued)
Brooke & Boggs
Brooklyn & Courtney
Brooklyn All Stars
Brooklyn Skyways, The
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Brooks Singers, Nigel
Brooks, Ann
Brooks, Dan Ryan
Brooks, Darius
Brooks, Esther (discontinued)
Brooks, Garth
Brooks, Gloria
Brooks, Keith, & New Creation
Brooks, Michael
Brooks, Norman
Brooks, Rev Conrade
Brooks, Riki
Brooks, Terron
Brooks, The
Brooks, Tony (discontinued)
Brooks-Martin, Wiley
Broomhall, John & Gill (discontinued)
Brooms Of Destruction, The
Brothatone (now known as Tillman, Tony)
Brother Brian (discontinued)
Brother Brother
Brother Cole
Brother Down
Brother Frank
Brother Henry
Brother IG
Brother John
Brother Juniper (discontinued)
Brother Love (discontinued)
Brother Russell
Brother Scott (discontinued)
Brother Will, Brother Z
Brother's Keeper
Brotherhood (discontinued)
Brotherhood Lush
Brotherhood Of The Holy Cross
Brotherlove (discontinued)
Brothers (discontinued)
Brothers & Sisters, The (discontinued)
Brothers & Sisters, The (discontinued)
Brothers & Sisters, The (discontinued)
Brothers First
Brothers In The Cross
Brothers Martin, The
Brothers McClurg
Brothers Of Peace
Brothers of the Holy Trinity
Brothers United
Brothers With Marj Snyder (discontinued)
Brothers, Bogard
Brothers, Gary & Rich
Brothers, The (discontinued)
Brothers, The
Brothers, The
Brotherston, Garry
Brought Into Being
Broughton, Kelvin
Broughton, Viv
Brouwer, Matt
Brouwer, Nic
Browders, The
Brower Brothers
Brown & Brown
Brown Band, The
Brown Bear Music (discontinued)
Brown Boyz, The
Brown Clark, Maurette
Brown Gospel Chorus, Rev Leola
Brown II, Jimmy P
Brown Jr, Lashon
Brown Quartet, Morris (discontinued)
Brown Singers, Tommy
Brown Sisters (discontinued)
Brown Spencer, Dr Elaine A
Brown University Cathedral Choir, John
Brown's Ferry Four (discontinued)
Brown, Adrian
Brown, Alisha
Brown, Andy
Brown, Anthony, & Group TherAPy
Brown, Bishop Ronald E
Brown, Brennley
Brown, Brenton
Brown, Brother Napoleon
Brown, Bryan
Brown, Carla
Brown, Charles
Brown, Charles F
Brown, Cleo
Brown, Clint
Brown, Clive, And The Shekinah Singers
Brown, Cooper
Brown, Cornelia
Brown, Dale
Brown, Daniel (discontinued)
Brown, Danny Vaughn
Brown, Deborah
Brown, Dougie
Brown, Drew
Brown, Eban
Brown, Edwin
Brown, Eloise
Brown, Eloise
Brown, Evangelist Mae
Brown, Father
Brown, Geoff
Brown, Gershom
Brown, Gina (now known as Green, Gina)
Brown, Huntley
Brown, Hylo
Brown, J Aaron
Brown, James
Brown, James
Brown, James Christie
Brown, Jocelyn
Brown, Joel
Brown, Jordan
Brown, Keith
Brown, Keith
Brown, Linda Ross
Brown, Mary, & The United Echoes
Brown, Mike, & F O C U S
Brown, Minister J Eric
Brown, Napolean
Brown, O W
Brown, Rev F L
Brown, Rev Janice
Brown, Rev Roy
Brown, Robert
Brown, Russ
Brown, Ruth (discontinued)
Brown, Ryan
Brown, Scott Wesley
Brown, Shawn
Brown, Sherree
Brown, Shirley
Brown, Shona
Brown, T Graham
Brown, Tara
Brown, Teresa
Brown, Teresa
Brown, Tim
Brown, Tina
Brown, Tomell
Brown, Trevor
Brown, Veronica
Brown, Yolanda
Browne, Matthew
Browning, Duke Nguyen
Browning, Harry
Browning, Harry Robert (now known as Browning, Harry Robert)
Brownlee, Lawrence
Brownmusic (now known as Sugarfoot)
Browns, The
Browns, The
Brownsville Worship
Brubeck, Dave
Bruce & Candy (discontinued)
Bruce & Lisa
Bruce, Alan
Bruce, Herb
Bruce, Ian & May
Bruce, Johnjames
Bruce, Michael
Bruckner, Anton
Bruff, Claire
Brumley Jr, Al
Brumley Jr, Albert E
Brumley, Nathan
Brunelle, Philip
Brunig, Karl Stephen
Bruno, Freddie
Bruno, Kelby
Bruno, Kossi
Brunot, Gregory
Brunson, Rev Milton, & The Thompson Community Singers (now known as Tommies, The)
Brunton, Peter (discontinued)
Brusco, Sarah
Brush Arbor
Brushwood Laurel (discontinued)
Brussel Spaceship (now known as Brussel)
Brutal Fight
Bruthaz Grimm
Bryan, Kelle
Bryan, Rebecca
Bryant's Jubilee Quartet (discontinued)
Bryant, Anita
Bryant, Ann
Bryant, Cynthia
Bryant, Dave
Bryant, Donald
Bryant, Jon
Bryant, Jules
Bryant, Larry
Bryant, Phillip
Bryant, Rodnie
Bryant, Sammie (discontinued)
Bryant, Terl
Bryars, Gavin
Bryce Band, The Celia
Bryson, Peabo
Bryson, Peabo
Bryson, Sharon
Brythoniaid Male Voice Choir, The
Bubblebaby Experience, The
Buchan, Mary
Buchanan, Billy
Buchanan, Colin
Buchanan, Greg
Buchanan, Ray
Buchholz, Aaron
Buck Enterprises
Buckfield, Clare (discontinued)
Buckingham, Robin
Buckley Miller Band, The
Buckley, Lex
Buckley, Lois (discontinued)
Buckley, Timothy (discontinued)
Buckner, Joel
Bucknor, Jerome
Bucks, Aaron
Buckton, Andrew
Budd, Jeremy
Budjenska, Ken (discontinued)
Buhlmann, Roland
Building 429
Built By Titan
Buitrago, Charlee
Bulger, Brian
Bull City Red (discontinued)
Bullard, Alan
Bullard, Jim
Bullard, Ria
Bullen, Adesuwa
Buller, Jon
Bullock Brothers
Bullock, Amber
Bullock, Estee
Bullock, Geoff
Bullock, Verne
Bumblepuppy (now known as Swift, The)
Bumps Inf
Bunce, Josh
Bunce, Lucy
Burch, Brenda
Burch, Elder J E (discontinued)
Burchfield, Jonathan
Burger, Anthony (discontinued)
Burgess, Dan
Burgess, Helen
Burgundy, Eshon
Burial, The
Burke, Devon
Burke, Jerry
Burke, Peter
Burke, Solomon
Burks, Deborah
Burks, Mosie
Burkum, Tyler
Burland, John
Burlap To Cashmere
Burn Band, The
Burn The Boats
Burn, Mike
Burnett, Daniel
Burnett, Ethan, & The Voices Of Judah
Burnett, J Henry (now known as Burnett, T-Bone)
Burnett, Rev J C (discontinued)
Burnett, T-Bone
Burnhope, Steve
Burning Bush
Burning Yesterday
Burns Sisters, The
Burns, Bill
Burns, Chris
Burns, Colin
Burns, Johnny
Burns, Kenneth
Burnt Oak (discontinued)
Burnt Oak Christian Fellowship
Burr, Dan
Burrell, Kim
Burrell, Maxine
Burrington Thomas, Wendy
Burris, Mike
Burrows, Stuart
Burrus, Terry
Bursey, Dan
Burton, Anthony
Burton, Cathy
Burton, Cheryl
Burton, Colin
Burton, Eddie (discontinued)
Burton, Harlan
Burton, Wendell
Burwood House Senior School Choir
Busbee, Ruth
Busby, Brenda
Bush, Tony
Bushwick Bill
Busnois, Antoine (discontinued)
Buster Cole Choir
Butcher, Ray
Butler, Anthony (discontinued)
Butler, Carl, And Pearl
Butler, Charles, & Trinity
Butler, Curtis
Butler, Dave
Butler, Garry
Butler, Hazel
Butler, Heather
Butler, John
Butler, Jonathan
Butler, Lorna
Butler, Myron
Butler, Rev Samuel
Butler, Steve
Butler, Terry
Butlerairs (discontinued)
Butt, Richard James
Butterfield, Carole
Butterfly Kids
Button, Rachel
Buxtehude, Dietrich
By Appointment
By Grace
By Grace
By The Tree
By The Way (discontinued)
Byard, Russell, And Colin Tilsey
Bye, Peter
Byers, Archie
Byford, Ken
Bynoe, Kyle
Bynoe, Kyle, And Praise
Bynoe, Tiffany
Bynum, Barry
Bynum, Earl, And The Mount Unity Choir
Bynum, Juanita
Bynum, Tom
Byram, Amick
Byram, Danny
Byram-Wigfield, Timothy
Byrd Family, The
Byrd, Betty
Byrd, Bobby (discontinued)
Byrd, Chris
Byrd, E T
Byrd, Minister William C
Byrd, William
Byrne, Inigo
Byron Keith (now known as Rice, Byron)
Byron, Clark
Byron, Jon

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